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Dorchester, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry endicott-john
Endicott, John, 1589- Colonial governor; born in Dorchester, England, in 1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he c
St. George, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): entry endicott-john
by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he caused the red cross of St. George to be cut out of the military standard. He opposed long hair on men, and insisted that the women should use veils in public assemblies. During his several administrations many were punished for the slightest offences, and four Quakers were hanged in Boston.
Block Island (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry endicott-john
Endicott, John, 1589- Colonial governor; born in Dorchester, England, in 1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he ca
Halifax (Canada) (search for this): entry endicott-john
Endicott, John, 1589- Colonial governor; born in Dorchester, England, in 1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he c
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry endicott-john
Endicott, John, 1589- Colonial governor; born in Dorchester, England, in 1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he ca
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry endicott-john
Endicott, John, 1589- Colonial governor; born in Dorchester, England, in 1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he c
Endicott, John, 1589- Colonial governor; born in Dorchester, England, in 1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent wJohn Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe inMr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he
Endicott, John, 1589- Colonial governor; born in Dorchester, England, in 1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he c
Fitz John Winthrop (search for this): entry endicott-john
Endicott, John, 1589- Colonial governor; born in Dorchester, England, in 1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he ca
Endicott, John, 1589- Colonial governor; born in Dorchester, England, in 1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts seve1589; was John Endicott. sent by the Massachusetts Company to superintend the plantation at Naumkeag; arrived there Sept. 6 (N. S.), and in April next year was appointed governor of the colony, but was succeeded by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he ca
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