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as to authorize volunteer companies in contiguous counties to form themselves into regiments, as now provided by said 20th section for the formation of such regiments in single counties; by Mr. Paxton, of withdrawing bill No.--from the files of the Senate, providing that railroad companies shall only use in the construction, repairs and operations of their roads, machinery, materials, and other supplies manufactured in the State, and that the same be referred to the Committee on Roads; by Mr. August, of changing the law regulating the granting of appeals from decisions of the Circuit Courts; by Mr. Thompson, of organizing a volunteer reserve corps of white males over 45 years of age; by Mr. Armstrong, of amending the act incorporating the town of Bath, in Morgan county, so as to give to one or more of the officers of said town the powers of a justice of the peace; by Mr. Brannon, of making a further appropriation to the Huttonsville and Huntersville Road, or of surrendering the same t
Crutchfield (search for this): article 6
shall be executed. The bill, as amended, was adopted unanimously. Adjournment Proposed.--Mr. Thomas, of Henry, proposed the following joint resolution, which was laid over under the rules: Resolved, (the House of Delegates consenting,) That when the Senate adjourn on Monday next, it will be to the 18th of February, 1861 On motion, the Senate adjourned. House of delegates. Wednesday, Jan. 23d, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Speaker Crutchfield. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Willis, of the Baptist Church. A message from the Senate was read announcing the passage of sundry bills, some of which were taken up, read the requisite number of times, and passed, among them acts amending and re- enacting the act entitled an act to incorporate the Jackson Orphan Asylum of Norfolk, passed February 26, 1856; changing the time of holding the terms of the Circuit Courts of the counties of Hardy and Page: for the relief of Benjamin and Isaa
nk of the Commonwealth; a bill amending an act incorporating the Princess Anne Savings Bank, in Princess Anne county, passed Feb. 27, 1860. Resolutions of Inquiry, &c.--The following resolutions of inquiry, &c., were adopted and referred: By Mr. Pate, of reporting a bill incorporating the Ambler Oil and Coal Company; by the same, of reporting a bill incorporating the Hughes Creek Oil and Coal Company; by the same, of reporting a bill incorporating the Fayette Oil and Coal Company; by Mr. Gatewood, petition of Fanny Mathews, for leave to enslave herself and child to Gabriel Jordan, of Page county; by Mr. Nash, of amending the 47th section of chapter 58 of the Code of Virginia; by Mr. Douglass, of compensating John Critcher for services in prosecuting one Samuel Hubbard, charged with murder, in the Circuit Court of Westmoreland county; by Mr. McKenny, of reporting a bill providing for the payment of 2 1-2 per centum upon the invoice value of all goods imported by steamers from Europ
General Assembly of Virginia.[extra session.] Senate. Wednesday, Jan. 23d, 1861. The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Read, of the Presbyterian Church. A communication was received from the House announcing the passage of sundry bills, and requesting the concurrence of the Senate. Reports of Committees.--A bill to amend the charter of the Bank of Phillippi; a bill to amend the charter of the Bank of the Commonwealth; a bill amending an act incorporating the Princess Anne Savings Bank, in Princess Anne county, passed Feb. 27, 1860. Resolutions of Inquiry, &c.--The following resolutions of inquiry, &c., were adopted and referred: By Mr. Pate, of reporting a bill incorporating the Ambler Oil and Coal Company; by the same, of reporting a bill incorporating the Hughes Creek Oil and Coal Company; by the same, of reporting a bill incorporating the Fayette Oil and Coal Company; by Mr. Gatewood, petition of Fanny Mathews, for le
Andrew Oliphant (search for this): article 6
enter, the petition of C. M. McCormack, to have refunded a fine imposed by the County Court of Alleghany county. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were read and referred; By Mr. Evans, of amending or repealing the law restricting the catching of fish in certain rivers and bays; by Mr. Witten, of providing for the payment of $162.70 to Witten Cecil and T. G. Perry, for law damages, assessed by a jury of Tazewell county; by Mr. Cowan, of legalizing a conveyance from Andrew Oliphant, guardian, &c., to David Simpson; by Mr. Carpenter, of amending 14th section of chapter 61 of the Code; by Mr. Watts, of refunding to Richard Cox and D. Griffith a sum of money assessed against them. Direct Trade.--Mr. Bisbie, of Norfolk, offered a resolution to the effect that the General Assembly had learned with satisfaction that Periere & Freres, Bankers, of Paris, France, contemplated putting on a line of steamers between the United States and France, and that France intended
ted so to do. Laid on the table till to-morrow in order that a test vote may be taken on the subject. Petitions.--By Mr. Carpenter, the petition of C. M. McCormack, to have refunded a fine imposed by the County Court of Alleghany county. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were read and referred; By Mr. Evans, of amending or repealing the law restricting the catching of fish in certain rivers and bays; by Mr. Witten, of providing for the payment of $162.70 to Witten Cecil and T. G. Perry, for law damages, assessed by a jury of Tazewell county; by Mr. Cowan, of legalizing a conveyance from Andrew Oliphant, guardian, &c., to David Simpson; by Mr. Carpenter, of amending 14th section of chapter 61 of the Code; by Mr. Watts, of refunding to Richard Cox and D. Griffith a sum of money assessed against them. Direct Trade.--Mr. Bisbie, of Norfolk, offered a resolution to the effect that the General Assembly had learned with satisfaction that Periere & Freres, Ban
William Thompson (search for this): article 6
d by said 20th section for the formation of such regiments in single counties; by Mr. Paxton, of withdrawing bill No.--from the files of the Senate, providing that railroad companies shall only use in the construction, repairs and operations of their roads, machinery, materials, and other supplies manufactured in the State, and that the same be referred to the Committee on Roads; by Mr. August, of changing the law regulating the granting of appeals from decisions of the Circuit Courts; by Mr. Thompson, of organizing a volunteer reserve corps of white males over 45 years of age; by Mr. Armstrong, of amending the act incorporating the town of Bath, in Morgan county, so as to give to one or more of the officers of said town the powers of a justice of the peace; by Mr. Brannon, of making a further appropriation to the Huttonsville and Huntersville Road, or of surrendering the same to the control of the County Courts of the counties through which it passes; by Mr. Paxton, of inquiring into
llowing the Northwestern Bank of Virginia and any of its branches to establish an agency in the city of Richmond for the redemption of its circulating notes. Bills Referred.--For the relief of R. Y. Overby, of Mecklenburg, and J. W. G. Smith, of Rockingham, to Committee on Finance; authorizing the Board of Public Works to confirm the sale of the Marysville Plank-Road to the county of Charlotte, to the Committee on Roads; incorporating the Merchants' Bank of Richmond, to the Committee on Banks; amending the act incorporating the Virginia Life Insurance Company, to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Stay Law.--Mr. Keen offered a resolution that a special committee be appointed to report a bill for a stay law. It was amended by Mr. Hopkins, with a proposition that the Committee on Courts of Justice be instructed so to do. Laid on the table till to-morrow in order that a test vote may be taken on the subject. Petitions.--By Mr. Carpenter, the petition of C. M. Mc
nteer reserve corps of white males over 45 years of age; by Mr. Armstrong, of amending the act incorporating the town of Bath, in Morgan county, so as to give to one or more of the officers of said town the powers of a justice of the peace; by Mr. Brannon, of making a further appropriation to the Huttonsville and Huntersville Road, or of surrendering the same to the control of the County Courts of the counties through which it passes; by Mr. Paxton, of inquiring into the causes which have led tgrievance, and to cause the more certain and speedy transportation of the mails and passengers on those roads. Bills Passed.--When the bill for the relief of the executor of Holden, late Sheriff of Harrison county, came up on its passage, Mr. Brannon supported it, and read a statement from the Auditor of Public Accounts admitting the justice of the claim. Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, opposed the passage of the bill, and argued it impolitic to release by legislation the revenue off
Patrick H. Scott (search for this): article 6
ad announcing the passage of sundry bills, some of which were taken up, read the requisite number of times, and passed, among them acts amending and re- enacting the act entitled an act to incorporate the Jackson Orphan Asylum of Norfolk, passed February 26, 1856; changing the time of holding the terms of the Circuit Courts of the counties of Hardy and Page: for the relief of Benjamin and Isaac Deford, of Morgan county; for the relief of Hugh Crolly and Patrick McCune; for the relief of Patrick H. Scott, of Halifax county; incorporating the Virginia Arms Manufacturing Company; allowing the Northwestern Bank of Virginia and any of its branches to establish an agency in the city of Richmond for the redemption of its circulating notes. Bills Referred.--For the relief of R. Y. Overby, of Mecklenburg, and J. W. G. Smith, of Rockingham, to Committee on Finance; authorizing the Board of Public Works to confirm the sale of the Marysville Plank-Road to the county of Charlotte, to the Commi
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