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Morgan L. Smith (search for this): chapter 48
olumn of attack. At the head were placed the Eighth Missouri, Col. M. L. Smith, and the Eleventh Indiana, Colonel George McGinniss, the two r officer whose mention, I confess, gives me most pleasure--Colonel Morgan L. Smith. This officer led his old regiment, the Eighth Missouri, P. M., an order was received from Gen. Wallace, to cooperate with Col. Smith's brigade (consisting of Eighth Missouri and Eleventh Indiana,) i, Colonel Forty-eighth Regiment Illinois Vols. Report of Col. Morgan L. Smith. headquarters Fifth brigade, Fort Heiman, Ky., Februaryeir regiments. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant. Morgan L. Smith, Colonel Eighth Mo. Vols., Commanding Fifth Brigade. To Capt. th Regt. Indiana Vols., Fort Heiman, Ky., February 19, 1862. Col. Morgan L. Smith, Commanding Fifth Brigade, Gen. C. F. Smith's Division: sleventh regiment Indiana, Fort Heiman, Ky., February 19, 1862. Col. M. L. Smith, Commanding Fifth Brigade: sir: In accordance with orders f
peedier, bloodier end to their daring. The victory was a costly one. Some of the regiments were cut completely to pieces, others were reduced to a size that scarcely left them a respectable company, while all suffered more or less severely. Lieut.-Col. Quinn, of the Twentieth Illinois, while gallantly urging on his men in the hottest of the fight, was struck by a grapeshot that cut his heart completely out. The mortality among officers was terrible. Major Post, of the Eighth Illinois, Capt. Rigby, acting Major of the Thirty-first Illinois, Lieut.-Col.White, of the same regiment, Lieut.-Col. Smith, of the Forty-eighth; Capt. Craig, company A, and Lieut. Skeats, company F, all of the Eighteenth; Capt. Wilson, company F, Eighth, Capt. Swartout, company H, Eighth Missouri; Capt. Shaw, company B, Lieut. Vore, company E, and Lieut. Boyce, all of the Eleventh Illinois; Adjt. Kirkpatrick, of the Thirtieth, Capt. Mendel, of the Seventh, Capt. Brokeck, of the Forty-ninth Illinois; Lieut. Ma
Mather Neely (search for this): chapter 48
Edgar, hand, slight; James Coughnour. Company G.--Killed, Private Thomas Snelling. Wounded, Privates Jas. Fox, shoulder, slight; Charles Ford, spent ball in stomach, slight; First Lieut. George Pemberton, spent ball in breast, slight. Company H.--Killed, none Wounded, Sergeant Jacob L. Wright, shot through the hand, slight; Privates Benj. L. Gowing, in foot, slight; Erhardt Burke, in wrist, slight; David Patterson, spent ball in ankle, slight; Burtis M. Gurd, wrist, slightly; Mather Neely, in head, recovering rapidly; George Harris, leg; Daniel B. Widell, shoulder; Lewis C. Clothier, hand, slight. Company I.--Killed, Color--Corporal Willard Hall, shot in the head. Wounded, Privates Henry C. Boyer, shot in cheek, slight; Grannison Reeder, in side by piece of shell. Company K.--Killed, none. Wounded, Privates Wm. Lenty, grape-shot in back of head, mortally; Hopkins Smith, spent ball in shoulder, slight. Recapitulation--Killed, staff one, corporals one, private
John W. W. Parks (search for this): chapter 48
y., February 19, 1862. Col. M. L. Smith, Commanding Fifth Brigade: sir: In accordance with orders from your headquarters, I respectfully submit the following complete list of the killed and wounded of the Eleventh regiment Indiana volunteers in the battle of the fifteenth inst. killed. In Co. A, (Capt. Geo. Butler,) private Joseph H. Reeder. In Co. F, (Lieut. John L. Hanna commanding,) Corporal John E. Holland, private Andrew Head. In Co. H, (Capt. Joseph H. Livsey,) private John W. W. Parks. wounded. Co. A. 1,Corporal Charles F. Hall, severely. 2,Private Joseph B. McClain, dangerously. 3,Private Henry C. Duly, slightly. 4,Private Benjamin W. Roberts, slightly. 5,Private Charles Burman, Jr., slightly. Co. B. 6,Corporal Elisha Eudaly, slightly. 7,Private Delany R. Shipley, slightly. 8,Private Washington Hunter, slightly. Co. C. 9,Capt. Jesse E. Hamill, slightly. 10,Second Lieut. Henry McMullen, slightly. 11,Sergt. Isaac Temple, severely. 12,Private
William H. Valandigham (search for this): chapter 48
Jefferson P. Bailey, back and arm, slightly; W. E. Newnan, leg, severely; John C. Walling, left hand, slightly; John Brown, right hand, slightly; D. C. Andrews, leg, slightly. Company C.--Killed, none. Wounded, Lieut. Wm. Moore, left eye shot out; Sergeant W. H. Burkey, right knee, slightly; Corporal D. S. Sharp, left leg, flesh wound; Privates W. S. Else, right shoulder, slightly; F. M. Hoover, left eye, slightly; J. Holmie, leg, flesh wound; T. J. Seary, right arm, flesh wound; Wm. H. Valandigham, fingers, left hand, slightly; H. Roberts, breast, very slightly. Company D.--Killed, Private M. C. Stewart. Wounded, Privates John Bray, head, slightly; N. M. Redding, hand, slightly; Lieut. J. M. Sample, groin, slightly. Company E.--Killed, Private Michael Wright. Wounded, First Sergeant Hugh C. Allen, thigh, musket-ball, flesh-wound. Company F.--Killed, none. Wounded, Privates Harmon Husker, leg, slightly; Patrick Devoniux, back, slightly; Eli Searl, foot, slightl
J. J. Goodwin (search for this): chapter 48
econd Iowa infantry in the battle of Fort Donelson on February the 13th, 14th, and 15th, 1862. Company A.--Killed, Private Richard Highram. Wounded, Lieut.----Fisdale, slightly; Corporal Oli Ramsey, severely; Privates L. Farr, severely; James M. Patterson, severely; D. W. Underhill, slightly; Douglass Allendorf, slightly; George D. Lawler, severely; Robert Hull, severely; James Haskell, slightly; James Kerr, slightly; Samuel Evans, severely; Corporals Henry A. Serbendict, slightly; J. J. Goodwin, slightly; W. W. K. Harper, slightly; Thomas A. Stevenson, severely; Privates John Toucher, severely; John Kipple, slightly. Company B.--Killed, Color-Corporal S. G. Paye ; Private J. Guthrie. Wounded, Lieut. J. G. Huntingdon, in right shoulder; Privates J. B. Scott, thigh; G. W. Scott, head; A. W. Scott, leg; G. Rosenberg, shoulder; A. Drucker, shoulder and arm; George Parkinson, mouth; Corporal A. H. Clark, leg; Privates J. H. Tracey, leg; A. Seimsmith, thigh; S. Todd, shoulder;
William Quinn (search for this): chapter 48
en from it by the direst necessity, and in many individual cases, men refused to retreat, but stuck to their tree or bush till the enemy's force rolled about them and swallowed them up. Many in this way were taken prisoners, while others found a speedier, bloodier end to their daring. The victory was a costly one. Some of the regiments were cut completely to pieces, others were reduced to a size that scarcely left them a respectable company, while all suffered more or less severely. Lieut.-Col. Quinn, of the Twentieth Illinois, while gallantly urging on his men in the hottest of the fight, was struck by a grapeshot that cut his heart completely out. The mortality among officers was terrible. Major Post, of the Eighth Illinois, Capt. Rigby, acting Major of the Thirty-first Illinois, Lieut.-Col.White, of the same regiment, Lieut.-Col. Smith, of the Forty-eighth; Capt. Craig, company A, and Lieut. Skeats, company F, all of the Eighteenth; Capt. Wilson, company F, Eighth, Capt. Swarto
McCansland (search for this): chapter 48
place after dark, when this plan was laid before them, approved and adopted, and at which it was determined to move from the trenches at an early hour on the next morning, and attack the enemy in his position. It was agreed that the attack should commence upon our extreme left, and this duty was assigned Brig.-Gen. Pillow, assisted by Brig.-Gen. Johnson, having also under his command commanders of brigades, Col. Baldwin, commanding Mississippi and Tennessee troops, and Col. Wharton and Col. McCansland, commanding Virginians. To Brig.-General Buckner, was assigned the duty of making the attack from near the centre of our lines upon the enemy's forces upon the Wynn's Ferry road. The attack on the left was delayed longer than I expected, and consequently the enemy was found in position when our troops advanced. The attack, however, on our part, was extremely spirited, and although the resistance of the enemy was obstinate, and their numbers far exceeded ours, our people succeeded in
J. Guthrie (search for this): chapter 48
Oli Ramsey, severely; Privates L. Farr, severely; James M. Patterson, severely; D. W. Underhill, slightly; Douglass Allendorf, slightly; George D. Lawler, severely; Robert Hull, severely; James Haskell, slightly; James Kerr, slightly; Samuel Evans, severely; Corporals Henry A. Serbendict, slightly; J. J. Goodwin, slightly; W. W. K. Harper, slightly; Thomas A. Stevenson, severely; Privates John Toucher, severely; John Kipple, slightly. Company B.--Killed, Color-Corporal S. G. Paye ; Private J. Guthrie. Wounded, Lieut. J. G. Huntingdon, in right shoulder; Privates J. B. Scott, thigh; G. W. Scott, head; A. W. Scott, leg; G. Rosenberg, shoulder; A. Drucker, shoulder and arm; George Parkinson, mouth; Corporal A. H. Clark, leg; Privates J. H. Tracey, leg; A. Seimsmith, thigh; S. Todd, shoulder; O. E. Dyke, shoulder; S. H. Spencer, leg; J. Bertichi, arm; J. Wilson, slightly; George Minney, slightly; John McCrelius, slightly; W. H. Nicholls, slightly; J. H. Howe, slightly; H. H. Post, s
reduced to a size that scarcely left them a respectable company, while all suffered more or less severely. Lieut.-Col. Quinn, of the Twentieth Illinois, while gallantly urging on his men in the hottest of the fight, was struck by a grapeshot that cut his heart completely out. The mortality among officers was terrible. Major Post, of the Eighth Illinois, Capt. Rigby, acting Major of the Thirty-first Illinois, Lieut.-Col.White, of the same regiment, Lieut.-Col. Smith, of the Forty-eighth; Capt. Craig, company A, and Lieut. Skeats, company F, all of the Eighteenth; Capt. Wilson, company F, Eighth, Capt. Swartout, company H, Eighth Missouri; Capt. Shaw, company B, Lieut. Vore, company E, and Lieut. Boyce, all of the Eleventh Illinois; Adjt. Kirkpatrick, of the Thirtieth, Capt. Mendel, of the Seventh, Capt. Brokeck, of the Forty-ninth Illinois; Lieut. Mausker, of the Eighteenth Illinois; Adjt. Chipman and Capt. Slaymaker, of the Second Iowa, were among those who met their death on this b
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