Found 700 total hits in 356 results.
tia, letter of, 71.
Mt. Agamenticus, 173.
Music Hall, Boston, 110.
My birthday, 132-134.
my namesake, 131, 132.
My Playmate, 141.
National Era, mentioned, 165, 171, 172.
Neall, Elizabeth, Whittier's letter to, 70, 71.
Nebraska, 46.
New England, 3, 8, 18, 47, 141; life in, 31.
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, cited, 6 n. New England Magazine, mentioned, 32, 175.
New England Review, mentidned, 37, 48; Whittier edits, 34.
New Hampshire, 7, 35, 101.
New Jersey, 120.
New Orleans, paper of, gives account of Philadelphia fire, 63, 64.
New York, N. Y., 77, 91, 108,109, 172.
New York Critic, quoted, 178, 179.
New York Independent, the, quoted, 89, 143-145.
New York Nation, the, mentioned, 81; quoted, 82.
Newbury, Mass., 18, 53.
Newburyport, Mass., 21, 41, 42, 107.
Newport, R. I., 92, 98, 100, 121.
Nicolini, Giovanni, 167.
Norton, Professor C. E., 178.
Oak Knoll, Danvers, 97, 180.
Ohio, 108.
Osgood, Dr., 81.
hittier's fondness for the ballad of Sister Helen, 117, 118.
Russ, Cornelia, 137, 138.
St. Margaret's Church, London, 181.
St. Pierre, eruption at, 142.
Salem, Mass., 10, 28, 58, 85, 109.
Salisbury, Lord, 113.
Salisbury, Mass., 4,107.
Saltonstall, Leverett, 28.
Salvator. See Rosa.
Sargent, Mrs. John T., her Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club, quoted, 100, 101.
Sargent, Rev. John T., 100.
Scotland, 6.
Scott, Sir, Walter, 107, 109; his Fair Maid of Perth, mentioned, 7; quoted about Melrose Abbey, 174.
Sedgwick, Catherine M., 16.
Sewall, Samuel E., 50, 51, 68.
Sewall family, 52.
Shakespeare, William, 19, 150, 152, 154.
Shaw, Col. Robert Gould, 112.
Shipley, Thomas, 52.
Sigourney, Mrs. L. H., 35; Whittier's letter to, 37, 38.
Sims, Thomas, case of, 46.
Sisters, the, 145-147.
Smalley, George W., 94.
Smith, Mary Emerson, the object of Whittier's poem Memo ries, 137, 138.
Snow-bound, quoted, 6,8-13.
Southampton, England
ittier, quoted, 99, 101, 102, 110-112, 116, 117, 125, 126, 130, 136, 172.
Claflin, Hon., William, 99.
Clarkson, Thomas, 33.
Clay, Henry, 42, 68, 69, 77; Whittier friendly to, 26; opposed to, 49.
Clayton, Mr., 181.
Coates, Lindley, 52.
Coffin, Joshua, 18, 53; description of, 19.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 76,104; quoted, 77; his Christabel, mentioned, 162.
Coleridge, Sara, 36.
Collier, Mr., 32.
Columbia College, 35.
Concord, Mass., 111.
Concord, N. H., 58, 61, 65.
Congress, United States, 39, 40, 42, 43, 138. Country Brook, 6, 7, 11.
Covington, Ky., 137.
Cowper, William, his Lament for the Royal George, mentioned, 159.
Crandall, Dr., Reuben, imprisoned, 48; death, 49.
Cushing, Caleb, 40, 42, 69, 77; candidate for Congress, 41; elected, 43; defeated, 43, 44.
Dana, R. H., 42.
Danvers, Mass., 97, 180.
Dartmouth College, 19.
Declaration of Independence of United States, 69.
Declaration of Sentiments, 74.
Deer Island, 107.
De Quincey, Thomas,
Philanthropist, the, mentioned, 32, 33.
Pickard, Samuel T., 4, 39, 40, 159, 165; his Whittier, quoted, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45-47, 70, 71, 81, 90, 91, 109, 128-130, 135, 172; cited, 5 n., 39 n., 76 n., 77 n., 115 n.
Pierpont, Rev., John, 81.
Pike, Robert, 5.
Pitman, Mrs., Harriet Minot, 57; her description of Whittier, 29-32.
Pius IX., 88.
Plato, 38, 111.
Plymouth, N. H., 58.
Poe, Edgar A., 37.
Porlock, 162.
Porter, Mrs. Maria S., 141.
Portland, Me., 65.
Portsmouth, N. H., 3.
Powow River, 4.
Prentice, George D., his letter to Whittier, 34, 35.
Purdy, Mr., 42.
Quakers, 5, 112, 155; character of, 118-120.
Quebec, 174.
Quincy family, 52.
Radical Club, 100, 102.
Ramoth Hill, 141.
Rantoul, Robert S., 109; quoted, 86; his delineation of Whittier, 110; his description of Whittier's funeral, 185.
Republican party, 68.
Reynolds, Mrs., 105.
Richardson, Samuel, 165.
Richter, Jean Paul, 21.
Robinson, Gov. G. D., 110.
chel de, 179.
Mott, Lucretia, letter of, 71.
Mt. Agamenticus, 173.
Music Hall, Boston, 110.
My birthday, 132-134.
my namesake, 131, 132.
My Playmate, 141.
National Era, mentioned, 165, 171, 172.
Neall, Elizabeth, Whittier's letter to, 70, 71.
Nebraska, 46.
New England, 3, 8, 18, 47, 141; life in, 31.
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, cited, 6 n. New England Magazine, mentioned, 32, 175.
New England Review, mentidned, 37, 48; Whittier edits, 34.
New Hampshire, 7, 35, 101.
New Jersey, 120.
New Orleans, paper of, gives account of Philadelphia fire, 63, 64.
New York, N. Y., 77, 91, 108,109, 172.
New York Critic, quoted, 178, 179.
New York Independent, the, quoted, 89, 143-145.
New York Nation, the, mentioned, 81; quoted, 82.
Newbury, Mass., 18, 53.
Newburyport, Mass., 21, 41, 42, 107.
Newport, R. I., 92, 98, 100, 121.
Nicolini, Giovanni, 167.
Norton, Professor C. E., 178.
Oak Knoll, Danvers, 97, 180.
, 76.
Chapman, Maria Weston, 71, 72, 81; her view of Whittier, 67; of Channing, 76.
Charbonnier, J. D., his letter to.
Whittier, 167; Whittier's letter to, 167, 168.
Chardon Street Chapel, Boston, 81.
Chase, G. W., his History of Haverhill, quoted, 56, 57.
Chatterton, Thomas, 24.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 141.
Child, Mrs., Lydia Maria, 75, 76; her account of Thompson mob, 59-61; Whittier's letters to, 78, 79, 90, 91; her generosity, 98; her letters edited by Whittier, 180.
Child Capt., 36.
Harper's Ferry, Va., 79.
Hartford, Conn., 34, 35, 37, 137, 138.
Harvard University, 3; law school, 88; confers honorary degree on Whittier, 176.
Haverhill Gazette, the, mentioned, 27, 28, 48, 88, 103; Whittier edits, 34.
Haverhill, Mass., 3-5, 10, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 34, 37, 45, 49, 50, 59, 74, 89, 137, 138, 155, 172; academy at, 27, 28, 30, 137; antislavery meeting at, 56, 57.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 35, 36; Whittier's acquaintance with, 111, 112.
Hayne, Pau
n, Mass., 89, 90.
Gerry, Gov., Elbridge, 31.
Gordon, Gen. C. G., 78, 112, 113.
Gorton, Samuel, 84.
Gove, Sarah A., 183.
Gray, Thomas, his Elegy, mentioned, 159.
Greenacre, Me., 180.
Greene, Mrs., Nathaniel, 19.
Greenleaf, Sarah, 5.
Greenwood, Grace. See Lippincott.
Grimke, Angelina, 115.
Griswold, Rufus W., Letters of, quoted, 108, 109.
Hampton Falls, N. H., 183.
Hampton, N. H., 85.
Hampton, Va., school at, 98.
Hanmer and Phelps, 35.
Harmon, Capt., 36.
Harper's Ferry, Va., 79.
Hartford, Conn., 34, 35, 37, 137, 138.
Harvard University, 3; law school, 88; confers honorary degree on Whittier, 176.
Haverhill Gazette, the, mentioned, 27, 28, 48, 88, 103; Whittier edits, 34.
Haverhill, Mass., 3-5, 10, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 34, 37, 45, 49, 50, 59, 74, 89, 137, 138, 155, 172; academy at, 27, 28, 30, 137; antislavery meeting at, 56, 57.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 35, 36; Whittier's acquaintance with, 111, 112.
Hayne, Paul H., his poem about W
Dana, R. H., 42.
Danvers, Mass., 97, 180.
Dartmouth College, 19.
Declaration of Independence of United States, 69.
Declaration of Sentiments, 74.
Deer Island, 107.
De Quincey, Thomas, his Confessions of an Opium Eater, mentioned, 175.
Derby, Mr., 88.
Dexter, Lord, Timothy, 97.
Dinsmore, Robert, 155.
Douglass, Frederick, 181.
Douw, Gerard, 9.
Dustin, Hannah, 4.
Earle, Edward, 121.
East Haverhill, Mass., 23, 51, 58.
East Salisbury, Mass., 44.
Edinburgh, Scotland, 107.
Elliot, Me., 142.
Ellis, Rev. G. E., 83.
Emancipator, the, mentioned, 67.
Emerson, Nehemiah, 137.
Emerson, Mrs., Nehemiah, 137.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 2, 37, 127,151,159,173,178; his Life and letters in New England, quoted, 80; Whittier's letter to, 46, 47; acquaintance with Whittier, 110, 111.
Endicott, Gov., John, 83-85.
England, 1, 26, 28, 50, 96, 104, 113, 152, 163.
Era, the, mentioned, 109.
Essex Agricultural Society, Whittier's letter to, 19, 20.
Dr., Reuben, imprisoned, 48; death, 49.
Cushing, Caleb, 40, 42, 69, 77; candidate for Congress, 41; elected, 43; defeated, 43, 44.
Dana, R. H., 42.
Danvers, Mass., 97, 180.
Dartmouth College, 19.
Declaration of Independence of United States, 69.
Declaration of Sentiments, 74.
Deer Island, 107.
De Quincey, Thomas, his Confessions of an Opium Eater, mentioned, 175.
Derby, Mr., 88.
Dexter, Lord, Timothy, 97.
Dinsmore, Robert, 155.
Douglass, Frederick, 181.
Douw, Gerar.
Torre Pellice, Piemont, Italy, 167.
Tremont House, Boston, 59.
Trumbull, Governor, John, 51.
Tuckerman, Henry T., 109.
Tufts, Henry, 18, 103.
Tyson, Elisha, 49.
Underwood, Francis H., his Whittier, quoted, 29-32,58-61.
United States, 100; Supreme Bench of, 181.
United States Senate, 44; Sumner elected to, 45.
Van Buren, Martin, 68.
Vaudois Teacher, the, 166-168.
Ventura, Father, 88.
Vere, Aubrey de, 36.
Vermont, 35.
Villager, the, 87.
Virginia, 157.
, 172.
Claflin, Hon., William, 99.
Clarkson, Thomas, 33.
Clay, Henry, 42, 68, 69, 77; Whittier friendly to, 26; opposed to, 49.
Clayton, Mr., 181.
Coates, Lindley, 52.
Coffin, Joshua, 18, 53; description of, 19.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 76,104; quoted, 77; his Christabel, mentioned, 162.
Coleridge, Sara, 36.
Collier, Mr., 32.
Columbia College, 35.
Concord, Mass., 111.
Concord, N. H., 58, 61, 65.
Congress, United States, 39, 40, 42, 43, 138. Country Brook, 6, 7, 11.
Covington, Ky., 137.
Cowper, William, his Lament for the Royal George, mentioned, 159.
Crandall, Dr., Reuben, imprisoned, 48; death, 49.
Cushing, Caleb, 40, 42, 69, 77; candidate for Congress, 41; elected, 43; defeated, 43, 44.
Dana, R. H., 42.
Danvers, Mass., 97, 180.
Dartmouth College, 19.
Declaration of Independence of United States, 69.
Declaration of Sentiments, 74.
Deer Island, 107.
De Quincey, Thomas, his Confessions of an Opium Eater, mentioned, 175.
Derby, Mr., 88