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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1864., [Electronic resource].

Found 359 total hits in 173 results.

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B. J. Johnson (search for this): article 1
100 dollars reward --Ranaway from my store, on the 28th ult, my servant boy, Plummer. I purchased him of Capt David W Worker, of Richmond, about three weeks ago. Said boy is about 21 or 22 years old, 5 feet 9 inches high, light gingerbread color. Had on when be left dart pants and a light blue military overcoat. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me or to any jail so that I may get him. B. J. Johnson. Va and N. C. Tobacco Agent, On Cary, between 13th and Va sts. North Carolina papers will please copy and send bills to me. ja 1--7t*
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
100 dollars reward --Ranaway from my store, on the 28th ult, my servant boy, Plummer. I purchased him of Capt David W Worker, of Richmond, about three weeks ago. Said boy is about 21 or 22 years old, 5 feet 9 inches high, light gingerbread color. Had on when be left dart pants and a light blue military overcoat. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me or to any jail so that I may get him. B. J. Johnson. Va and N. C. Tobacco Agent, On Cary, between 13th and Va sts. North Carolina papers will please copy and send bills to me. ja 1--7t*
Gerard Stikes (search for this): article 10
Affairs in Vicksburg. --A lady from Vicksburg gives a sad statement of affairs is that unfortunate city. The blacks are regarded fully upon an equally with the whites, and much better than Southern sympathizers. A lady of high respectability, on refusing to allow her servant girl to eat at the same table with her family, was arrested on complaint of the servant and treated very harshly--Federal officers are seen daily riding out with an gallanting negro women on the street. The confiscation of all disloyal citizens' property is being rigidly enforced. Gerard Stikes, formerly a robed Secessionist, is now the Yankee Chief of Police, and is had down on all who are not for "the glorious Union."
December 25th (search for this): article 10
Dismissed the service. --John D. Perrin, one of the city police, was before the Mayor yesterday for assaulting a negro boy, on christmas last, and after a hearing was dismissed from the city service. This dismissal will be reported to the City Council, by whom the vacancy will be filled. Persia was an active, persevering officer, always ready for duty, and always prompt in its discharge.
John D. Perrin (search for this): article 10
Dismissed the service. --John D. Perrin, one of the city police, was before the Mayor yesterday for assaulting a negro boy, on christmas last, and after a hearing was dismissed from the city service. This dismissal will be reported to the City Council, by whom the vacancy will be filled. Persia was an active, persevering officer, always ready for duty, and always prompt in its discharge.
Chief Justice O'Neal, of South-Carolina, died at Newberry, S. C., on the 26th ult.
Chief Justice O'Neal, of South-Carolina, died at Newberry, S. C., on the 26th ult.
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 11
Chief Justice O'Neal, of South-Carolina, died at Newberry, S. C., on the 26th ult.
Newberry, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 11
Chief Justice O'Neal, of South-Carolina, died at Newberry, S. C., on the 26th ult.
Aiding a Runaway. --George, slave to Thomas Garland, made his appearance before the Mayor yesterday, to answer the charge of aiding Mary Ann, slave to Dr. F. W. hancock, to escape from her master. --After a partial hearing the investigation was adjourned to a future-day.
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