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Contreras (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
nt at the siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, and at the assault and capture of the city of Mexico. He was brevetted major, August 20, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, and lieutenant-colonel for the same reason at the storming of Chapultepec. From 1848 to 1855 he was chief of commissariat at Detroit, Mich., and until July 1, 1861, in the same position in New Mexico. Having such a long and hoce was in the military occupation of Texas, 1845-46, and he was soon called upon to meet the enemies of his country in the war with Mexico. He was engaged in the siege of Vera Cruz and in a skirmish at San Juan de los Llanos, at the battles of Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey and other operations before the city of Mexico which led to its capture and occupation by the American forces. He was brevetted first lieutenant for gallant and meritorious conduct in these battles. From 1848 to 18
Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
e was put in temporary command of the department of Western Virginia and East Tennessee, May 31, 1864. After the war he returned to Kentucky and lived mostly at Frankfort. He was State librarian from 1867 to 1871. He died at Danville, Ky., November 27, 1880. General Crittenden had a brother, Thomas L., who sided with the Union, st distinguished families of Kentucky. His father was an eminent lawyer and jurist, and his grandfather was Humphrey Marshall, the statesman. He was born in Frankfort, Ky., January 13, 1812, and was graduated at West Point in 1832 with promotion to brevet thirdlieuten-ant in the mounted rangers. He served in the Black Hawk expedition, and was made brevet second-lieutenant of the First dragoons March 4, 1833, but resigned in April. He then practiced law at Frankfort and at Louisville and was successively captain, major and lieutenant-colonel of Kentucky militia. In the Mexican war he served as colonel of the First Kentucky cavalry volunteers, and under
Sacramento (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
e to the close of the war to serve with great ability in the department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana. After peace had been restored he moved to Butte county, Cal., and began farming. He was not permitted to remain in retirement. From 1878 to 1883 he was secretary of the board of State engineers of California; in 1886 was member of the board of visitors to the United States military academy; during 1888 was superintendent of construction of the United States building at Sacramento, Cal.; and subsequently recording clerk in the office of the secretary of state of California. Major-General George Bibb Crittenden Major-General George Bibb Crittenden was born in Russellville, Logan county, Ky., March 20, 1812, and was the oldest son of J. J. Crittenden. He was graduated at West Point in 1832, but resigned from the army the next year. In 1835 he went to Texas and volunteered in the struggle for independence; was taken prisoner, and held by the Mexicans for nearly a
Pine Mountain (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
of September, 1863, he was promoted to brigadier-general and continued in command of the Kentucky brigade, then including the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Ninth regiments and the Forty-first Alabama. He led the brigade in the unfortunate battle of Missionary Ridge and on the retreat to Dalton. His command formed a reserve to support Cleburne at the battle of Ringgold Gap. On the Dalton-Atlanta campaign Lewis' brigade was actively engaged at Mill Creek Gap, Resaca, New Hope Church, Dallas, Pine Mountain and Kenesaw Mountain. It participated also in the battle of Peachtree Creek July 20th, and in that of Atlanta, July 22d. On the 6th of August at Utoy creek, Lewis' brigade participated in the fight of Bate's division against Schofield. This affair resulted in the great discomfiture of the enemy, the capture of several stand of colors and many prisoners and arms. After the fall of Atlanta this famous Kentucky brigade was mounted and placed in Wheeler's cavalry corps. Lewis was with
Princeton, N. J. (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
of Eastern Kentucky was assigned to him with instructions to operate in the mountain passes on the Virginia border. On January 10, 1862, he met Federal forces under General Garfield at Middle creek in Floyd county. A severe combat ensued in which Marshall repulsed every attack, but many of his men having been without food for several hours and no provisions being near at hand, on the next day he began to retire toward Martin's Mill. In May he defeated the Federals under J. D. Cox at Princeton, Va., and saved to Confederate use the Lynchburg & Knoxville railroad, for which service he received the thanks of General Lee. On the 16th of June he resigned his commission, but was reappointed June 20th, to date from his first commission. He was subsequently elected to the Confederate Congress as a representative from Kentucky, and served on the military committee. His final resignation from the army was sent in on June 7, 1863, and from this time he served the Confederate government in
Fort Pillow (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
nd Twelfth Louisiana. But he soon returned to the cavalry service with his three Kentucky infantry regiments, mounted, and was given command of a division of Forrest's command, including the three Kentucky regiments already named, Colonel Faulkner's Twelfth and Forrest's Alabama regiment, forming one brigade under Col. A. P. Thompson, and the Tennessee brigade of Col. T. H. Bell. With this command Buford took part in Forrest's spring campaign in West Tennes see, including the capture of Fort Pillow, and was so prominent in the famous victory of Tishomingo Creek that Forrest declared his obligations principally due to Buford. During the Atlanta campaign he took part in the operations in northern Alabama and Tennessee in a number of engagements, among which Johnsonville is the most famous; and later he was with Forrest in the operations about Franklin and Murfreesboro, and the rear-guard fighting of Hood's retreat, until he was severely wounded at Richland creek, December 24th. In
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
ted major-general April 14, 1862, he was ordered with his division to Vicksburg in June. He defeated the enemy at Baton Rouge, took possession of Port Hudson, marched to the relief of Bragg, and took a conspicuous part in the battle of Murfreesboro. In 1863 he joined Gen. Joseph E. Johnston in Mississippi, and repelled the enemy at Jackson. Returning to Bragg he participated in the battle of Chickamauga and succeeded D. H. Hill in command of an army corps, in this capacity serving at Missionary Ridge. Then going into Virginia, he defeated Sigel at New Market May 15, 1864, joined General Lee in the campaign of that summer, protected the communications during Sheridan's raid, and did good service at Cold Harbor. In conjunction with General Early he discomfited the Federals under Hunter in the Shenandoah valley and made the campaign in Maryland, defeating Wallace at Monocacy. Subsequently he fought in the valley until given command in southwest Virginia, whence he was called to the
Texas Power And Light Company Lake (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
July 1, 1852, he graduated and entered the army as brevet second-lieutenant of mounted riflemen. For one year thereafter he served at the Carlisle, Pa., cavalry school for practice, and the next year was on frontier duty at Fort Ewell, Fort Merritt and Edinburgh, Tex., having become full second-lieutenant September 16, 1853. During 1854 he was a great deal of the time on scouting duty, and on the 9th of May of that year was severely wounded in a skirmish with the Comanche Indians near Lake Trinidad. Subsequently he was on garrison duty at Fort Clark, Tex., and at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He was assistant instructor of cavalry at the military academy 1855-57, next was on duty in Texas, and May 13, 1859, was again engaged against the Comanche Indians in the combat of Nescutunga valley. He was on leave of absence when the long-standing sectional quarrel developed into open hostility. Believing in the doctrine of State sovereignty and in the justice of the Southern cause, he resigned
Detroit (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
rtillery. He was chief of commissariat of the army under Maj.-Gen. Winfield Scott and was present at the siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, and at the assault and capture of the city of Mexico. He was brevetted major, August 20, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, and lieutenant-colonel for the same reason at the storming of Chapultepec. From 1848 to 1855 he was chief of commissariat at Detroit, Mich., and until July 1, 1861, in the same position in New Mexico. Having such a long and honorable record in the old army, it is easy to understand how attached he must have been to the service, and with what strong ties he was bound to his companions in arms and to the flag which he had upheld with such conspicuous gallantry on so many bloody fields. There was a great principle back of the retirement of so many gallant officers, young and old, from a service which they really loved and whi
Coffeeville (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 23
d been promoted to lieutenant-colonel of the Eighth Kentucky regiment. He led his regiment at the battle of Fort Donelson and was mentioned for gallantry by his brigade commander, Col. John M. Simonton. After the Donelson prisoners had been exchanged, Colonel Lyon and the Eighth Kentucky were placed in the army of West Tennessee, in the first division of the first corps. On the 5th of December, 1862, this division, commanded by Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, had an encounter with the Federals at Coffeeville, which was a complete success for the Confederates. General Tilghman reported that the Eighth Kentucky, under Col. H. B. Lyon, was conspicuous in the fight, where he had seldom seen greater good judgment, and impetuous gallantry shown by any officers or men. In June, 1864, Colonel Lyon was commissioned brigadier-general, and in August he was assigned to the corps of General Forrest. His brigade consisted of the Third, Seventh, Eighth and Twelfth Kentucky regiments. These troops, with
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