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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A discourse of the West Indies and South sea written by Lopez Vaz a Portugal , borne in the citie of Elvas , continued unto the yere 1587. Wherein among divers rare things not hitherto delivered by any other writer, certaine voyages of our Englishmen are truely reported: which was intercepted with the author thereof at the river of Plate, by Captaine Withrington and Captaine Christopher Lister, in the fleete set foorth by the right Honorable the Erle of Cumberland for the South sea in the yeere 1586. (search)
ressed so dry, that there remaineth no moisture in it, they mingle and temper the same with water and so make cakes therof, which are very savory & good to eat, & this is all the bread which they have in those Ilands. There go from hence yerely into Spaine 7 or 8 ships at the least full fraighted with sugar & hides. Neere unto Hispaniola lyeth another greater Iland called Cuba , it is like unto Hispaniola, although there is not so much sugar. The principall towne of this Ilande is called Havana , which hath an excellent harborough belonging thereunto. The townesmen are very rich by reason of the fleetes that come from Nueva Espanna, and Tierra firma which touch there; for the safeguarde of which fleetes and of the towne it selfe there is a castle built neere the said harborough kept with Spanish souldiers; neither is there any castle or souldiers in all the Ilands but onely here. There is also another Iland inhabited with Spaniards called Boriquen or Sant Juan de Puerto rico. It is
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The capture of Mason and Slidell. (search)
Mason and Slidell had passed out of Charleston in the blockade-runner Theodora, and had reached Havana. This was on the 23d of October, and orders were at once given to coal ship. The order was exe, and on the 23th of the same month the San Jacinto was again in blue water shaping a course for Havana. I am afraid that the honor of suggesting the capture of Mason and Slidell must be awarded to oout. Early on the morning of the 8th the ship was cleared for action. If the Trent had left Havana on the 17th, she was due at the point where we were waiting on the 8th. The distance was but twder our guns. On boarding her, you will demand the papers of the steamer, her clearance from Havana, with the list of passengers and crew. Should Mr. Mason, Mr. Slidell, Mr. Eustis, and Mr. Mc person of Miss Slidell who, filling the doorway, said: Mr. Fairfax, I met you as a gentleman in Havana on Thursday. You outrage our hospitality by this proceeding, and I swear to heaven you shall no
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, March, 1863. (search)
March, 1863. 2d march, 1863. I left England in the royal mail steamer Atrato, and arrived at St. Thomas on the 17th. 22d march, 1863.-anchored at Havana at 6.15 A. M. Where I fell in with my old friend, H. M.'s frigate Immortalite. Captain Hancock not only volunteered to take me as his guest to Matamoros, but also to take a Texan merchant, whose acquaintance I had made in the Atrato. This gentleman's name is McCarthy. He is of Irish birth — an excellent fellow, and a good compe me as his guest to Matamoros, but also to take a Texan merchant, whose acquaintance I had made in the Atrato. This gentleman's name is McCarthy. He is of Irish birth — an excellent fellow, and a good companion; and when he understood my wish to see the South, he had most goodnaturedly volunteered to pilot me over part of the Texan deserts. I owe much to Captain Hancock's kindness. 23d, 1863. Left Havana in H. M. S. Immortalite, at 11 A. M. Knocked off steam when outside the har
vised to spend it in the South. After a pleasant visit to our dear friends, Mr. Charles Howard's family, in Baltimore, whose four brave sons had fought on the Confederate side with courage worthy of their ancestors, we sailed for New Orleans via Havana. We reached Havana just before Christmas, and in time to see the flower-wreathed arches which had been erected in honor of the new Captain-General, who had been installed the day before. There we were warmly welcomed by Mrs. Sarah Brewer. SHavana just before Christmas, and in time to see the flower-wreathed arches which had been erected in honor of the new Captain-General, who had been installed the day before. There we were warmly welcomed by Mrs. Sarah Brewer. She was a Southern woman of a respectable family, who owned and had successfully kept a hotel there for years. Her liberality and kind offices to the Confederates had been the theme of many panegyrics by them, and we found her kindness had not been exaggerated. It seemed strange to give our luggage in charge of Don Juan, a quiet little old Cuban, very unlike Lord Byron's hero. The brightcolored houses which presented faqades of green, pink, and blue, before which Moro Castle stood guard and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The true story of the capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
ticipants in the events of the period, there can be no doubt as to General Sherman's inclinations in the matter, if Johnston [had] made a point of it; but General Johnston made no such point. He knew, no doubt, that any proposition to abandon the country would have been promptly rejected by President Davis, and no Confederate General would have made so offensive a suggestion to him. A week or two later, when it was proposed by one or more of his friends, that he should endeavor to reach Havana or some other West Indian port — not for the purpose of escape, but as the best and safest route to the Trans-Mississippi --he refused, on the ground that it would require him to leave the country, although it were only for a few days. Some allowance ought perhaps to be made for General Wilson's offences against truth in this particular, on the score of his inability to comprehend the high sense of official honor by which Mr. Davis was actuated. Men's ethical standards are very diverse.
an attack on Washington are subsiding, in consequence of the measures already taken. General Carrington, of that city, has issued a call for a military organization for its defence.--(Doc. 15.) In the State Convention of Florida, assembled at Tallahassee, resolutions were offered declaring the right of Florida to secede, and the duty of the State to prepare for secession, made special order for the 7th. A resolution was unanimously adopted in the Missouri Serate, instructing the Committee on Federal Relations to report a bill calling a State Convention.--Times. Steamship Star of the West, Captain McGowan, cleared at New York for Havana and New Orleans. Two hundred and fifty artillerists and marines, with stores and ammunition, were put on board in the lower bay by steamtug, and in the night the ship went to sea, supposed to be destined for Charleston. The South Carolina Convention adjourned this morning, subject to the call of the president.--Evening Post, Jan. 5.
t New York, that the privateer Sumter arrived at Cienfuegos, Cuba, on the 6th of July, carrying in as prizes the brigs Cuba, Machias, Naiad, Albert Adams, Ben Dunning, and the barks West Wind, and Louisa Kilham. She also fell in with the ship Golden Rocket off the Isle of Pines, which was set fire to and burned, after taking off the officers and crew. Captain Semmes, of the Sumter, sent an officer ashore with a letter to the Governor of the town, who telegraphed to the Captain-General at Havana for instructions. The steamer left the next day, having received a supply of coal and water. All the prizes were taken a short distance from the shore.--Philadelphia Press, July 15. The rebel forces under General Robert S. Garnett, formerly a Major in the United States Army, while retreating from Laurel Hill, Va., to St. George, were overtaken to-day by Gen. Morris, with the Fourteenth Ohio and the Seventh and Ninth Indiana Regiments. When within eight miles of St. George, at a place
of mounted rebels, who, regarding him as their prisoner already, took few precautions to secure him. Lieutenant Bailey shot the foremost with his pistol, and wheeling about, rejoined his men in a few minutes. The bullets of the enemy whistled by him harmless, as he rode away, save wounding a horse belonging to one of the privates.--Philadelphia Inquirer, September 5. The following is the text of a circular or proclamation of the Captain-General of Cuba relative to the rebel flag: Havana, August 31, 1861. To the Collectors of Ports in the Island: First--Vessels with the flag of the Confederation of the South will be admitted into the ports of this island for the purpose of legitimate trade, provided the documents which they present do not inspire the least suspicion of piracy, fraud, or other crimes, which are punished by all national laws. Second--Once in our ports, said vessels will be under the safeguard of the neutrality proclaimed by the Governor in the royal decr
nine of the National troops routed them, the rebels seeking refuge in the timber. The guard was then reinforced by thirty of the cavalry, when they completely drove the rebels from that section, killing eight and taking five prisoners. Four Federals were wounded and one killed. The steamer Theodora ran the blockade of Charleston, with Messrs. Mason and Slidell, and their secretaries, on board, destined for Cardenas, in Cuba, it being their intention to proceed to Europe by steamer from Havana.--N. Y. Evening Post, October 30. This night an attack was made on the United States fleet lying at anchor near the South-West Pass, by the rebel fleet, consisting of six gunboats, the battering ram Manassas, and a large number of fire-ships, which filled the river from shore to shore. The United States fleet consisted of the steamers Richmond, Huntsville, Water-Witch, sloops-of-war Preble and Vincennes, and storeship Nightingale. The fleet when attacked, were at anchor inside of the
.--N. Y. Herald, November 11. The New Orleans Crescent has the following: Unfortunately the resources of the Hessian Government of Lincoln have been underrated. It is now nearly six months since a vessel entered the port of New Orleans from a distant country. The same remarks will apply to Mobile and other ports on the gulf. Where a vessel with a cargo of merchandise has passed the Lincoln blockade, twenty passed the blockade in the war of 1812. Flour from Spain can be delivered via Havana, at our levee, at eight to ten dollars per barrel, such as we ourselves paid yesterday eighteen dollars for. Captain H. H. Miller, of the Twelfth Miss. regiment, informs the Lynchburg Virginian that on this day he, with twenty-two Virginians, attacked three hundred Union men in East Tennessee, at Taylor's Ford, on the Watauga River, killed nine, wounded seven, and withdrew without loss.--(Doc. 146.) Lots were drawn by the United State prisoners in Richmond, Va., which should stand
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