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John Greenleaf Whittier 327 1 Browse Search
John G. Whittier 296 0 Browse Search
J. G. Whittier 190 0 Browse Search
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Haverhill (Massachusetts, United States) 70 2 Browse Search
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Index. A. Abruzzi, the, 14. Adams, C. F., 44. Adams, John, 69. Adams, John Quincy, 43. Albany, N. Y., 77. Alembert, da, J. L., 165. Allingham, William, 152. Allinson, Francis Greenleaf, Whittier's poem My namesake addressed to, 131, 132. America, 23, 57, 71, 94, 153, 175. American Manufacturer, the, mentioned, 25, 34, 137. Amesbury, Mass., 4, 10, 46, 77, 82, 87, 89, 92, 93, 98, 99, 107, 109, 111, 122, 124, 136, 137, 167, 179, 180, 183; Ten Hour Bill at, 86, 87; Derby strike at, 87, 88. Amy Wentworth, 3, 142. Antislavery Society, American, 71, 72, 74, 77. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 129. Appledore Island, 179. Armstrong, Gen. S. C., 98. Arnold, Matthew, 20, 140. Asquam House, 169. Athenaeum Gallery, 135. Atlantic Club, 89, 104. Atlantic Monthly, cited, 50; mentioned, 143, 176, 177; quoted, 153, 154. Aubignd, da, J. H. M., 166. Augustine, Saint, 116. Austin, Ann, 84. B. Bachiler, Rev., Stephen, 5, 6. Bacon, Francis, 38, 179; quo
ion of Whittier, 110; his description of Whittier's funeral, 185. Republican party, 68. Reynolds, Mrs., 105. Richardson, Samuel, 165. Richter, Jean Paul, 21. Robinson, Gov. G. D., 110. Rogers, Nathaniel P., 58. Rolfe, Henry, 5. Rosa, Salvator, 14. Rossetti, Dante G., 145; Whittier's fondness for the ballad of Sister Helen, 117, 118. Russ, Cornelia, 137, 138. S. St. Margaret's Church, London, 181. St. Pierre, eruption at, 142. Salem, Mass., 10, 28, 58, 85, 109. Salisbury, Lord, 113. Salisbury, Mass., 4,107. Saltonstall, Leverett, 28. Salvator. See Rosa. Sargent, Mrs. John T., her Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club, quoted, 100, 101. Sargent, Rev. John T., 100. Scotland, 6. Scott, Sir, Walter, 107, 109; his Fair Maid of Perth, mentioned, 7; quoted about Melrose Abbey, 174. Sedgwick, Catherine M., 16. Sewall, Samuel E., 50, 51, 68. Sewall family, 52. Shakespeare, William, 19, 150, 152, 154. Shaw, Col. Robert Gould, 112. Sh
Lucretia Mott (search for this): chapter 15
nalia, mentioned, 35. May, Rev. Samuel J., 52, 59-62; reads Declaration, 53; mobbed, 56,57. Mead, Edwin D., 163. Melrose Abbey, 174. memories, 147-149. Merrill, John, 42. Merrimac River, 4; valley of, 53, 155. Milton, John, 139, 152; G. W. Childs gives window as memorial of, 181; Whittier writes inscription for memorial window, 182; Dr. Farrar's letter about, 183. Minot, George, 30. Minot, Harriet. See Pitman. Minot, Hon., Stephen, 29. Montaigne, Michel de, 179. Mott, Lucretia, letter of, 71. Mt. Agamenticus, 173. Music Hall, Boston, 110. My birthday, 132-134. my namesake, 131, 132. My Playmate, 141. National Era, mentioned, 165, 171, 172. Neall, Elizabeth, Whittier's letter to, 70, 71. Nebraska, 46. New England, 3, 8, 18, 47, 141; life in, 31. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, cited, 6 n. New England Magazine, mentioned, 32, 175. New England Review, mentidned, 37, 48; Whittier edits, 34. New Hampshire, 7, 35, 101. N
Nathaniel Hawthorne (search for this): chapter 15
., 85. Hampton, Va., school at, 98. Hanmer and Phelps, 35. Harmon, Capt., 36. Harper's Ferry, Va., 79. Hartford, Conn., 34, 35, 37, 137, 138. Harvard University, 3; law school, 88; confers honorary degree on Whittier, 176. Haverhill Gazette, the, mentioned, 27, 28, 48, 88, 103; Whittier edits, 34. Haverhill, Mass., 3-5, 10, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 34, 37, 45, 49, 50, 59, 74, 89, 137, 138, 155, 172; academy at, 27, 28, 30, 137; antislavery meeting at, 56, 57. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 35, 36; Whittier's acquaintance with, 111, 112. Hayne, Paul H., his poem about Whittier, 113, 114. Hazlitt, William, his essay On the conversation of authors, quoted, 105. Healy, Joseph, 76. Hemans, Mrs. Felicia D., 166. Henchman, the, 143-145. Hicksite school of Friends, 53; Hicksite principle, 116. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 126; Whittier's letters to, 44, 45, 87, 96-98. Hoar, Hon. G. F., 181. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 2, 37, 104, 130, 141, 151, 178; his The A
John Woolman (search for this): chapter 15
166; his The Vaudois Teacher, 166-168; his career, 168; his Proem, 168, 169; words written on death of Longfellow, 169, 170; his health, 171-174; his The Opium Eater, 175; receives honorary degree, 176; seventieth birthday celebration, 176-178; his summary of Dr. Holmes, 178, 179; companionship, 179, 180; edits volume of Mrs. Child's letters, 180; illness and death, 183; his At last, 184, 185; his funeral, 185. Whittier, Mary, 22, 24. Whittier, Ruth Flint, 4. Whittier, Thomas, 4, 5. Whittier family, 4. Wilberforce, W., 33. Williams, Roger, 72, 156. Wilson, Deborah, 85. Wilson, Vice-President, Henry, 127. Winsor, Justin, his Memorial history of Boston, mentioned, 83. Winthrop, Robert C., 47, 181. Winthrop's Journal, cited, 6 n. Woman Suffrage Convention, 91, 92. Woodman, Mrs., 180. Woolman, John, 49, 51, 123, 124. Worcester, Mass., 91,121. Wordsworth, William, 119,141. World's Antislavery Convention, the, 77. Wright, Carroll D., 87. Wright, Elizur, 53.
James Martineau (search for this): chapter 15
mentioned, 163; Whittier's words on death of, 169, 170. Long Wharf, Boston, 60. Lowell, James Russell, 2, 28, 37, 54, 104, 141, 155, 159, 161, 173, 176, 182; his Moosehead Journal, mentioned, 151; his On a certain Condescension in Foreigners, mentioned, 151; his Verses suggested by the present Crisis, mentioned, 160. Lowell, Mass., 87. Loyal Legion, the, 176. M. Mabel Martin, 165. Macaulay, T. B., quoted, 7. McKim, J. Miller, describes Whittier, 54. Maine, 53. Martineau, Dr., James, 163. Massachusetts, 3, 41, 44, 45, 50, 83, 85, 94, 110. Massachusetts Colony, 84. Massachusetts Historical Society, 83, 86, 176. Mather, Cotton, his Magnalia, mentioned, 35. May, Rev. Samuel J., 52, 59-62; reads Declaration, 53; mobbed, 56,57. Mead, Edwin D., 163. Melrose Abbey, 174. memories, 147-149. Merrill, John, 42. Merrimac River, 4; valley of, 53, 155. Milton, John, 139, 152; G. W. Childs gives window as memorial of, 181; Whittier writes inscription for
... 31 32 33 34 35 36