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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
im. General Rousseau was there, and made the assailants cautious. After sharp skirmishing the greater part of a day, Sept. 29. Forrest withdrew, and marched eastward, toward the Chattanooga railway, with his whole force. He struck it between Tullahoma and Decherd, but had scarcely begun its destruction, when he was confronted by Rousseau, who had hastened by railway, around by .Nashville, and reached Tullahoma, while General Steedman, who had crossed the Tennessee from Northern Georgia, was Tullahoma, while General Steedman, who had crossed the Tennessee from Northern Georgia, was coming up rapidly from the southwest with five thousand troops. At the same time, General Morgan's division of the Fourteenth, Corps was hastening into Tennessee for the same purpose. These combined forces drove Forrest from the railway before he had damaged it much, when he retraced his steps to Fayetteville, the termination of a railroad from Decherd. There he divided his forces, giving Buford, his second in command, four thousand of them, and reserving three thousand for himself. Buford
in Georgia, 1.177; violent speech of in the Senate, 1.223; the humbug of the Confederacy (note), 2.471. Torpedo, described (note), 1.528. Torpedoes (note), 2.61; (note), 2.202; (note), 2.237; 3.194. Travelers' Repose, tavern, battle near, 2.100. Tredegar Iron Works, heavy ordnance made at, 2.35. Trent, steamer, Mason and Slidell taken from by Captain Wilkes, 2.154; details in relation to the affair of the, 2.155-2.166. Troops, President Lincoln's first call for, 1.386. Tullahoma, flight of Bragg from, 3.123. Tupelo, Beauregard at, 2.294; Forest driven out of by Gen. A. J. Smith, 3.248. Twiggs, Gen., treasonable action of, 1.189; treasonable conduct of, 1.266; his surrender of forts, troops and stores in Texas, 1.267; general order issued by, 1.268; ignominious flight of from New Orleans, 2.341. Tylee, Col. E. B., surprised at Cross Lanes, 2.93. Tyler, John, chosen President of the Washington Peace Congress, 1.237; insincerity of, 1.244. U. Union
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), March 25-28, 1862.-reconnaissance from Murfreesborough to Shelbyville, Tullahoma, Manchester, and McInnville, Tenn. (search)
issance from Murfreesborough to Shelbyville, Tullahoma, Manchester, and McInnville, Tenn. Reportt Shelbyville at 11 o'clock [and marched] to Tullahoma, being 18 miles, over the-most abominable ro object of our pursuit (the horses came into Tullahoma covered with foam) and the full expectation of an hour too late. We took possession of Tullahoma, giving the citizens the usual assurance of lp pay our forage bills. When we reached Tullahoma no corn or forage could be had, but our boyshe parties receipts for all we consumed. At Tullahoma a force under the command of Lieut. Col. H. Robie had gone to Winchester, he returned to Tullahoma, but the party reported to have gone to Wincenant-Colonel Burdsal returned that night to Tullahoma, which was a departure from my order, but exowder-mili burned, he continued his march to Tullahoma, reaching there at 5 p. m. on the 27th. Whiot with them. We chased one ranger going to Tullahoma on horseback with shot-gun, and took him pri[3 more...]
4th instant, and especially that this shall be done as far in the direction of Nashville as possible. It is by effectually obstructing the railroad northwest of Tullahoma that the advance of the enemy toward Stevenson and Sparta will be impeded. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. L. Clay, Assistant Adjutant-General m near Shelbyville; reliable men told me that the enemy were from 10,000 to 15,000 strong there, and that there is a force of from 8,000 to 10,000 on the road to Tullahoma. I passed 224 cavalry and one cannon 2 miles north of Tullahoma. You will see their plans from the following instructions, which were given the enemy by a TorTullahoma. You will see their plans from the following instructions, which were given the enemy by a Tory citizen near Sweeden's Cove, [and which] were found near Decherd, where they camped last night. Strike by way of Decherd, from there Sweeden's Cove. A valley three-quarters mile wide, 6 miles long, empties into Battle Creek, 20 miles from Decherd. No troops. Rankin's company, 80 men, two cavalry companies on the Tennessee R
captured his imprisonment and escape Rosecrans advances from Murfreesboro by Shelbyville and Tullahoma, to the Tennessee at Bridgeport Bragg flanked out of Chattanooga Rosecrans eagerly pursues and supplies, for a determined advance against Bragg's army confronting him at Shelbyville or Tullahoma, the noted and generally successful raider Morgan was preparing, on our right, for a more extes through gorges so narrow that two wagons could scarcely pass, was another intrenched camp at Tullahoma: Hardee's corps, 12,000 strong, at Wartrace, on the right of Shelbyville, covering the railroak the enemy's right, concentrating on Manchester, and thence menacing his communications below Tullahoma in such manner as to compel him to come out of his strongholds and fight a battle on ground whtle, and thoroughly alarmed the enemy; so that, on a renewal of Rosecrans's maneuvers to flank Tullahoma as he had flanked Shelbyville, Bragg decamped, Night of June 30. and three divisions of our
skirmishing heavily all day Sept. 27. at Pulaski; but Gen. Roussean was here, and had hastily collected such a force that an assault would have been madness; so Forrest drew off eastward and struck the Chattanooga railroad Sept. 29. near Tullahoma and Decherd, doing it some damage; but Rousseau had moved rapidly around by rail through Nashville, and again confronted him at Tullahoma; while Gen. Steedman, leading 5,000 men, crossed the Tennessee from northern Georgia, and advanced upon hiTullahoma; while Gen. Steedman, leading 5,000 men, crossed the Tennessee from northern Georgia, and advanced upon him from the south-west; Morgan's division of the 14th corps moving simultaneously from Atlanta to cooperate in enveloping and crushing him. All in vain. Forrest turned on his track, and pushed south-east to Fayetteville; there dividing his forces and sending Buford, with 4,000 men, to summon Huntsville, Oct. 5. and then Athens, Ala.; while he, with 3,000, swept north-west to Columbia; threatening that place, but not assaulting it; for by this time Rousseau, with 4,000 mounted men, was com
n for the capture of Goldsboro, 80; 81; returns to Newbern, 81; repels D. H. Hill at Washington, N. C., 483; makes a demonstration in behalf of Sherman, 696; relieved in consequence of his wound, 696. Foster, Col., defeats Sam. Jones at Blue Springs, Tenn., 470. Franklin, Gen. Wm. B., at West Point, Va., 126; his corps in reserve at Gaines's Mill, 156; repulses the enemy's attack at Golding's farm, 160; commands a corps at Malvern Hill, 165; ordered to reenforce Pope, 179; commands a corg around, 208. Shaw, Col. Robert G., 54th Mass., killed at Fort Wagner. 477. Shelby, Gen., raids into Missouri, 453; is worsted by Carr near St. Charles, 554; captures most of the 54th Illinois, 555; pursues Ewing, 558. Shelbyville (or Tullahoma), position of Bragg's army, 404; Rosecrans advances to, 410. Shenandoah, Valley of the, scene of operations, 176; Sigel's movements in the, 179; enemy moving up the Valley of the, 180; Sheridan devastates, 611. Shepherd, Col., badly cut u
e having been made chief of staff of the Army of the Ohio, General Robert B. Potter succeeded to the command of the corps, with Generals Hartranft and Ferrero in command of the two divisions. Ferrero's Division had a sharp little fight at Blue Springs, Tenn., October 10, 1863, and the whole corps was engaged, November 16th, at Campbell's Station. This was followed by the occupation of Knoxville and the gallant defence against Longstreet's forces, terminating, December 5th, in the defeat and wn. Franklin, Tenn. Triune, Tenn. Shelbyville, Tenn. Jackson, Tenn. Sparta, Tenn. Canton, Miss. Grenada, Miss. Grierson's Raid Graysville, Ga. Chickamauga, Ga. Carter's Station, Tenn. Murfreesboro Road, Tenn. Farmington, Tenn. Blue Springs, Tenn. Byhalia, Miss. Wyatt's Ford, Miss. Maysville, Ala. Blountsville, Tenn. Sweetwater, Tenn. Moscow, Tenn. Cleveland, Tenn. Ripley, Miss. Salisbury, Tenn. Bean's Station, Tenn. Morristown, Tenn. Mossy Creek, Tenn. Dandridge, Tenn.
0 Antietam, Md. 8 Lewinsville, Va. 1 Blue Springs, Tenn. 2 James Island, S. C. 36 Fort Sander Miss. 4 Siege of Petersburg, Va. 20 Blue Springs, Tenn. 4 Picket, Petersburg, July, 1864 5 Co, at New Berne, N. C.; Chantilly, Va.; Blue Springs, Tenn.; Mine Explosion, Va.; Weldon Railroad, Miss. 1 Siege of Petersburg, Va. 12 Blue Springs, Tenn. 1 Weldon Railroad, Va. 9 Campbell's Miss. 1 Poplar Spring Church, Va. 5 Blue Springs, Tenn. 1 Boydton Road, Va. 1 Campbell's StaMay 16, 1863 1 Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. 5 Tullahoma, Tenn. 1 Atlanta, Ga. 6 Hoover's Gap, Tenn. 1rd; First Bull Run; Siege of Vicksburg; Blue Springs, Tenn.; Lenoir, Tenn.; Totopotomoy; Cold Harbom, Md. 5 Petersburg Trenches, Va. 15 Blue Springs, Tenn. 1 Weldon Railroad, Va. 8 Campbell's Raid, Ky. 7 Bethesda Church, Va. 11 Blue Springs, Tenn. 1 Cold Harbor, Va. 1 Campbell's Stat Jackson, Miss. 3 Cold Harbor, Va. 6 Blue Springs, Tenn. 1 Petersburg, Va. (assault, 1864) 38 [1 more...]
0 45 212 35th Ohio Brannan's Fourteenth 21 139 27 187 10th Indiana Brannan's Fourteenth 24 136 6 166 10th Kentucky Brannan's Fourteenth 21 134 11 166 1st Wisconsin Baird's Fourteenth 26 121 41 188 74th Indiana Brannan's Fourteenth 22 125 10 157 35th Illinois Davis's Twentieth McCook's Corps. 17 130 13 160 2d Minnesota Brannan's Fourteenth 34 107 51 192 Morganzia, La.             Sept. 29, 1863.             19th Iowa Herron's Thirteenth 10 23 210 243 Blue Springs, Tenn.             Oct. 10, 1863.             45th Pennsylvania Ferrero's Ninth 4 17 -- 21 Including losses at Auburn, Va.Bristoe Station, Va.             Oct. 14, 1863.             126th New York Alex. Hays's Second 6 33 10 49 125th New York Alex. Hays's Second 3 25 8 36 82d New York Webb's Second 7 19 -- 26 64th New York Caldwell's Second 6 11 25 42 14th Connecticut Alex. Hays's Second 4 18 4 26 Wauhatchie, Tenn.          
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