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Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) 185 3 Browse Search
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Paducah (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
Doc. 46.-capture of Fort Donelson. Commodore Foote's report. U. S. Flag-ship St. Louis, near Fort Donelson, via Paducah, February 15, 1862. To the Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: I made an attack on Fort Donelson yesterday, atroceed down the Tennessee and up the Cumberland, keeping in the rear of gunboats, which would be found ready to start at Paducah on his arrival. The order also added that he should reach the vicinity of Fort Donelson Wednesday afternoon, disembark the three days rations ordered, and this took until midnight to accomplish. The Minnehaha then started out and reached Paducah about daylight, stopping and turning back on the way some eight or ten transports, loaded with troops. Upon reaching Paducah, we found that only a portion of the gunboat fleet had arrived, and this necessitated another delay. Toward night, however, the stragglers came slowly creeping up the river, and soon after the whole fleet started, and by ten o'clock we had
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 48
ty-fourth Regt. Ind. Vols. Report of General W. H. L. Wallace. headquarters, Second brigade, First division, United States advance forces, Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 17, 1862. Major M. Brayman, Assistant Adjutant-General First Division:airo, General Grant's late post, in honor of the glorious achievement. [Signed] Geo. W. Cullum, Brig.-Gen. Vols. and U. S.A., and Chief of Staff and Engineers. General McClernand's field-order. Field-order no. 145.headquarters First dts. Many of the officers had the regular gray uniform, while others wore the army blue, the only difference from the United States style being in the great profusion of gold lace. In conversation with many of the officers and men, I learn that ace, that their own ambassadors cannot stand the storm of the world's contempt, and are all anxious to fly back to the United States. Their success at Fort Donelson, gained only by vast superiority of numbers, will only have the effect of converting
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 48
n in this hotly contested but unequal fight, behaved with the greatest gallantry and determination, all deploring the accident which rendered two of our gunboats helpless in the narrow river and swift current. On consultation with General Grant and my own officers — as my services here, until we can repair damages by bringing up a competent force from Cairo to attack the Fort, are much less required than they are at Cairo — I shall proceed to that place. I have sent the Tyler to the Tennessee River to render the railroad bridge impassable. A. H. Foote, Flag-Officer Commanding Naval Force Western Division. Official despatch from Commodore Foote. Cairo, ill., February 17. To Hon. G. Welles, Secretary of the Navy: The Carondelet has just arrived from Fort Donelson, and, brings information of the capture of that Fort by the land forces yesterday morning, with fifteen thousand prisoners. Johnston and Buckner are taken prisoners. Loss heavy on both sides. Floyd escaped wi
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
lines of the enemy. Our troops numbered about eighteen thousand, and were under the command of Gens. Floyd, Pillow, Buckner, and Bushrod R. Johnson. Most of the regiments were from Tennessee and Mississippi, but Virginia, Alabama, Texas, and Arkansas also contributed their quota, and swelled the dimensions of the army to the number I have named. Active hostilities commenced as early as Tuesday morning, but were confined to the out-posts and pickets. A battalion of Mississippi cavalry, undes,------4001135 41stdo.Farquaharson------45026 32ddo.Cooke,------558335 3ddo.Brown,------6501275 51stdo.Clark,------8000 50thdo.Sugg,------65024 2dKyDanson,------6181357 8thdo.Burnett,Lt.-Col. Lyon,3001960 7thTexas.Gregg,------3002030 15thArk.Gee,------270717 27thAla.Hughes,------21601 1stMiss.Simonton,Lt.-Col. Hamilton2801776 3ddo.Davidson,Lt.-Col. Wells,500519 4thdo.Drake,------535838 14thdo.Baldwin,Major Doss,4751784 20thdo.Russell,Major Brown,5621959 26thdo.Reynolds,Lt.-Col.
Cumberland City (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
hat satisfactory explanation may be made, I have directed, upon the exhibition of the case as presented by the two senior Generals, that they should be relieved from command, to await further orders whenever a reliable judgment can be rendered on the merits of the case. Jefferson Davis. Report of John B. Floyd. Camp near Murfrersboro, February 27, 1862. General A. S. Johnston: sir: Your order of the twelfth of this month, transmitted to me by telegraph from Bowling Green to Cumberland City, reached me the same evening. It directed me to repair at once, with what force I could command, to the support of the garrison at Fort Donelson. I immediately prepared for my departure, and effected it in time to reach Fort Donelson the next morning, thirteenth, before daylight. Measures had been already taken by Brig.-General Pillow, then in command, to render our resistance to the attack of the enemy as effective as possible. He had, with activity and industry, pushed forward the
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
ernand and the enemy, who was rapidly approaching. On arriving at a small opening in the timber, I filed in to the right, crossing the ravine and ascending the hill, placed Col. Lynch's Fifty-eighth regiment on the right slope of the hill. The Chicago battery, Lieut. Wood, taking position, by direction of the General, in the road, the Nebraska regiment, Lieut.-Col. McCord, was placed immediately on the right of the battery, on the line of the Fifty-eighth Illinois. A detached company of the learned from the enemy that his force in the engagement which I have described, in addition to his battery, was three regiments of infantry and a squadron of horse, which were repulsed by one regiment of our infantry, the First Nebraska, and the Chicago battery. The enemy also admit a large number of killed and wounded in this action. The Nebraska regiment had but three killed and seven wounded. The enemy poured volley after volley upon us, but fortunately aimed too high to do much execution.
Mound City (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
rate the hull, started the timbers so as to set her leaking badly. During the night, however, all damage was repaired, and this morning she is as ready for active service as ever. The total loss on the Louisville was six killed and eight or ten wounded. One of the other gunboats had some of her woodwork shot shot away, but was not materially damaged. The iron boats in action were: Louisville, Capt. B. M. Dove. St. Louis, Lieut.-Com. Paulding. Carondelet, Lieut.-Com. Kelte. Mound City, Lieut.-Com.-----. The other three boats were the wooden ones — Tyler, Lexington, and Conestoga. There is a boat about to leave for Cairo, and I have concluded to mail this without awaiting the result of the final assault. Affairs look encouraging — the Fort is completely invested, and will probably be stormed either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. The rebels have a flag flying from the Fort which is thought to be a black one. Fort Donelson, Tenn., Monday, Feb. 17, 1862. My
Eddyville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
of the Cumberland was of the slowest possible description. On the morning of Thursday, by about nine o'clock, we made Eddyville — a small town on the east bank of the river, and distant only about forty-five miles from Smithland. If one may judge from the demonstrations of those who stood on the shore watching our passage, a more loyal town than Eddyville exists nowhere beneath the sun. The women waved handkerchiefs of all colors, or in lieu of that an apron or bonnet; the men swung their hvociferated alternately Hurrah for the Union! and Hurrah for Lincoln! until hoarse beyond utterance; even the dogs of Eddyville were loyal, and barked and wagged their tails in patriotic joy at the national inundation. There was only one case, hofor the Union--the Union in which himself, his children, and his grandchildren had been born, reared, and protected. Eddyville is a nice little town, and probably is quite as good as that ancient scriptural city which numbered at least one righte
Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
ls between the Seventeenth and Forty-ninth. McAllister's guns were distributed along the point; Dich was completed during the night, and two of McAllister's guns and a ten-pound rifled gun of the Firre, supported by Taylor's battery and two of McAllister's guns, (one having been disabled by a shot o hundred and eighty-four rounds to the gun. McAllister's guns did good service. They were three twnth regiment,1346968 Taylor's battery,18 9 McAllister's battery, 2 2   Aggregate,123461103687 th Kentucky, Col. Shackleford. Taylor's and McAllister's batteries. Seventh Illinois cavalry, Cad the fight became of terrific proportions. McAllister's battery took position on an eminence, and st gap broken through the National line that McAllister's battery was stationed, and where for a times above them. Cavender, Taylor, Woods, (of McAllister's battery,) Dresser, and Swartz would occasiobliged to retire; a portion of Swartz's and McAllister's batteries had been lost and gained, and lo[4 more...]<
National (Nevada, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
ad hitherto divided the hostile forces, and swallowed in its bloody depths more brave lives than were lost in all the days before. On the extreme right of the National line was Gen. McClernand's division, composed of three brigades, as follows: First brigade--Col. Oglesby Commanding. Eighth Illinois, Lieut.-Col. Rhoades. regiments: Eighth Wisconsin, Col. Murphy. Forty-ninth Illinois, Col. W. R. Morrison. These three brigades occupied the entire ground from the centre of the National line to its extreme right. The balance of the line from the centre to the extreme left, was held by the second division under Gen. C. F. Smith. Early on the was broken through, and the battle seemed well-nigh likely to become a total rout on the part of the National forces. It was at this last gap broken through the National line that McAllister's battery was stationed, and where for a time it fell in the hands of the rebels. The battery had only one hundred and fifty rounds of ammu
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