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Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
emn. We are not their advocate or expositor; for we choose to be responsible only for what we shall utter or write, and to let every man answer for himself. Doubtless, there are some diversities of views among them; and also some, who profess to be of their number, who do not walk worthily of their profession. All are not Israel who are of Israel, yet the true Israel of God remain loyal. If what we have heard of the sayings and doings of the perfectionists, especially those residing in Vermont, be true, they have Ante, 2.289; Noyes's American Socialisms, p. 624. certainly turned the grace of God into lasciviousness, and given themselves over to a reprobate mind. So, also, if a tithe of the allegations that have been brought against the abolitionists by their enemies be true, they are a body of madmen, incendiaries, and cut-throats. We know how to make allowance for calumny in the one case, and it leads us to be charitable in the other. . . . Now, whatever may be the conduct
Jacksonville, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
hat purpose?], that he might destroy the works of the devil. Therefore, Whosoever is born of God 1 John 3.9, 10. doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin [what a dangerous doctrine, what a delusive error, and how utterly destructive to the life and growth of true holiness!], because he is born of God. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil. A sentiment attributed to the Rev. Edward Beecher, Lib. 11.191. President of Jacksonville (Ill.) College, in the course of some lectures in Boston, furnished another occasion for the display of Mr. Garrison's magnanimity, towards Noyes in particular. The stanch friend of Lovejoy was reported Elijah P. Lovejoy. to have prognosticated the speedy end of the world by the general wickedness which prevailed, the doctrines of the perfectionists, non-resistants, deists, atheists, and pantheists, which are all those of false Christs. With perfectionists, as such, rejoined Mr. Garris
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Alden to London Committee. conducting the Massachusetts Abolitionist, who brought the most cruel anst God, and spoke of the whole phalanx of Massachusetts Ultraists, with Garrison at its head. Thi-world man, was at this epoch preaching in Massachusetts that the day of probation, preceding the mhe cause in a great number of towns in eastern Massachusetts, in Connecticut, in New Hampshire, wit sent back to slavery from the soil of old Massachusetts? --this time uttered with all the power ofat J. H. Noyes called the whole phalanx of Massachusetts Ultraists Ante, p. 11. had a conservative Middlesex, one of the largest counties in Massachusetts, yet within easy radius of Boston, the Lib spare time to lecturing and recruiting in Massachusetts and the neighboring States, delivering mors at Lib. 11.189. antislavery meetings in Massachusetts, Thus, at Hingham, Nov. 4, 1841, Edmundn the Free Amer- Lib. 11.59. ican (as the Massachusetts Abolitionist was styled, with delightful v[1 more...]
Nantucket (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ors diligently in the field to revive the anti-slavery organization with Frederick Douglass at Nantucket, with N. P. Rogers in New Hampshire. He begins to entertain disunion views. Alienation and hed (Lib. 12: 2, 3, 7, 8). Of the numerous meetings and conventions now instituted, that at Nantucket in August was a conspicuous Aug. 10, 11, 12, 1841; Lib. 11.130, 134. example of the glad renhe had never addressed any but his own color when he was induced to narrate his experiences at Nantucket. It was, he says, with the utmost difficulty that I could Life of F. Douglass, ed. 188 the express image of his own soul. That night there were at least a thousand Garrisonians in Nantucket! Another eye witness, Parker Pillsbury, reports ( Acts of the A. S. Apostles, p. 327): what Abby Kelley called the transcendental spirit, and who at Ms. Sept. 30, 1841, to W. L. G. Nantucket flatly proclaimed the anti-slavery organization the greatest hindrance to the anti-slavery ent
Millbury (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
rhood of thieves tame language to apply to the action of the Presbyterian General Assembly at Philadelphia on May 20. The Committee of Bills and Overtures unanimously refused to report on the exciting topic of slavery, and desired to return the papers on that subject to the presbyteries which had presented them. By an overwhelming vote the whole business was indefinitely postponed (Lib. 11: 95). So in a question of measures. At a quarterly meeting of the Massachusetts Society held at Millbury on August 17, 1841, Mr. Foster moved the following: S. S. Foster. Resolved, That we recommend to abolitionists as the most Lib. 11.139. consistent and effectual method of abolishing the negro pew, to take their seats in it, wherever it may be found, whether in a gentile synagogue, a railroad car, a steamboat, or a stagecoach. With the extension of the railroad system, the inhuman prejudice against color was catered to by corporations even in excess of the requirements of average pub
Dublin (Irish Republic) (search for this): chapter 1
ical business talent, and unfailing grasp of principles. She was the Mrs. Chapman of the British agitation. What mistakes people make! They think Victoria Queen of England, when it is Elizabeth Pease; and know not that the Allens and Webbs [of Dublin] are the Lords Spiritual and Temporal (Ms. Jan. 30, 1841, E. Quincy to Collins). What more of royalty has England's queen? asked Mr. Garrison in his sonnet to Elizabeth Pease (Lib. 12.4). Colver was efficiently seconded by Torrey, temporariw up its annual report, and bore the expenses of its single (annual) meeting and of its short-lived organ, the Ante, 2.386; Lib. 11.137, 167, 193. (monthly) Anti-Slavery Reporter, which Whittier helped edit. Mrs. Mott writes to Hannah Webb of Dublin, Feb. 25, 1842 (Ms.): Maria W. Chapman wrote me that he [Whittier] . . . was in the [A. S.] office a few months since, bemoaning to Garrison that there should have been any divisions. Why could we not all go on together? Why not, indeed? said
Oberlin (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
counsels of the froward headlong. . . . Have you attentively read the little work I left with you, by J. H. Noyes? If you have done with the file of the Perfectionist which I left in your care, I will thank you to send it to me by a private conveyance whenever perfectly convenient. The difference between Noyes's Perfectionism and Mr. Cf. ante, 2.206. Garrison's was soon to be illustrated in a very signal manner. President Mahan and the Rev. Charles G. Ante 2.285, 286. Finney, of Oberlin, who belonged to the same school with Noyes and (nominally) the editor of the Liberator, assumed an attitude of hostility to non-resistance very afflicting to the last-named. Finney held, in a Fast Lib. 11.151, 176. sermon, that circumstances may arise, not only to render fighting in defence of liberty a Christian duty, but also to justify Christians in actively supporting despotism. Noyes's society at Putney, Vt., some months afterwards, Lib. 11.183. discussed the question: Is it accor
Littleton (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
t the smoke came out of friend Rogers's mouth. And it so turned out. This was before E. Rogers. we reached the Notch tavern. Alighting there to water our beasts, we gave him, all round, a faithful admonition. For anti-slavery does not fail to spend its intervals of public service in mutual and searching correction of the faults of its friends. We gave it soundly to friend Rogers—that he, an abolitionist, E. Rogers. on his way to an anti-slavery convention, should desecrate his At Littleton, N. H., Aug. 26, 1841. anti-slavery mouth and that glorious Mountain Notch with a stupefying tobacco weed. We had halted at the Iron Works tavern to refresh our horses, and, while they were eating, walked to view the Furnace. As we crossed the little bridge, friend Rogers took out another cigar, as if to light it when we E. Rogers. should reach the fire. Is it any malady you have got, brother Rogers, said we to him, that you smoke that thing, or is it E. Rogers. habit and indulgence mer
Pawtucket (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
in Christianity,’ preached May 19, 1841 (Frothingham's Life of Parker, p. 152, Weiss's Life, 1.165), Garrison said gravely to his friend Johnson, ‘Infidelity, Oliver, infidelity!’ So thought most of the Unitarian clergy; and the denomination first gave it official currency, as at once respectable and conservative doctrine, in 1885 (see the volume, Views of religion, a selection from Parker's sermons). In reviewing, in January, 1842, a volume of religious poetry by Mrs. Sophia L. Little, of Pawtucket, Mr. Garrison said: ‘Whatever goes to exalt the character of the Saviour is at all times valuable; but never more than when, as at the present time, attempts are made to decry his mission, to associate him with Socrates and Plato, and to reject him as the great mediator between God and man’ (Lib. 12: 7). The reference is to a letter of Christopher A. Greene's in the Plain Speaker (1: 22): ‘And we felt . . . that we were the brothers and equals of Socrates and Plato and Jesus and John
Middlesex Village (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
slavery. Lib. 11.7. The sooner, added Mr. Garrison, this truth is realized by abolitionists, Lib. 11.7. the better. When we go into a place, said Wendell Phillips at Weymouth, speaking as an anti-slavery July 2, 1841; Lib. 11.123. lecturer, we know, we feel instantly, whether the minister is for or against us. We judge instinctively. But that the presumption was that the minister would be adverse, is clear from such a report on the attitude of the clergy Lib. 11.173. as was made for Middlesex, one of the largest counties in Massachusetts, yet within easy radius of Boston, the Liberator office, and the engine of the State anti-slavery machinery, and by no means a neglected field. Collins, who, after his return from England, devoted all his spare time to lecturing and recruiting in Massachusetts and the neighboring States, delivering more than ninety addresses in upwards of sixty towns and parishes, and travelling some 3500 miles, reported on Jan. 18, 1842: All the opposition
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