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Laurion (Greece) 8 0 Browse Search
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Gytheion (Greece) 2 0 Browse Search
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Amphipolis (Greece) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Thomas R. Martin, An Overview of Classical Greek History from Mycenae to Alexander. Search the whole document.

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Gytheion (Greece) (search for this): chapter 6
ce in Greece during the Archaic Age. Sparta's easily defended location, Perseus Encyclopedia entry for Laconia, Perseus Encyclopedia entry for Spartans, —nestled on a narrow north-south plain between rugged mountain ranges in the southeastern Peloponnese, in a region called Laconia (hence the designation of Spartans as Laconians)—gave it a secure base for developing its might. Sparta had access to the sea through a harborPaus. 3.21.6, situated some twenty-five miles south of its urban center, but this harbor opened onto a dangerous stretch of the Mediterranean whipped by treacherous currents and winds. As a consequence, enemies could not threaten the Spartans by sea, but their relative isolation from the sea also kept the Spartans from becoming adept sailors. Their interests and their strength Thuc. 1.10.2 lay on the land.