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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 2 0 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 2 0 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 1 1 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 1 1 Browse Search
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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 14: Charleston. (search)
rnt to the ground, that her wharves and docks should have been destroyed, that her channels should have been choked up, and that her people should have been scattered over the earth. In treating with a man who represents so much power and passion, the Conservatives see the need for prudent act and reconciling speech. Like other strangers, Chamberlain is open to the softer influences of society. He likes to sit at good men's feasts and bask in the smiles of well-born women. A podesta in Verona or Ferrari, seldom, if ever, stood beyond the reach of social courtesies; and the podesta of South Carolina shows a disposition to respond, so far as he can meet these White advances without fear of estranging his coloured friends. Things are now going well with you? we ask a staunch Conservative. So, so. We wait and bear, for time is working on our side. Chamberlain, though a stranger, like Kellogg in Louisiana, is something of a gentleman. Though we dislike his origin, as well
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, chapter 11 (search)
ry walking about in coats and gowns. This event did not happen to me for the first time until I was forty-eight years old, and had been immersed at home in an atmosphere of tolerably cultivated men and women; but the charm of the new experience was none the less great, and I inspected my little parcel of introductory letters as if each were a key to unlock a world unknown. Looking back, I cannot regret that I did not have this experience earlier in life. Valentine, in the Two gentlemen of Verona, says that homekeeping youth have ever homely wits; yet it is something to have wits at all, and perhaps there is more chance of this if one is not transplanted too soon. Our young people are now apt to be sent too early to Europe, and therefore do not approach it with their own individualities sufficiently matured; but in those days foreign travel was much more of an enterprise than now, and no one could accuse me, on my arrival, of being unreasonably young. I visited London in 1872, a
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
, 53 58 Tourgueneff (or Turgenev), I. S., 313, 314. Town and Country Club, the, 172. Transcendentalism, 69. Transcendentalists, the, 114. Trenck, Baron, 23. Trollope, Anthony, 287. Trowbridge, C. T., 262. Tubman, Harriet, 328. Tuckerman, Edward, 104. Tuckerman family, the, 75. Tukey, Marshal, 161. Turpin, Richard, 161. Tyndall, John, 272, 289. Underwood, F. H., 176, 178, 182. Ursuline Convent, Burning of the, 34. Usher, R. G., 158. Valentine, in Two gentlemen of Verona, quoted, 271. Vanderbilt, Commodore, 175. Van der Velde, Willem, 79. Van Tromp, Admiral, 103. Venable, Mr., 280. Very, Jones, 54. Village Blacksmith, the, 12. Virgil, 337. Vigilance Committee, the, 139, 145. Voltaire, F. M. A. de, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 317, 321. Walker, Captain, 206. Walker, F. A., 26. Walker, James, 56, 110. Walpole, Horace, 280. Ward, G. C., 176. Ward, S. G., 176, 246. Ware, George, 25. Ware, Henry, 138. Ware, Thornton, 29. Ware family
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 2: the Worcester period (search)
de and pull a Pope — or somebody-and ask, Why not? Rome will be fresher for her having lived in it In September of the same year Higginson reports, in a letter to a friend, that his sister-in-law, Barbara, has returned from Italy with an atmosphere of art and wonder about her; and Brownings and Kembles are familiar as household words in her speech ; and he adds: She looks so natural and at home, that it needs all the foreign labels on her trunk to convince us that she has been at Verona and Pisa. She brought home a few notes from her, i.e., E. B. B. . .Almost all of them related to her child and this gives a charm to them. ... The little Browning boy is beautiful, with a broad brow and blue eyes wide apart, fair curling hair and great dignity as well as gaiety; five years old and a great love of drawing already shown. These traits are not just like those of her noble Philip, my King which most have supposed to be addressed to her own child — have you seen it?. . . Barba
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
117, 1; 135-A; 149, G11 Varnell's Station, Ga. 24, 3; 55, 6; 57, 1, 57, 2; 88, 2; 97, 1; 135-A; 149, D11 Vaughan Road, Va. 40, 1; 66, 9; 74, 2; 77, 2; 93, 1; 94, 8, 94, 9 Velasco, Tex. 43, 8; 54, 1; 135-A; 157, G7; 171 Venus Point, Ga. 5, 4; 133, 3 Vera Cruz, Mo. 153, C2 Camp Verde, Tex. 54, 1; 171 Verdon Station, Va. 81, 7; 91, 2; 92, 1 Vermillionville, La. 135-A; 156, C4; 171 Vermont (State) 162-171 Vernon River, Ga. 70, 2 Verona, Miss. 76, 1; 135-A; 149, F1; 154, E13 Verret Lake, La. 156, E6 Versailles, Mo. 135-A; 152, E3; 171 Versailles, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 31, 2; 118, 1; 149, A7 Via's House, Va. 19, 1; 21, 4; 55, 5; 77, 1; 92, 1; 96, 6; 100, 2 Vicksburg, Miss. 27, 2; 35, 4; 36, 12; 37, 1, 37, 4; 51, 1; 71, 15; 117, 1; 135-A; 155, C7; 171 Operations against: Dec. 20, 1862-Jan. 3, 1863 27, 2 Jan. 20-July 4, 1863— Big Black River Bridge, May 17, 1863 37, 6, 37, 7; 135-C, 3
ral gunboats, October 30, 1864. (875) Specially commended in same letter for conduct opposite Johnsonville, November 4, 1864. No. 78—(677, 678) tune 30, 1864, effective total present, 4511 (703) Two companies in Page's brigade at Bay forts, July 10th. (752) August 3, 1864, in Patton's brigade; two companies in Page's brigade. (814) September 3, 1864, Thomas' brigade, district of the Gulf, Gen. Franklin Gardner's forces. (874) Ordered, September 25th, to report to General Chalmers at Verona, Miss. (877) Colonel Hodgson ordered, September 26th, to stop his regiment at Egypt, and move it across to Panola. (879) September 27th, ordered to send four companies, under a field officer, to Corinth; bring rest to Panola. (885) Captain Ledyard, commanding, reports eight companies at Meridian, Miss., September 29th. (887) September 30th, Thomas' brigade, department of the Gulf, en route for Grenada, Miss. No. 93—(760) Return of casualties for November, 1864, 2 killed, 28 wounded.
ers at Meridian. President Davis immediately telegraphed him that General Forrest believed that if he could take 4,000 men and six pieces of artillery into middle and west Tennessee he could do some good and recruit his command, which Mr. Davis advised, and Taylor immediately ordered the movement. Forrest then telegraphed Chalmers. Move your troops from West Point to Aberdeen. Cheer up and be prepared for a movement in the direction of Memphis. The movement made by Forrest began from Verona, September 16th, and was directed against Sherman's communications in middle Tennessee and north Alabama and in co-operation with the flank operations of General Hood after the fall of Atlanta. In this expedition Forrest took Buford's division and Kelly's brigade, leaving Chalmers and his Mississippians on guard in the State. It was one of Forrest's most brilliant raids, but an account of it belongs more properly to another branch of this work. It is sufficient to say here that, returning
Events of 1865 Forrest in command Deplorable suffering of the people cavalry organizations battle of Selma General Taylor at Meridian Mississippians in Virginia and the Carolinas capitulation of General Taylor Summary of Mississippi's Contribution of soldiers Inauguration of Governor Humphreys. On January 24, 1865, Nathan B. Forrest, with promotion to lieutenant-general, assumed command of the district of Mississippi, East Louisiana and West Tennessee. From his headquarters at Verona he issued a circular giving notice of his authority and insisting upon strict discipline, the protection of the rights of citizens and the suppression, even to extermination, of the prowling bands of irregular cavalry which infested the State. General Chalmers, stationed at West Point, was directed to get up all the Mississippi regiments as rapidly as possible for reorganization, and Colonel Lowry, commanding Gholson's brigade, and Colonel Henderson, commanding detachments of McCulloch's,
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 1. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Narrative and legendary poems (search)
Know'st thou,’ he said, ‘thy gift of old?’ And in the hand he lifted up The Pontiff marvelled to behold Once more his mother's silver cup. “Thy prayers and alms have risen, and bloom Sweetly among the flowers of heaven. I am The Wonderful, through whom Whate'er thou askest shall be given.” He spake and vanished. Gregory fell With his twelve guests in mute accord Prone on their faces, knowing well Their eyes of flesh had seen the Lord, The old-time legend is not vain; Nor vain thy art, Verona's Paul, Telling it o'er and o'er again On gray Vicenza's frescoed wall. Still wheresoever pity shares Its bread with sorrow, want, and sin, And love the beggar's feast prepares, The uninvited Guest comes in. Unheard, because our ears are dull, Unseen, because our eyes are dim, He walks our earth, The Wonderful, And all good deeds are done to Him. 1883. Birchbrook mill. A noteless stream, the Birchbrook runs Beneath its leaning trees; That low, soft ripple is its own, That dull
European News --An American Infernal Machine, &c.--The Paris correspondent of the London Herald thus refers to a terrific American machine now exhibited at Verona for the benefit of the Austrians: "I have already mentioned in former letters the extensive miltary preparations which are being made by the Austrians at Verona. The most formidable affair, however, is a kind of electric infernal machine, which has been experimented on, and which, when thrown by a gun to the distance of two mileVerona. The most formidable affair, however, is a kind of electric infernal machine, which has been experimented on, and which, when thrown by a gun to the distance of two miles, bursts and spreads destruction to everything in its way. The explosion will even take place in the water, so that if any vessels should approach the Austrian ports on hostile act intent, they had better look sharp. The inventor of this formidable machine, an American, has been it is said, invited to Vienna, to have an interview with the Emperor." The writer has the impudence to advise that "Brother Jonathan had better go home with his invention, where such a machine may perhaps be useful."