Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) or search for Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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ible. Several of the rebels were killed and wounded, a number of them being seen to fall. They were carried off by their friends. The Nationals had ten privates wounded; none killed. A guerrilla, who was captured, stated that General Wheeler, who was in command, was wounded.--Nashville Union, November 29. A Union cavalry force, two thousand five hundred strong, under the command of Brigadier-General C. C. Washburne, left Helena, Ark., this afternoon, on an expedition into the State of Mississippi--(Doc. 61.) Political prisoners were released from Fort Warren, Mass.--At Louisville, Ky., General Boyle issued the following order: All commanding officers serving in this district are ordered not to permit any negroes or slaves to enter the camps, and all officers and privates are forbidden to interfere or intermeddle with the slaves in any way. --The schooner Mary E. Mangum, while entering the port of Roseau, Dominica, was fired into by the rebel steamer Alabama, without damag
ngineer, William Dewey, were detained as prisoners, but the rest of the crew were given their liberty--New Orleans Delta, December 2. A skirmish occurred between a scouting-party from Captain Mear's Maryland Home Guard, stationed at Berlin, and a body of Bob White's rebel cavalry, in which the latter were put to flight with a loss of two men.-General Curtis, at St. Louis, Mo., reported to the War Department at Washington, that a cavalry expedition, under Major Torry, to the forks of the Mingo and St. Francis Rivers, had captured Colonel Phelan and ten men of the rebel army. The Savannah Republican says that the people of Charleston, S. C., have pulled up their lead pipes and contributed sixty thousand pounds to the government, and that the government will issue receipts for all lead pipes and other fixtures, and binds itself to replace them at the end of the war. --The column of the Union army under General Grant, passed through Holly springs, Miss., this morning--(Doc. 55.)
November 30. A skirmish took place near Abbeville. Miss., between a reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Colonel Lee, and a strong body of rebels, resulting in a retreat of the latter to their fortifications at Abbeville, with some loss. Not a man of the Union party was injured. An expedition to Yellville, Ark., by the First iowa, Tenth Illinois, and Second Wisconsin regiments, under command of Colonel Dudley Wickersham, returned to General Herron's camp, having been successful in destroying portions of the rebel saltpetre-works, arsenal, and store-houses, with about five hundred shot-guns and rifles.--General Curtis's Despatch. A rumor was prevalent in Washington, that a proposition for an armistice of thirty days was made by the rebel government, and that General Robert E. Lee was in that place negotiating the terms.--The Forty-seventh regiment of Massachusetts troops, under the command of Colonel Marsh, left Boston for the seat of war.--A expe
December 6. General A. P. Hovey, from the headquarters of his expedition, issued an order to the officers and soldiers under his command, thanking them for their cheerfulness and bravery during the expedition to Mississippi. In concluding, he said: Brigadier-General Washburne's energy and skill deserve particular mention. The rebel schooners Southern Merchant and Naniope, laden with sugar and molasses, were this day captured in Chicot Pass, on the Mississippi, by United States gunboat Diana, under the command of Acting Master Goodwin.--General Viele, Military Governor of Norfolk, Va., issued a proclamation and a writ of election for a member of Congress for the Norfolk district of Virginia.--Major-General Dix, commanding Department of Virginia, issued an address from his Headquarters at Fortress Monroe to the inhabitants of Norfolk, Princess Anne, Nansemond, and Isle of Wight Counties, informing them that smuggling goods across the line to the rebels was prohibited; that
December 26. Thirty-eight condemned Indians were hung at Mankato, Minnesota, for participating in the late massacre in that State.--Jefferson Davis delivered an extended address on the subject of the rebellion, before the Legislature of Mississippi, assembled at Jackson.--(Doc. 87.) Major Stevens, of the Fourteenth Kentucky cavalry, with one hundred and fifty men, who were ordered upon a scout to ascertain the whereabouts of a large band of guerrillas in the eastern part of Powell County, Kentucky, after travelling all night over obscure and dangerous bridle-paths, came upon the rebel camps this morning. The Nationals dashed upon them, capturing their leader, a noted guerrilla, and eleven of his band. The remainder, though outnumbering Major Stevens's force, were utterly routed, and escaped into the dense woods, brush, and mountain gorges. Twenty-five horses and a large amount of clothing, blankets, guns, pistols, etc., that were being transported to Humphrey Marshall's
January 17. Major-General Joseph E. Johnston, of the rebel army, issued a general order modifying a previous order issued from his Headquarters, in relation to unauthorized absentees belonging to the departments of Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, so as to grant them a full pardon provided they should return to their proper commands by the twelfth of February.--Jackson Mississippian. Des Arc, Ark., was taken possession of without opposition by Captain Walker of the gunboat De Kalb, and a regiment of infantry commanded by Colonel Spicely of the Twenty-fourth regiment of Indiana volunteers.--A skirmish took place at Pollocksville, N. C., resulting in the flight of the rebels and the occupation of the town by the National troops.--At Liverpool, England, an antislavery conference took place, at which Mr. Spence, a sympathizer with the rebel government, attempted to resuscitate the argument that slavery could be supported on Scriptural grounds, but he was refused
N. Maffit.--The army of the Potomac, under the command of General Burnside, broke camp and began to move down to the fords on the Rappahannock, for the purpose of crossing to the south bank of that river, and attacking the rebel army under General Lee.--(Doc. 110.) A debate took place in the rebel House of Representatives on President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, and the proposition of Jefferson Davis to execute Federal officers in retaliation. On this occasion Mr. Foote of Mississippi, said he preferred, in lieu of retaliatory measures, as suggested by the resolutions, that an attempt should be made to stop the shedding of blood by a movement to bring about peace. It would strengthen the friends of peace at the North, and perhaps have the effect of producing a state of things so much desired, notwithstanding the opposition of the abolition party. He signified his intention to offer a resolution hereafter — not for the purpose of yielding one inch of ground to the Nor
January 26. Major-General Joseph Hooker, having been appointed to succeed Major-General Burnside, assumed the command of the army of the Potomac, and issued general orders to that effect from his headquarters at Falmouth, Va.--Major-Generals W. B. Franklin and E. V. Sumner relinquished their commands in the army of the Potomac.--At Vicksburgh Miss., the gunboat Chillicothe was engaged in shelling the lower rebel batteries, without provoking a return fire. Early this morning a party of rebels in ambush, commanded by a lieutenant of the Second South-Carolina infantry, attacked a scouting-party of twenty-one men from Colonel De Cesnola's cavalry brigade near Morrisville, Va., killing a scout named Michael A. Fagan, company C, Fourth New York cavalry, and wounding another scout named Dixon, of the Ninth New York cavalry.--New York Times, February 1. The bark Golden Rule, Captain Whitebury, belonging to the Panama Railroad Company, was captured by the privateer Alabama, fi
April 1. Admiral Farragut with the National gunboats Hartford, Switzerland, and Albatross, engaged the rebel batteries at Grand Gulf. Miss., and succeeded in passing below them without material damage.--Secretary Gabandau's Report. The National Bank of Erie, Pa., was organized by M. Sanford and associates, to commence business on the first of May.--Captain Mosby, of the rebel cavalry, made a raid near Broad Run, Va. His force was encountered by a portion of the First Vermont cavalry, when a sharp fight ensued. The rebels took up a position behind a fence which the Union cavalry could not get over, and from which they were unable to dislodge the rebels. During the fight Captain Flint, of the First Vermont cavalry, and a lieutenant of the same regiment, were severely wounded.
ile endeavoring to evade the blockade, by the National steamer Susquehanna.--Com. Hitchcock's Despatch. A large detachment of the Ninety-ninth and One Hundred and Thirtieth New York regiments had a successful skirmish with the rebels at the South-Quay road, near Suffolk, Va., and succeeded in killing and wounding a considerable number of them. In the encounter the Nationals had two killed and three wounded. Colonel H. B. Grierson, in command of a strong force of Union cavalry, left La Grange, Tenn., on a raid through the State of Mississippi. (Doc. 170.) A skirmish took place at Bear Creek, Tenn., between a party of Nationals under the command of General Dodge, and the rebels, resulting in the retreat of the latter. Captain Cameron of the Ninth Illinois cavalry was killed.--A detachment of National troops under General Grover, encountered a large force of rebels at Bayou Vermilion, La., and opening upon them with artillery, drove them from their position.--(Doc. 171
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