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r, Cradock's people in all fitting manner, as he doth well deserve. Our Governor, Mr. Cradock, hath entertained (paid the expenses of) two gardeners, one of which he is content the company shall have use of, if need be. In a second letter, from the same source, directed to the same persons, under date of May 28, 1629, we find the following statements:-- The cattle now and formerly sent have been all provided by the Governor, Mr. Cradock, except the three mares that came out of Leicestershire. The provisions for building of ships, as pitch, tar, rosin, oakum, old ropes for oakum, cordage, and sail-cloth, in all these ships, with nine firkins and five half-barrels of nails in the Two sisters, are two-thirds for the company in general, and one-third for the Governor, Mr. Cradock, and his partners; as is also the charge of one George Farr, now sent over to the six shipwrights formerly sent. These extracts show the deep enthusiasm of Mr. Cradock in the New England enterpri
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fox, George 1624-1691 (search)
Fox, George 1624-1691 Founder of the Society of Friends, or Quakers; born in Drayton, Leicestershire, England, in July, 1624. His father, a Presbyterian, was too poor to give his son an education beyond reading and writing. The son, who George Fox. was grave and contemplative in temperament, was apprenticed to a shoemaker, and made the Scriptures his constant study. The doctrines he afterwards taught were gradually fashioned in his mind, and believing himself to be called to disseminate them, he abandoned his trade at the age of nineteen, and began his spiritual work, leading a wandering life for some years, living in the woods, and practising rigid self-denial. He first appeared as a preacher at Manchester, in 1648, and he was imprisoned as a disturber of the peace. Then he travelled over England, meeting the same fate everywhere, but gaining many followers. He warmly advocated all the Christian virtues, simplicity in worship, and in manner of living. Brought before a j
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Friends, Society of (search)
Friends, Society of Otherwise known as Quakers, claim as their founder George Fox (q. v.), an Englishman; born in Drayton, Leicestershire, in 1624. The first general meeting of Friends was held in 1668, and the second in 1672. Owing to the severe persecution which they suffered in England, a number of them came to America in 1656, and landed at Boston, whence they were later scattered by persecution. The first annual meeting in America is said to have been held in Rhode Island in 1661. It was separated from the London annual meeting in 1683. This meeting was held regularly at Newport till 1878, since when it has alternated between Newport and Portland, Quaker Exhorter in colonial New England. Me. Annual meetings were founded in Maryland in 1672, in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in 1681, in North Carolina in 1708, and in Ohio in 1812. The Friends have no creed, and no sacraments. They claim that a spiritual baptism and a spiritual communion without outward signs are all
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Government, instrument of. (search)
chester, 1; Weymouth and Melcomb-Regis, 1; Lyme-Regis, 1; Poole, 1; Durham, 2; City of Durham, 1; Essex, 13; Malden, 1; Colchester, 2; Gloucestershire, 5; Gloucester, 2; Tewkesbury, 1; Cirencester, 1; Herefordshire, 4; Hereford, 1; Leominster, 1; Hertfordshire, 5; St. Alban's, 1; Hertford, 1; Huntingdonshire, 3; Huntingdon, 1; Kent, 11; Canterbury, 2; Rochester, 1; Maidstone, 1 ; Dover, 1; Sandwich, 1; Queenborough, 1; Lancashire, 4; Preston, 1; Lancaster, 1; Liverpool, 1; Manchester, 1; Leicestershire, 4; Leicester, 2; Lincolnshire, 10; Lincoln, 2; Boston, 1; Grantham, 1; Stamford, 1; Great Grimsby, 1; Middlesex, 4; London, 6; Westminster, 2; Monmouthshire, 3; Norfolk, 10; Norwich, 2; Lynn-Regis, 2; Great Yarmouth, 2; Northamptonshire, 6; Peterborough, 1; Northampton, 1; Nottinghamshire, 4; Nottingham, 2; Northumberland, 3; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1; Berwick, 1; Oxfordshire, 5; Oxford City, 1; Oxford University, 1; Woodstock, 1; Rutlandshire, 2; Shropshire, 4; Shrewsbury, 2; Bridgnorth,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hoe, Richard March 1812-1833 (search)
Hoe, Richard March 1812-1833 Manufacturer; born in New York City, Sept. 12, 1812; son of Robert Hoe, an ingenious mechanic, born in Leicestershire, England, in 1784; and died in Westchester county, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1833. He was a builder and arrived in New York in 1803, when he relinquished his trade and began the manufacture of printing-materials and of a hand-press invented by his brother-in-law, Peter Smith. Making great improvements in printing-presses, his business increased, but, his health failing, in 1832 his eldest son, Richard, took charge of the business, with two partners. Meanwhile Richard had made material improvements in the manufacture of saws, and the production of these implements became an important part of their business. In 1837 Richard went to England to obtain a patent for an improved method of grinding saws. His observation of printing-presses in use there enabled him to make very great improvements in printing-machines. He patented his lightning pres
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hooker, Thomas 1586-1647 (search)
Hooker, Thomas 1586-1647 Clergyman; born in Marketfield, Leicestershire, England, in 1586; was a popular Non-conformist preacher in London, but was silenced, when he kept a school, in which John Eliot, the Apostle, was his assistant. Hooker fled from persecution to Holland in 1630, and arrived at Boston in September, 1633. He was ordained pastor of the church at Newtown, and in June, 1636, he and his whole congregation began a migration to the valley of the Connecticut, where they founded Hartford. He was exceedingly influential in all New England. He died in Hartford, Conn., July 7, 1647.
nts of rails are sometimes made to act as fish-plates, to secure exact continuity to the abutting rails and support their ends. The long lips of the chair embrace the webs of each rail. They are or were made 15x18, 16x13, 14x 11, the length in the direction of the rail. Rails are bolted or keyed to the chairs, many devices of each kind having been introduced in this country and in Europe. Mr. Jessop of England first invented the rail-chair in 1789, and used it at Loughborough, in Leicestershire. The rail used by Mr. Jessop was a cast-iron rail, laid edgeways. The chair was cast-iron, and was slotted to receive the ends of the rails, which had a bearing therein. It was used in connection with a castiron, fish-bellied edge-rail which he introduced in the same year. He had previously pinned the rails direct to the sleepers. Railway-chairs. A chair for railway rails was patented by Loch and Stephenson in 1816. The rail to which it was first adapted was a fishbellied rail,
into England, is substantially similar to the elevated railways which were patented in England in 1825 by Palmer, Fisher, and Dick. See elevated Railway. An endless wire-rope is carried on a series of grooved pulleys, supported in pairs upon stout posts ordinarily about fifty yards, but in some cases at much farther intervals apart. At one end the rope passes around a clip drum, worked by a stationary engine; at the other end it passes around a plain cylinder. In one erected in Leicestershire, for conveying stone from the quarry to a railway station, a distance of three miles, the rope, 1/2 inch in diameter, is driven at the rate of four miles an hour by a 16 horse-power engine working with ten pounds of steam; this may be increased to five or six miles an hour. The boxes or carriages are about two feet long, one foot to eighteen inches wide, and six inches deep, their ordinary load being one cwt. They are not clamped to the rope, but adhere to it by friction; an upright st
James Russell Lowell, Among my books, Wordsworth. (search)
poems) will co-operate with the benign tendencies in human nature and society wherever found; and that they will in their degree be efficacious in making men wiser, better, and happier. Here is an odd reversal of the ordinary relation between an unpopular poet and his little public of admirers; it is he who keeps up their spirits, and supplies them with faith from his own inexhaustible cistern. Wordsworth passed the winter of 1806-7 in a house of Sir George Beaumont's, at Coleorton in Leicestershire, the cottage at Grasmere having become too small for his increased family. On his return to the Vale of Grasmere he rented the house at Allan Bank, where he lived three years. During this period he appears to have written very little poetry, for which his biographer assigns as a primary reason the smokiness of the Allan Bank chimneys. This will hardly account for the failure of the summer crop, especially as Wordsworth composed chiefly in the open air. It did not prevent him from writi
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, James Peirce (search)
ed, are often disposed, for that very reason, to look down on the scholarship which has not been acquired among themselves, From Cambridge he removed to Newbury, in Berkshire, where he seems to have been very eligibly situated with an attached and encouraging congregation. During his residence here, he distinguished himself by various publications on the controversy between the church and the dissenters. His first appearance on this arena was in reply to a Dr. Wells, a clergyman in Leicestershire, who had published A Letter to Mr. Donley, a dissenting minister, containing many unfounded statements and gross misrepresentations of the principles and character of the dissenters. This pamphlet being circulated with great activity, Mr. Peirce, in 1707, published A Eight Letters to Dr. Wells, in which he convicted him, not only of various mistakes, but of gross and unjust calumnies. But his most remarkable and valuable work, in connexion with this controversy, was occasioned by the a
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