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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 568 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 440 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 166 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 114 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 72 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 62 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 54 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 48 0 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 38 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 36 0 Browse Search
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Preface. the papers which I obtained from the French archives when Mr. Mignet had them in charge, have been of the greatest benefit in preparing this volume. Important aid has been derived from the exceedingly copious and as yet unedited cabinet correspondence of Frederic the Second of Prussia with his foreign ministers in England, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Russia. In choosing from this vast mass of materials, I received the most friendly assistance from the superintendent, Mr. Dunker, and from Mr. Friedlander. Extracts from these letters, which are all written in the French language, will be published in Paris. I sought for some expression, on the part of Frederic, of a personal interest in Washington; but I found none. The Chevalier von Arneth, so honorably known as historian, editor, and critic of integrity and acuteness, had the exceeding goodness to direct for me an examination of the archives at Vienna; very many reports from the Austrian ambassadors in Lon
fied by the church; so that any new acquisition could easily be regarded but as a recovery of a rightful part of its dominions. For the same reason it asserted precedence over every royal house, and would not own an equal, even in the empress of Russia. Since Austria, deserting its old connection with England, had bound itself with France, and the two powers had faithfully fought together in the seven years war, it would have seemed at least that the imperial court was bound to favor its Bouovinces at the mercy of their neighbors, and there were statesmen in Eng- Chap. I.} 1778. land who wished for peace, in order that their country might speak with authority on the Bosphorus and within the Euxine. Of the three northern powers, Russia was for the United States the most important; for Great Britain with ceaseless importunity sought its alliance: but its empress put aside every request to take an active part in the American contest, and repeatedly advised the restoration of peac
t, and perfect discipline in the army, bequeathed to his successor the most efficient state in Germany. That successor was Frederic the Second, a prince trained alike in the arts of war and administration, in philosophy and letters. It should be incredible, Chap. II.} and yet it is true, that, at the moment of the alliance of the Catholic powers against Protestantism, England, under the second George and a frivolous minister, was attempting by largesses of subsidies to set the force of Russia against the most considerable Protestant power in Germany. In the attempt England shot so wildly from its sphere that Newcastle was forced to bend to William Pitt; and then England and Prussia, and the embryon United States,—Pitt, Frederic, and Washington,—worked together for human freedom. The seven years war extended the English colonies to the Mississippi and gave Canada to England. We conquered America in Germany, said the elder Pitt, ascribing to Frederic a share in the extension of
shipwreck. No one of the powers of Europe was heartily his ally. Russia will soon leave him for Austria. His great deeds become to him so rs for several years, relating to England, France, the Netherlands, Russia, and other powers, I have found no letter or part of a letter in whwards England, he proceeded to gain the aid of France as well as of Russia against the annexation of Bavaria to the Austrian dominions; and ipressed upon the French council an alliance of France, Prussia, and Russia. Italy and Bavaria, he said, would follow, and no alliance would befrom absorption by Austria, except in the good — will of France and Russia. While Frederic was encouraging France to strike a decisive blow with England, might be free from apprehension alike on the side of Russia and of Prussia. So when the news of the surrender of Burgoyne's ewing assurances of his own good — will and the non-interference of Russia, replied, that the chances were one hundred to one in favor of grea
me forth to save their country? Let this voice, my dear sir, call upon you, Jefferson, and others. Do not, from a mistaken opinion, let our hitherto noble struggle end in ignominy. Believe me, when I tell you, there is danger of it. I shall be much mistaken if administration do not now, from the present state of our currency, dissensions, and other circumstances, push matters to the utmost extremity. Nothing will prevent it but the interposition of Spain, and their disappointed hope from Russia. Washington to George Mason, Middlebrook, 27 March, 1779. Copied by me from Ms. draft in Washington's handwriting: printed from the papers of George Mason, in the Virginia Historical Register, v. 96. Marshall's Life of Washington, i. 291. On the eighteenth of May he wrote to another May 18. friend: I never was, and much less reason have I now to be, afraid of the enemy's arms; but I have no scruples in declaring to you, that I have never yet Chap. IX.} 1779. seen the time in which o
uence at Petersburg, sought rather to propitiate Frederic, as the best means of gaining favor in Russia; and authorized its minister at Berlin to propose an alliance. But Frederic saw that the influeate and secret, of same date. Nevertheless the British cabinet persisted in seeking aid from Russia and the friendship of the king of Prussia. Suffolk to Elliot, 7 April, 1778. But from Petersce as well as the laws of the empire on his side, and his right by treaty to call upon his ally, Russia, for aid, enabled him under the mediation of France and Russia to bring his war with Austria to Russia to bring his war with Austria to an end, almost before France and Spain had come to an understanding. Joseph of Austria, like Frederic, had liberal aspirations, but with unequal results. The one was sovereign over men substantialoincidence of the interests of the two new powers. With the restoration of peace, Austria and Russia contested the honor of becoming mediators between the Bourbons and England. Their interference
tiated in 1766 by the Rockingham ministry with Russia, whose interests as the chief producer of hempcted with the United States, England looked to Russia for aid, the United States to the Dutch republre of the disinclination Chap. XII.} 1778. of Russia and of Frederic, was so anxious to counterbalaed overture of Harris, he frankly replied that Russia never would stipulate advantages to Great Brit the end of the year to the French minister in Russia, will give a great proof of her dignity and es to prepare a representation. Thus far had Russia moved for the protection of neutral commerce b stage Frederic, who, through the mediation of Russia and France, was just emerging from his Austrian war, intervened. Russia had acted precipitately without intending to offend France and without prmy opinion everything depends on procuring for Russia without the least loss of time the satisfactioning, and the absolute necessity of satisfying Russia without the slightest delay on an article wher[6 more...]
in-chief, the one man on whom rested the hopes of the ministry for the successful termination of the war. His friends disparaged the ability of Sir Henry Clinton, accused him of hating his younger and more enterprising compeer, and censured him for leaving at the south forces disproportioned to the service for which they were required. We are come to the series of events which closed the American contest and restored peace to the world. In Europe the sovereigns of Prussia, of Austria, of Russia, were offering their mediation; the united Netherlands were struggling to preserve their neutrality; France was straining every nerve to cope with her rival in the four quarters of the globe; Spain was exhausting her resources for the conquest Chap. XVI.} 1780. of Gibraltar; but the incidents which overthrew the ministry of North, and reconciled Great Britain to America, had their springs in South Carolina. Cornwallis, elated with success and hope, prepared for the northward march which
d, proclaimed the principles of the empress of Russia, and afterwards included them in their treatierevent the association of the Netherlands with Russia at all hazards. Welderen to Fagel, 2 May, 1accept or dismiss the new-fangled doctrines of Russia. I was instructed secretly to oppose, but avoday confirmed the declaration by a treaty with Russia. On the twenty-first of July, Gustavus set foenmark and Russia, and Denmark to that between Russia and Sweden. The three powers agreed to supporn, confirmed in June, 1783, by its treaty with Russia. 1783. Every considerable power on the contd the rules of navigation which the empress of Russia had promulgated; yet Great Britain, which had ission to Great Britain or an association with Russia. The draft of the convention which the empreswho were all the time seeking an alliance with Russia, disliked the appearance of going to war with who are for concluding a neutral alliance with Russia, nor blame a vote of convoy from which masts a[11 more...]
ready to recount what the state had done than what it meant to do; so that the army was not wholly free from the danger of being disbanded for want of subsistence. Of the armed vessels of the United States, all but two frigates had been taken or destroyed. Chap. XXV.} 1781. May. Tired of the war and conscious of weakness, congress, yielding to the influence of the French Minister, made for its sole condition of peace the independence of the United States. The mediation of the empress of Russia and the emperor of Germany was accepted. The American commissioners were not restrained by absolute instructions with respect to boundaries, fisheries, the navigation of the Mississippi, or the country west of the Ohio; and they were charged to undertake nothing in their negotiations for peace or truce without the knowledge and concurrence of the ministers of the king of France, and ultimately to govern themselves by their advice and opinion. That New Hampshire abandoned the claim to the f
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