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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the editor (search)
mac and Shenandoah rivers at Harper's Ferry; the Third corps, from near Harper's Ferry to Hillsboroa; the Fifth corps, from Lovettsville to near Purcellville; and Buford's cavalry division, from Petersville to Purcellville, crossing the Potomac at Berlin. July 19. The First corps marched from Waterford to Hamilton; the Second and Third corps, from Hillsboroa to Woodgrove; the Fifth corps, from near Purcellville to a point on the road to Philomont; the Sixth corps, from near Berlin to Wheatland; and the Eleventh corps, from Berlin to near Hamilton, both corps crossing the Potomac at Berlin; the Twelfth corps, from Pleasant Valley to near Hillsboroa, crossing the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers at Harper's Ferry. Buford's cavalry division moved from Purcellville, via Philomont, to near Rector's Cross-roads. McIntosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Harper's Ferry toward Purcellville, and Huey's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of the same division, from Harper's Ferr