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s, those of James Freeman Clarke and F. D. Huntington, the spirit of Channing survived; but in those of most of the Unitarian churches, as also in the Congregational (Trinitarian) and Episcopalian, there was little sympathy for moral reforms. Edward Everett and Rufus Choate were the first orators. Choate, C. G. Loring, and B. R. Curtis were the leaders of the bar. Lemuel Shaw, just, wise, and serene, with never a sinister thought to affect the balance between suitors, personified justice in thiterature, and public life. Mr. Winthrop on the occasion, May 9, 1877, described the distinguished membership at different periods. R. C. Winthrop's Addresses and Speeches, vol. III. p. 459. There has been also the Thursday Club, of which Mr. Everett was at one time President, and the Friday Club, to the latter of which Mr. Ticknor belonged. At the Thursday Club the custom has been to read papers on scientific subjects. The Corps of Cadets, a militia company with a regimental organization
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
nite. By this acceptance it Seems to me that Everett renounces two things.—politics, and the opporr parts. Among those on the platform were Edward Everett, who had recently taken the office of Presprofessor at Harvard College he urged on President Everett; the depressed circumstances of his old d succeed, must take into account. With Edward Everett, Sumner had a pleasant association and correspondence from his youth till Mr. Everett's death. Mr. Everett, when Governor, had been kindlyMr. Everett, when Governor, had been kindly and considerate in his treatment of Sumner's father. Ante, vol. i. pp. 21, 29. Differing in elem them in the same parcels. Sumner welcomed Mr. Everett's accession to the Presidency of Harvard Co a subject of correspondence between them. Mr. Everett confided to Sumner his distaste for his dut the head of a great literary institution. Mr. Everett grave unstinted praise to the spirit and geSumner advised President Lincoln to appoint Mr. Everett minister to France. Antagonisms growing [7 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 32: the annexation of Texas.—the Mexican War.—Winthrop and Sumner.—1845-1847. (search)
0. Winthrop's style and manner, which made him the peer in debate of any member of the House. As an orator for festive and anniversary occasions he ranks next to Everett, while in forensic power he was altogether Everett's superior. With his early start and his rare accomplishments, there was no high place in the national governmEverett's superior. With his early start and his rare accomplishments, there was no high place in the national government to which he might not have aspired, none which he might not have filled with credit to himself and to the country. He belonged also to a generation and a community to which he was eminently adapted. Society as then existing in Boston was conservative, delighted in refined manners and liberal culture, shrank from moral reformsr's presence at the Whig State conventions in 1846 and 1847 is not mentioned by his biographer, G. T. Curtis, and his speeches on those occasions are omitted from Everett's edition of his Works; but they were published in the newspapers at the time. He received from the convention the nomination which he desired; but it availed him
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 33: the national election of 1848.—the Free Soil Party.— 1848-1849. (search)
heir former allies, paying hardly any attention to the Democratic party, and directing all their energies against the supporters of Van Buren and Adams. Choate in a speech at Salem, September 28, probably referred to Sumner when he spoke of Mr. Everett as one who could be a philosopher, a scholar, and a progressionist, without being a renegade. Their organ in Boston was the Atlas, a journal intensely partisan, the columns of which were almost exclusively given to politics, rarely containingrger amount of talent, principle, and sincere, unselfish devotion to the public good than has ever before been brought together in any similar number of persons acting politically; it will yet leaven the whole lump. Sumner wrote in 1848 to Mr. Everett, inquiring if he would accept a nomination from the Buffalo convention as Vice-President; but the latter declined in a letter in every way creditable to him, chiefly on the ground of the evils inseparable from third parties, and of the respons
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 34: the compromise of 1850.—Mr. Webster. (search)
trymen. And not only this, but so far did he go in the Southern direction,—forgetting all he had said in behalf of a Union and government one and indivisible,—that in his speech at Capon Springs, Va., he dallied with the doctrine of secession, and discharged the South from the compact if the North deliberately disregarded the obligation to surrender fugitive slaves, using language not unlike that of the secession orators of 1860 and 1861. Curtis's Life of Webster, vol. II. pp. 517-520. Everett omitted this speech from his edition of Webster's Works. On the death of President Taylor, he did not conceal from his friends his satisfaction that the government had passed into safer hands, into those of President Fillmore, who would give to the Compromise policy that thorough support which his predecessor had not given. Private Correspondence, vol. II. pp. 376, 377, 386, 387, 395. And if he [General Taylor] had lived, it might have been doubtful whether any general settlement would h
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 35: Massachusetts and the compromise.—Sumner chosen senator.—1850-1851. (search)
. Webster's retainers.—among them merchants like Eliot, Perkins, Fearing, Appleton, Haven, Amory, Sturgis, Thayer, and Hooper; lawyers like Choate, Lunt, B. R. Curtis, and G. T. Curtis; physicians like Jackson and Bigelow; scholars like Ticknor, Everett, Prescott, Sparks, Holmes, and Felton; divines like Moses Stuart and Leonard Woods. Its passage was signalized by the firing of one hundred guns on the Common. Webster's partisans, such was their intensity of feeling, very soon obtained the strations to suppress agitation for the repeal of the Compromise. The meeting at Faneuil Hall November 26. The call was signed by some thousands of names, largely those of merchants and tradesmen. It bore also the signatures of Webster and Everett, and of the historians Motley and Parkman. A similar meeting at Castle Garden, New York, October 30, was addressed by the leaders of the bar of that city,—Wood, O'Conor, Hoffman, Brady, and Evarts. As to Evarts's support of the Fugitive Slave
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
rgan, whose accomplished wife became his sympathetic and ever faithful friend; few American women of her time have had so choice a circle of admirers, among whom Everett, Choate, Winthrop, and Bigelow may be named. Mr. Eames, Minister to Venezuela under Pierce, died in 1867, and Sumner was pallbearer at his funeral. Just beforhich was likely to win for him popular approval. In contrast with his solitary and undefended position was the hearty, able, and unfailing support which Webster, Everett, Winthrop, and Choate always received from the journals of the city in which they lived. This discrimination against a political opponent no longer exists to the antislavery standpoint, it was moderate in tone and statements. It was of a style to which the Senate was unused, with a classic finish such as belonged only to Everett among contemporary orators. Sumner's rich sonorous voice and fine presence were added to charm of style. He impressed senators and spectators with his profound
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
continuous speaking in a campaign. Webster, Everett, and Choate were accustomed to treat public qffair of Lobos and the fisheries question. Mr. Everett, who has taken his place as Secretary of St pleasure in being the first to announce to Mr. Everett his unanimous confirmation by the Senate. hll of knowledge, to say nothing of genius. Mrs. Everett's health will not permit her to accompany hlause providing arbitration instead of war. Mr. Everett is willing; so is the British minister; k a new era in the law of nations. I think Mr. Everett would be glad to illustrate his brief term to present it in several different forms. Mr. Everett expressed a desire to have the advantage ofuld be named,—Winthrop, George Ashmun, and Edward Everett (then Secretary of State). Winthrop, now lin the caucus fell considerably below that of Everett, who was nominated and elected early in the saise of Webster's course on the Compromise. Mr. Everett, in thanking him for the printed copy of hi[3 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 38: repeal of the Missouri Compromise.—reply to Butler and Mason.—the Republican Party.—address on Granville Sharp.—friendly correspondence.—1853-1854. (search)
ion which would recognize him as a Whig,. Everett's action in the Whig caucus was discussed in . The National Era, Jan. 5, 1854, contrasted Everett's treatment of his colleague with D. S. Dickisor would be a supporter of the Compromise of Everett's type. Seward, whatever might be the impuls give it publicity. Seward wrote, January 4: Everett was on the Douglas committee, and says he obje by taunting them as only abolitionists; but Everett's career relieved him of all suspicion in thaater in the speech he referred regretfully to Everett's suggestion that the antislavery agitation he contest in Congress occurred March 14, when Everett presented the remonstrance from three thousan epithets which were then freely applied to Mr. Everett. Pettit of Indiana followed Everett witEverett with an assault on the memorialists marked by his usual coarseness and indecency, and moved that it being to the Supreme Being; while he discharged Everett, in view of his explanation and uniform condu[46 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 40: outrages in Kansas.—speech on Kansas.—the Brooks assault.—1855-1856. (search)
he was no unworthy successor of Adams, Webster, and Everett, no one who heard him will deny. In vigor and rich and Jacob A. Dresser, waited on Mr. Winthrop and Mr. Everett, inviting them to address the meeting; but both ent, and open to him a new career in public life. Mr. Everett, while speaking with kindness and sympathy for Mrto have called on Sumner. (New York Times. May 28.) Everett's declining was the occasion of comment at the timees senator, to reconsider the resolution inviting Mr. Everett to deliver before the Legislature his oration on 1858, commenting on Mr. Yeadon's defence of him. Mr. Everett also in the same letter explained his signature, 344. Sumner was always hearty in public tributes to Everett (Works, vol. i. p. 245; vol. IX. pp. 200, 219). Aish I could have taken the blows on my head. Edward Everett assured him of his deep sympathies, with wisheswith wrong. Professor Huntington first invited Mr. Everett to welcome Sumner; but while expressing respect f
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