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Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 59
s cap. In consequence of the want of ordinary comforts in the Freeborn for wounded men, I brought the two wounded men belonging to that vessel, with those two of this ship, with the remains of the late Commander J. H. Ward, to the Navy Yard, Washington, where I now await orders. I must also call the attention of the department to the bravery of John Williams, captain maintop of the Pawnee, who told his men, while laying off in the boat, that every man must die on his thwart sooner than lea it is presented I shall forward a copy for the information of the department. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C. Rowan, Camp and Senior Officer of the Potomac, Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. Surgeon's report. United States steam sloop Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the action at Matthias Point this afternoon: Killed 1.--Commander J. H. Ward, comma
Aquia Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 59
Doc. 55.-the fight at Matthias point. Official report of the action. United States steamer Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--About sundown the evening of the 26th instant, while at anchor off Acquia Creek, I received an order from Commander Ward (a copy of which is herewith enclosed) to send him two boats armed and equipped, in command of Lieutenant Chaplin. This order was immediately complied with in all its details, and the party left the ship in tow of the Resolute at 9 o'clock A. M. To-day, about noon, the Resolute returned, with a request from Captain Ward that I should send her back if I had no more important service for her. I immediately despatched the Reliance to Captain Ward, knowing the danger to which our people would be exposed if he contemplated a landing at Matthias Point, as I feared was his intention, judging from the nature of the order he gave me, to furnish him with such equipments as were necessary to cut down trees on the point and burn the
Pawnee City (Nebraska, United States) (search for this): chapter 59
ry of the Navy, Washington. Surgeon's report. United States steam sloop Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the action at Matthias Point this afternoon: Killed 1.--Commander J. H. Ward, commanding flotilla; gunshot wound of abdomen, almost immediately fatal. Wounded dangerously 2.--1. William J. Best, O. S., belonging to the Pawnee; gunshot wound, fracturing both bones of left leg; a second gunshot wound in soft part of right fore arm; a third gunshot wound of right hand. 2 William M. Chenny, belonging to the Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of the left thigh fracturing the femur. Wounded severely 2.--1. John Williams, captain of maintop of Pawnee; gunshot wound of soft part of right thigh. 2. George McKenny, yeoman of Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of soft part of left thigh. espectfully yours, F. M. Gunnell, Surgeon United States Navy. Com. S. C. Rowan, Commanding flotilla in the Potomac River.
Potomac River (United States) (search for this): chapter 59
Doc. 55.-the fight at Matthias point. Official report of the action. United States steamer Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--About sundown the evening of the 26th instant, while at anchor off Acquia Creek, I received an order from Commander Ward (a copy of which is herewith enclosed) to send him two boats arman, Camp and Senior Officer of the Potomac, Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. Surgeon's report. United States steam sloop Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the action at Matthias Point this afternoon: Killed 1.--Commander J. H. War. Wounded severely 2.--1. John Williams, captain of maintop of Pawnee; gunshot wound of soft part of right thigh. 2. George McKenny, yeoman of Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of soft part of left thigh. espectfully yours, F. M. Gunnell, Surgeon United States Navy. Com. S. C. Rowan, Commanding flotilla in the Potomac River.
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 59
Doc. 55.-the fight at Matthias point. Official report of the action. United States steamer Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--About sundown the evening of the 26th instant, while at anchor off Acquia Creek, I received an order from Commander Ward (a copy of which is herewith enclosed) to send him two boats armed and equipped, in command of Lieutenant Chaplin. This order was immediately complied with in all its details, and the party left the ship in tow of the Resolute ator the information of the department. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C. Rowan, Camp and Senior Officer of the Potomac, Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. Surgeon's report. United States steam sloop Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the action at Matthias Point this afternoon: Killed 1.--Commander J. H. Ward, commanding flotilla; gunshot wound of abdomen
maintop of the Pawnee, who told his men, while laying off in the boat, that every man must die on his thwart sooner than leave a man behind, and when the flagstaff of his boat was shot away and the ensign fell, he (although suffering from a gun-shot wound in the thigh) seized it in his hand and bravely waved it over his head. A copy of the surgeon's report of casualties is herewith enclosed. The wounded have been removed to the hospital. I also enclose copies of orders addressed to Lieutenant Lowry. Lieutenant Chaplin's report of the affair is not yet ready. When it is presented I shall forward a copy for the information of the department. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C. Rowan, Camp and Senior Officer of the Potomac, Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. Surgeon's report. United States steam sloop Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the acti
F. M. Gunnell (search for this): chapter 59
ry of the Navy, Washington. Surgeon's report. United States steam sloop Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the action at Matthias Point this afternoon: Killed 1.--Commander J. H. Ward, commanding flotilla; gunshot wound of abdomen, almost immediately fatal. Wounded dangerously 2.--1. William J. Best, O. S., belonging to the Pawnee; gunshot wound, fracturing both bones of left leg; a second gunshot wound in soft part of right fore arm; a third gunshot wound of right hand. 2 William M. Chenny, belonging to the Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of the left thigh fracturing the femur. Wounded severely 2.--1. John Williams, captain of maintop of Pawnee; gunshot wound of soft part of right thigh. 2. George McKenny, yeoman of Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of soft part of left thigh. espectfully yours, F. M. Gunnell, Surgeon United States Navy. Com. S. C. Rowan, Commanding flotilla in the Potomac River.
William J. Best (search for this): chapter 59
very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C. Rowan, Camp and Senior Officer of the Potomac, Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. Surgeon's report. United States steam sloop Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the action at Matthias Point this afternoon: Killed 1.--Commander J. H. Ward, commanding flotilla; gunshot wound of abdomen, almost immediately fatal. Wounded dangerously 2.--1. William J. Best, O. S., belonging to the Pawnee; gunshot wound, fracturing both bones of left leg; a second gunshot wound in soft part of right fore arm; a third gunshot wound of right hand. 2 William M. Chenny, belonging to the Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of the left thigh fracturing the femur. Wounded severely 2.--1. John Williams, captain of maintop of Pawnee; gunshot wound of soft part of right thigh. 2. George McKenny, yeoman of Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of soft part of left thigh.
J. H. Ward (search for this): chapter 59
eamer Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--About sundown the evening of the 26th instant, while at anchor off Acquia Creek, I received an order from Commander Ward (a copy of which is herewith enclosed) to send him two boats armed and equipped, in command of Lieutenant Chaplin. This order was immediately complied with in all its details, and the party left the ship in tow of the Resolute at 9 o'clock A. M. To-day, about noon, the Resolute returned, with a request from Captain Ward that I should send her back if I had no more important service for her. I immediately despatched the Reliance to Captain Ward, knowing the danger to which our people wCaptain Ward, knowing the danger to which our people would be exposed if he contemplated a landing at Matthias Point, as I feared was his intention, judging from the nature of the order he gave me, to furnish him with such equipments as were necessary to cut down trees on the point and burn them. At 9 o'clock this evening the Freeborn and Reliance came up, having been repulsed by
George McKenny (search for this): chapter 59
ry of the Navy, Washington. Surgeon's report. United States steam sloop Pawnee, Potomac River, June 27, 1861. sir:--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the action at Matthias Point this afternoon: Killed 1.--Commander J. H. Ward, commanding flotilla; gunshot wound of abdomen, almost immediately fatal. Wounded dangerously 2.--1. William J. Best, O. S., belonging to the Pawnee; gunshot wound, fracturing both bones of left leg; a second gunshot wound in soft part of right fore arm; a third gunshot wound of right hand. 2 William M. Chenny, belonging to the Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of the left thigh fracturing the femur. Wounded severely 2.--1. John Williams, captain of maintop of Pawnee; gunshot wound of soft part of right thigh. 2. George McKenny, yeoman of Thomas Freeborn; gunshot wound of soft part of left thigh. espectfully yours, F. M. Gunnell, Surgeon United States Navy. Com. S. C. Rowan, Commanding flotilla in the Potomac River.
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