Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for February, 12 AD or search for February, 12 AD in all documents.

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Latest from Kentucky. Nashville, Dec. 2. --(via Mobile, Dec. 3.)--The Bowling Green correspondent of the Union and American, of the 2d inst., states that the Federals are still north of Green river. It is reported that they are preparing to go into winter quarters at Camp Levin, near Nolin Bridge. Memphis, Dec. 2.--It is stated here, on good authority, that Gen. A. S. Johnston believes that the Federal move against Columbus is a feint, and that the fight will come off at Bowling the 2d inst., states that the Federals are still north of Green river. It is reported that they are preparing to go into winter quarters at Camp Levin, near Nolin Bridge. Memphis, Dec. 2.--It is stated here, on good authority, that Gen. A. S. Johnston believes that the Federal move against Columbus is a feint, and that the fight will come off at Bowling Green shortly. The reported landing of troops from Cairo to St. Louis is confirmed. The Federals are evidently alarmed at St. Louis.
From the South. Mobile, Dec. 2. --Water communication with New Orleans is again suspended. The released engineer from the steamer Lewis, recently captured by the Federals in the Mississippi Sound, reports that the Captain, clerk, mate, and two of the crew were retained, and will be sent to New York to testify as to the unseaworthiness of the boat. Others were released on condition that they were not to take up arms against the Lincoln Government. Other boats are also reported as captured.
Election in Mobile. Mobile, Dec. 2. --The municipal election, which was so warmly contested in the canvass for Mayor, has resulted in the election of Mr. R. H. Slough as Mayor, by a very small majority.
Execution of Bridge Burners. Greenville, Tenn., Dec. 2. --Henry Fry and Jacob M. Henslie were hung on Saturday evening by order of the military, for the offence of bridge burning.