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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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Martha Mayo (search for this): article 8
tion on the charge of receiving from Ben. alive of John Foulk seven bars of pig iron, stolen by the letter from some person unknown. The Mayor thought the case ought to be further inquired into by the Hustings Court, and sent McNamara on to answer at the April term. He was allowed to give $550 bail for his appearance, which he did. The darkey concerned in the transaction was punished by 39 lashes. Mike Cary, charged with getting drunk and lying down in the street, was let off. Martha Mayo, a free negress, arrested for stealing a breastpin from Catharine Jones proved her innocence and was discharged. Hustings Court, March 14th--Presents Recorder Caskie, and Aldermen Sanxay, Bray, Beveridge, and Anderson. Nathaniel B. Hill was fined ten dollars for permitting his slave, Washington, to go at large and hire himself out, contrary to law. A capias was awarded against Jerome Diggs for falling to answer when summoned to be tried for a misdemeanor for which he had be
Catharine Jones (search for this): article 8
rs of pig iron, stolen by the letter from some person unknown. The Mayor thought the case ought to be further inquired into by the Hustings Court, and sent McNamara on to answer at the April term. He was allowed to give $550 bail for his appearance, which he did. The darkey concerned in the transaction was punished by 39 lashes. Mike Cary, charged with getting drunk and lying down in the street, was let off. Martha Mayo, a free negress, arrested for stealing a breastpin from Catharine Jones proved her innocence and was discharged. Hustings Court, March 14th--Presents Recorder Caskie, and Aldermen Sanxay, Bray, Beveridge, and Anderson. Nathaniel B. Hill was fined ten dollars for permitting his slave, Washington, to go at large and hire himself out, contrary to law. A capias was awarded against Jerome Diggs for falling to answer when summoned to be tried for a misdemeanor for which he had been indicted. J. C. Ellett was deed ten dollars on a conviction of
J. C. Ellett (search for this): article 8
Court, and sent McNamara on to answer at the April term. He was allowed to give $550 bail for his appearance, which he did. The darkey concerned in the transaction was punished by 39 lashes. Mike Cary, charged with getting drunk and lying down in the street, was let off. Martha Mayo, a free negress, arrested for stealing a breastpin from Catharine Jones proved her innocence and was discharged. Hustings Court, March 14th--Presents Recorder Caskie, and Aldermen Sanxay, Bray, Beveridge, and Anderson. Nathaniel B. Hill was fined ten dollars for permitting his slave, Washington, to go at large and hire himself out, contrary to law. A capias was awarded against Jerome Diggs for falling to answer when summoned to be tried for a misdemeanor for which he had been indicted. J. C. Ellett was deed ten dollars on a conviction of misdemeanor, the same consisting of buying a lot of butter, contrary to the market ordinance. The Court adjourned till the next term.
March 14th (search for this): article 8
The Yankees fleet off Charleston. Charleston, March 14. --In addition to the usual blockading fleet, including the Ironsides, there appeared to- day off the bar a Monitor iron-clad, which has taken her position with the fleet.
The Episcopal Church. --The "Pastoral Letter," to the Clergy and Lady lately received, emanating from the Bishops of the Episcopal Church, South, assembled in "General Council" last November, at Augusta, Ga., is replete with interest. We have space however, to quote but briefly from this able document, as follows, from the printed copy forwarded. It shows that the cause of Christian, religion is steadily progressing in our land. "The Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, under which we have been exercising our legislative functions is the same as that of the Church from which we have been providentially separated, save that we have introduced into it a germ of expansion which was wanting in the old Constitution." "The Canon Law, which has been adopted during our present session, is altogether in its spirit, and almost in its letter, identical with that under which we have hitherto prospered. It is the same moderate, just, and equal body of
Jesus Christ (search for this): article 9
wed by associations the most sacred and precious." Our highest encouragement is derived from the fact that we hold the sacred trust of the faith once delivered to the Saints, and that we hold it in connection with a ministry whose succession from Christ and His apostles in undoubted and with a form of worship, simple and pure, yet submit and scriptural — having all the strength that Divine Truth and a Divine Commission can give us. We can press on without any doubts resting upon our hearts as toriptural — having all the strength that Divine Truth and a Divine Commission can give us. We can press on without any doubts resting upon our hearts as to the truth which we are touching, as to the validity of the sacraments which we are administering or as to the authority of the orders which we are transmitting. Upon all these points we are secure, and we can go forward offering to all men, with boldness and confidence, the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Saints
Christian (search for this): article 9
The Episcopal Church. --The "Pastoral Letter," to the Clergy and Lady lately received, emanating from the Bishops of the Episcopal Church, South, assembled in "General Council" last November, at Augusta, Ga., is replete with interest. We have space however, to quote but briefly from this able document, as follows, from the printed copy forwarded. It shows that the cause of Christian, religion is steadily progressing in our land. "The Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, under which we have been exercising our legislative functions is the same as that of the Church from which we have been providentially separated, save that we have introduced into it a germ of expansion which was wanting in the old Constitution." "The Canon Law, which has been adopted during our present session, is altogether in its spirit, and almost in its letter, identical with that under which we have hitherto prospered. It is the same moderate, just, and equal body of
General Council (search for this): article 9
The Episcopal Church. --The "Pastoral Letter," to the Clergy and Lady lately received, emanating from the Bishops of the Episcopal Church, South, assembled in "General Council" last November, at Augusta, Ga., is replete with interest. We have space however, to quote but briefly from this able document, as follows, from the printed copy forwarded. It shows that the cause of Christian, religion is steadily progressing in our land. "The Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, under which we have been exercising our legislative functions is the same as that of the Church from which we have been providentially separated, save that we have introduced into it a germ of expansion which was wanting in the old Constitution." "The Canon Law, which has been adopted during our present session, is altogether in its spirit, and almost in its letter, identical with that under which we have hitherto prospered. It is the same moderate, just, and equal body of
United States (United States) (search for this): article 9
copal Church. --The "Pastoral Letter," to the Clergy and Lady lately received, emanating from the Bishops of the Episcopal Church, South, assembled in "General Council" last November, at Augusta, Ga., is replete with interest. We have space however, to quote but briefly from this able document, as follows, from the printed copy forwarded. It shows that the cause of Christian, religion is steadily progressing in our land. "The Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, under which we have been exercising our legislative functions is the same as that of the Church from which we have been providentially separated, save that we have introduced into it a germ of expansion which was wanting in the old Constitution." "The Canon Law, which has been adopted during our present session, is altogether in its spirit, and almost in its letter, identical with that under which we have hitherto prospered. It is the same moderate, just, and equal body of tiual law
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