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The Daily Dispatch: November 29, 1861., [Electronic resource], Proceedings of the Methodist Annual Conference. (search)
this morning, it be to meet this afternoon, at 3½ o'clock. Rev. W. H. Christian read a certificate from Texas, concerning the character of. --Williams, a superannuated preacher, connected with this Conference. The relation of this member was continued. Dr. Doggett read to the Conference, from Rev. Benj. P. Ames, a letter concerning his situation and circumstances. The letter requested an election to Elder's Orders. The Conference to elected him. Also, a letter from Rev. F. J. Boggs, from Chape Hill, Texas, representing himself as now Captain in a regiment of mounted Texas. The examination of character of Elders was resumed, and Messrs. Wm. B. Rowzie, Robt. Michaels, L. M. Lee, W. J. Coffman, John D. Blackwell, P. A. Peterson, Jas. A Moss, Jas. W. Wonnicutt, Jas. G. Hammer, (who was continued on supernumerary list,) C. C. Pearson, Joseph J. Edwards, J. McMullin, W. J. Norfleet, T. A. Payne, and A. M. Hall, were passed. Rev. J. S. R. Clarke presented the