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been ordered from India to Canada. The force will proceed overland upwards of 1,000 miles. Two hundred horses for the Royal artillery are on passage for Canada. [per steamer Sententia.] The prospect of a coming struggle between France and Austria is foreshadowed in the following extract from an article in the Paris Sickle, of the 13th of August. It says: Austria is trying, but in vain, to concentrate around her the heterogenous races which are escaping from her domination. Hungary dared to resist her openly. Venetian, bent beneath a yoke of iron, and regarding with gloomy anger the cannon pointed on St. Mark's square — Venetian will rise to-morrow, and will in her turn resist. In Croatia, in the Tyrol — everywhere, in fact — the same symptoms are manifested. And Austria is afraid. Austria cedes, Austria grants constitutions. She mutters, though with a bitter grimace, the words of justice and liberty. What has happened? What signifies this sudden conversion? <
ian Embassy at Constantinople, and depu of a commissioner to proceed to open negotiations. The Russians had sustained another defeat from the Circassians. In Russian Poland serious disturbances had broken out at Kallidah, for arresting a man. The patrol were insulted, and a number of men surrounded the officer and demanded the release of the prisoner, which was granted, when the garrison assembled and threatened to fire on the people. Numbers were arrested subsequently. From Hungary advices are that the dissolution of the Hungarian Diet was considered certain within a few days. An imperial rescript was expected shortly. Commercial intelligence. The Liverpool cotton marset closed quiet but firm, with sales on Monday and Tuesday of 30,000 bales to speculators and exporters, at an advance of 1-16 to ½d. The market had still an upward tendency at the close. The advance is chiefly in middling and lower qualities. Flour is inactive and 64 lower.--American flour 27