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Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
n for the protection of Washington, a battle unimportant but bloody took place near Winchester. Battle of Kernstown. Gen. Shields had been left at Winchester by Banks with a division and some cavalry, and commanded, as he states in his official report, seven thousand men of all arms. Ascertaining that Stonewall Jackson was at New Market, he made a feint, pretended to retreat on the 20th of March, and at night placed his force in a secluded position, two miles from Winchester on the Martinsburg road. This movement, and the masked position of the enemy made an impression upon the inhabitants of Winchester that Shields' army had left, and that nothing remained but a few regiments to garrison the place. On the 22nd Ashby's cavalry drove in the enemy's pickets, and discovered only a brigade. The next day Jackson had moved his line near Kernstown, prepared to give battle and expecting to find only a small force of the enemy at the point of attack. He had less than twenty-five hu
Newmarket, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
tion of Gen. Edward Johnson's little force, which was drawn up in a narrow valley, at a village called McDowell, with the heavy brigades of Milroy and Blenker in line of battle before them. The enemy was driven here after a brief engagement. Learning that his success at McDowell had so frightened Milroy and Blenker that they had called upon Fremont, who was a few marches behind, Jackson determined to deceive them and fall back. Moving at a fast rate down the Valley Pike, he proceeded to Newmarket, and was there joined by Ewells force, which had been awaiting him at Swift Run Gap. The whole force now amounted to about fourteen thousand men; and after a little rest, proceeded across the Shenandoah Mountains. Let us see how now stood the forces of the enemy. When Shields, who had followed Jackson since the battle of Kernstown, found him strongly posted at McGackeysville, he declined to advance against him and, withdrawing his forces from between Woodstock and Harrisonburg, he reg
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
e Peninsula, thinking to surprise Magruder at Yorktown, and seize Richmond before any troops could bupon the line held across the Peninsula, from Yorktown on the York River to Mulberry Island on Jamesn had three corps d'armee in the lines before Yorktown, and had in the field a force of nearly 90,00nced the operation of a regular siege against Yorktown. While he was constructing his parallels, Ger to stand a siege nor to deliver a battle at Yorktown. The enemy was in largely superiour force, berations in his rear, which threatened him at Yorktown from McDowell's corps at Fredericksburg. It he barren occupation of the deserted works of Yorktown, was anxious to snatch some sort of victory femy on the water, to abandon the peninsula of Yorktown, he had done so in a manner which illustratedruction of the Virginia. The retreat front Yorktown involved the surrender of Norfolk with all th's fleet. When McClellan was encamped before Yorktown, she appeared in Hampton Roads, when the whol
Port Republic (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
tribute to him. battles of cross keys and Port Republic. Ewell defeats Fremont. the field of PorPort Republic. Ewell's arrival saves the day. critical and splendid action of two Virginia regimentsurned towards the east in the direction of Port Republic. On the movement from Harrisonburg occhivalry. On the road from Harrisonburg to Port Republic, the 58th Virginia became engaged with theof the enemy. Battles of cross-keys and Port Republic. On the 7th of June the main body of Gekson's command had reached the vicinity of Port Republic. The village is situated in the angle fornear the road leading from Harrisonburg to Port Republic. Gen. Fremont had arrived with his forces oah, and was then some fifteen miles below Port Republic. Gen. Jackson's position was about equi-dices were recalled to join in the attack at Port Republic. As day broke they commenced their march ed six guns, which commanded the road from Port Republic, and swept the plateau for a considerable
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
and Northern newspapers. 01 the morning of the 5th May, Gen. Hooker's division of Heintzelman's corps came up near Williamsburg with the Confederate rear-guard, commanded by Gen. Longstreet. The Federals were in a forest in front of WilliamsburgWilliamsburg; but as Hooker came into the open ground, he was vigorously attacked, driven back with the loss of five guns, and with difficulty held the belt of wood which sheltered and concealed his men from the Confederate fire. Other forces of the enemy were t and strongest at any point in the Confederacy. The fact was that McClellan's army had received a serious check at Williamsburg, which, if Gen. Longstreet had been able to take advantage of it, might have been converted into a disastrous defeat. riedly fell back before an inferiour force, and did not halt until under the guns of his flotilla. The incidents of Williamsburg and Barhamsville had been Confederate successes; and Johnston's movement to the line of the Chickahominy turned out a
Barhamsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
burg. Longstreet's division engaged. success of the Confederates. McClellan's whole army in peril. his flank movement on Johnston's retreat. engagement at Barhamsville. the line of the Chickahominy. Johnston's brilliant strategy. evacuation of Norfolk. destruction of the Virginia. her last challenge to the enemy. a gallYork River, and disembark a large force there to assail Johnston on the flank. On the 7th of May, Franklin attempted a landing under cover of his gunboats, at Barhamsville near West Point. The attempt was gallantly repulsed by Whiting's division of Texas troops. The fight was wild and confused. Franklin hurriedly fell back before an inferiour force, and did not halt until under the guns of his flotilla. The incidents of Williamsburg and Barhamsville had been Confederate successes; and Johnston's movement to the line of the Chickahominy turned out a most brilliant piece of strategy. He had secured the safe retreat of his army, together with his bag
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
l at Fredericksburg. Banks had his force scattered up and down the Valley, the rear being at Front Royal. Blenker and Milroy were similarly bound through Western Virginia, but their defeat had dive2d, Jackson and Ewell, with fourteen thousand men, were meditating an attack on their rear at Front Royal. The rear-guard, consisting of the First Maryland Regiment, may be said to have been almos the action, Banks had his army in motion from Strasburg; he feared that Jackson, moving from Front Royal on the converging road to Winchester, might cut him off from that supposed place of safety. the desire for safety. In forty-eight hours after he had got the first news of the attack on Front Royal, Banks was on the shore of the Potomac, having performed thirty-five miles of the distance onbandoned at Winchester all his commissary and ordnance stores. He had resigned that town and Front Royal to the undisputed possession of the Confederates. He had left in their hands four thousand p
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 16
th singular spirit, and led in the work of the restoration of public confidence. On the 14th of May it adopted the following resolution, which, indeed, deserves to be committed to history as an example of heroic fortitude and patriotic sacrifice: 4 Resolved, by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the General Assembly hereby expresses its desire that the capital of the State be defended to the last extremity, if such defence is in accordance with the views of the President of the Confederate States, and that the President be assured that whatever destruction and loss of property of the State or individuals shall thereby result, will be cheerfully submitted to. To this exhibition of the spirit of Virginia, President Davis responded in lively terms. He stated to a committee of the Legislature, which called upon him to ascertain his views, that he had never entertained the thought of withdrawing the army from Virginia and abandoning the State. But to some extent he spoiled the
Drewry's Bluff (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ctacle. Commodore Tatnall orders her destruction. a Court of inquiry. naval engagement at Drewry's Bluff. a feeble barrier to Richmond. repulse of the Federal fleet. what it proved. McClellan'swas the time to decide upon the disposition to he made of the vessel. Naval engagement at Drewry's Bluff. The destruction of the Virginia left the James River open for the enemy's operations. T advanced within twelve miles of Richmond. Here was a half-finished fort at what was called Drewry's Bluff, mounting four guns. The river at this point was also obstructed by a double line of piles could not be reduced by gunboats, and decided the question for the enemy that the capture of Drewry's Bluff, and the water approach to Richmond were impracticable without the aid of a land force. The possession of the James River below Drewry's Bluff was of but little present advantage to McClellan, as his base of supplies was on the Pamunkey, from which point there was rail communication to Ri
Sewell's Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
rain, and, although forced by the configuration of the land, and the superiourity of the enemy on the water, to abandon the peninsula of Yorktown, he had done so in a manner which illustrated his genius, and insured the safety and efficiency of his army. Evacuation of Norfolk-destruction of the Virginia. The retreat front Yorktown involved the surrender of Norfolk with all the advantages of its contiguous navy-yard and dock and the abandonment of the strong Confederate positions at Sewell's Point and Craney Island. Here was the old story of disaster consequent upon haste and imperfect preparations. The evacuation was badly managed by Gen. Huger; much property was abandoned, and the great dry-dock only partially blown up. The circumstances of the evacuation of Norfolk were made the subject of an investigation in the Confederate Congress. Commodore Forrest testified as follows before the committee making the investigation: I understood that it was the intention of the Go
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