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Dutch (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
n preceding Harrison's election. Turn we to other topics. Bancroft's History of the American Revolution has gone to press; and Prescott is engaged in the preliminary studies for his History of Peru. Longfellow is publishing an important work,— one of the most so, indeed, in American literary history. It is a collection of translations The Poets and Poetry of Europe, with Introductions and Biographical Notices,— published in 1845. from Anglo-Saxon, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish, German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish. . . . But I weary Julia's hand; and my own weakness admonishes me to seek my bed for the night. I believe Howe will return in a sailing packet; so I shall not see him so soon as I had expected. I long to see him, and to hear from his affectionate lips the narrative of his travels; and more than that, to receive the sympathy of his ardent soul. He will be startled to find me ill, and clasping the pillows of a sick bed. Pardon me, if I allude to the Gall
Dover (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
, Mr. Justice Buller, Sir John Mitford, Lord Ellenborough, Lord Thurlow, Sir William Alexander, Mr. Fearne, Chief Baron Eyre, Lord Camden, Mr. Hargrave, Sir Samuel Romilly, Lord Loughborough (Wedderburne),—judges and lawyers who were engaged in the courts during the last quarter of the last century and the first quarter of the present. Four examples of these sketches are given:— Lord Hardwicke. Perhaps this is the greatest name after Lord Bacon in the English Chancery. He was born at Dover, 1690, and was called to the bar, 1715. At the age of twenty-nine, in 1720, he became Solicitor-General; in 1724, Attorney-General; in 1733, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, as successor to Lord Raymond; in 1737, Chancellor, with the title of Baron Hardwicke (his name was Philip Yorke); in 1754 he was created Earl of Hardwicke. He resigned his high office in 1756, and died in 1764. His influence in the House of Lords is said to have been greater than that of any other person in the king
Abingdon, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
s allotted to any of his predecessors. It was so long as to be called in derision by Jeremy Bentham the reign of John the Second. The cases in which he gave judgment occupy upwards of thirty volumes. They abound in learning and in the results of a keen and discriminating mind, directed by industry and conscientiousness. He died Jan. 13, 1838. See London Law Magazine, Vol. XX. pp. 48-87, 342-384; Vol. XXI. pp. 56-87, 344-371; 28 American Jurist, 41-92, 281-340. See also post, p. 209, Abingdon v. Butler, where Lord Thurlow paid Sir John Scott, when Solicitor-General, a striking tribute. I remember a case from Ireland, he said, though I cannot give you the name of it, where the Solicitor-General persuaded me, right or wrong, to come to that determination. Francis Hargrave. Among English lawyers who never arrived at the dignity of the bench, Mr. Hargrave stands conspicuous for profound learning and untiring industry, and ardent love for his profession, though his career wa
Berkshire County (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
came home to take care of Charles. How I enjoyed seeing him grow stronger, and feeling myself useful! I remember Mr. Hillard coming to drive him out; and I remember the delightful appetite of one recovering from fever. I always carried all his meals to him myself, read to him, and wrote letters at his dictation. That autumn came the bitter grief of my sister's death, before he had fully recovered his strength; though he had been able to leave home, and had recuperated by a visit to Berkshire County. His first professional work after his recovery was the trial, in the United States Circuit Court, of the friction-match case, with which he became connected soon after his return from Europe, and in which he had been very zealous. Ante, Vol.II p.149. The controversy was carried on both by an action of tort and a bill in equity. The pleadings and evidence in the equity suit fill two hundred and sixty-five pages. Sixty-three depositions were taken,—chiefly in the autumn of 1841.
Niagara County (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
his is the first moment I have taken my seat at my desk for several days. I have been under Dr. Jackson's care,—the victim of a slow fever. I was glad to receive by the last packet Joinville's pamphlet, and the old Life of Philip, which I shall send to Prescott,—though, as he does one thing at a time, he has very little attention to spare from Peru. His materials for the Life of Philip are accumulating on his hands, and already are very rich. He has just returned from a pleasant trip to Niagara, with his daughter. . . . Mary and Julia are at Waltham; and Mary seems to gain in strength, or at least to hold her own,—so as for the time to banish the gloomy anxieties which I entertained six weeks ago. She walks and drives daily, and is near beautiful places and kind friends. You will rejoice in the rejection of the infamous attempt to annex Texas, by a violation of the Constitution, and the laws of nations, and the principles of good morals and fellowship. The cause of the Whigs h<
e died in 1858. has made on the History of Spain, and you will say that he is learned, sagacious, and inquisitive,—that he is even a good scholar,—but you miss that aroma which comes from refined life, and the sweet tone of the gentleman. He was here not long since. . . . We are all glad to hear that your face is now set homewards. You will find great changes in Boston. The place is much improved since you have seen it; and yet I suspect it will seem to you smaller than it once did. Your European optics will not magnify things among us. Ever yours, C. S. To his brother George. Boston, March 1, 1844. my dear George,—I have but one moment for a scrawl to you. We are all stunned this morning by the intelligence of the death of Upshur, Secretary of State, and of Gilmer, Secretary of Navy, by the explosion of a Paixhan-gun on board of the Princeton. So this engine, formed for war, has killed its friends! I hope it may act to discourage further expenditure and experiment in s<
Bedford, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
steadfast friend, sought his bedside. William Whiting offered his services as watcher. J. J. Dixwell sent daily his carriage as soon as he was able to ride. Richard Fletcher sent a basket of grapes; William Story a brace of woodcock; and the family of George B. Emerson remembered him with similar tokens of regard. The Waterstons sent books, and invited him to the Quincy mansion, where the bracing airs of land and sea might hasten recovery. Similar invitations came from John Jay, at Bedford, N. Y.; Theodore Sedgwick, in New York; Samuel Ward, on Staten Island; and Mr. Daveis, at Portland. From England came the tender messages of Ingham and Morpeth, and from Berlin the sympathy of Fay. Crawford, arriving from Europe, sped a letter of gratitude and affection. Let it not be thought unbecoming, that, in the biography of a statesman, what these loving friends did should be told as a memorial of them. Thus wrote Prescott in his diary, July 21, 1844:— Been to town twice last w
New Castle, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
istinguished characters in the English law. The Solicitor-General at this time was Sir John Scott, destined, under the title of Lord Eldon, for so long a period to hold the Great Seal, and to acquire so great a name in Chancery. He was born at Newcastle, June 4, 1751. William Scott, afterwards Lord Stowell, was his elder brother. Their father was a dealer in coals in Newcastle; and their career is supposed to illustrate the open avenue to distinction under the British Constitution. Their aNewcastle; and their career is supposed to illustrate the open avenue to distinction under the British Constitution. Their advantages may have been petty compared with the influences which surround the early life of most of those who acquire conspicuous place in England; but the sons of a coal merchant, grounded at an early age in the classics, and, while still in boyhood, matriculated at Oxford, cannot seem to American observation to have wanted any of those early advantages which justly secure future success. After his course at the University was completed, Mr. John Scott read lectures, as the deputy of Sir Robe
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 30
d of the rights of Mexico, and in defiance of the principles of the laws of nations. The Locofoco party, in adopting the measure of annexation, have assumed a burden which it will be difficult for them to bear with united shoulders. I personally know several in New York, warm in their attachment to Mr. Van Buren and to the general principles of the party, who view the nomination of Polk, under all the circumstances, with indignation. Still, Bancroft, who is the leader of his faction in New England, and in the event of its success will be Minister to London or Paris, tells me that his party is united; that it was never more so; and that without doubt it will carry the Presidential election. To me Mr. Clay's prospects seem almost absolutely certain. Never, indeed, within my recollection of party politics from the earliest day have the prospects of the Whigs seemed so fair,—not even in the autumn preceding Harrison's election. Turn we to other topics. Bancroft's History of the A
Boston Harbor (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
I think of the Philadelphia riots. My reply is easy. I am disgusted with the imbecility of a police which should suffer an outrage of such an aggravated character. I am disgusted with the imbecility of the police throughout our whole country. In my opinion this should be strengthened, so that law and order everywhere may prevail, and every citizen recognize with respect the Government of his country. To sustain such a police were far better than to build Fort George at the mouth of Boston Harbor. The necessity for external military defences in all countries, particularly in our country, has passed by; and the stones which Colonel Thayer has skilfully piled up, the arches which he has builded, and the cunning defences that he has contrived, are all useless labors. Better far if the money which has been drained from the treasury for this purpose had been devoted to institutions of benevolence and learning, to colleges, academies, and hospitals. Then should our State—all whose
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