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Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) 662 0 Browse Search
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Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
and Corinth Vicksburg and Port Hudson Chickamauga Missionary Ridge Ringgold Gap the Atlanta campaign Franklin and thosing up his lines and occupying Lookout mountain and Missionary Ridge, placed Chattanooga in a state of siege, and the large in his front, in the valley between Chattanooga and Missionary ridge. General Cleburne, on the morning of the 23d, was n to construct a new line of defense along the top of Missionary ridge, and while he was thus engaged, Bragg first learned therman, having already gained a lodgment on a spur of Missionary Ridge, near the river, meant to get possession of the main when told at midnight that the fight would be made on Missionary ridge. Making a moonlight reconnoissance, he placed Polk oline of retreat, and took position on an east spur of Missionary Ridge and the ridge itself, with an angle at the railroad tupon the Federal advance, flushed with its victory at Missionary Ridge, and gave it such a whipping that the enemy never adv
Perryville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
Chapter 12: Arkansas brigades east of the Mississippi battle of Shiloh Richmond and Perryville Murfreesboro Iuka and Corinth Vicksburg and Port Hudson Chickamauga Missionary Ridge Ringgold Gap the Atlanta campaign Franklin and the death of Cleburne. General Albert Sidney Johnston, on the 10th of Septembehe Federals, and capturing 5,000 of the enemy at Munfordville, Ky. Buell, however, managed to win the race to Louisville. General Hardee, with his command at Perryville, on October 7th, observed the enemy massing against him. On the 7th, Liddell's Arkansas brigade was in advance of Hardee, supporting the cavalry of Wheeler, whoafter a bloody struggle crushed the Federal line in his front. The Second Arkansas again routed the Twenty-second Indiana, which it had punished so severely at Perryville. Cleburne was now in advance of the troops to his right, and was enfiladed by a battery, which the First Arkansas and Fifth Confederate charged, capturing fou
Marietta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
recall the scene of the dead piled upon each other between the contending lines, the seething mass of quivering flesh, the groans of the dying; the sudden and unlooked — for attack by Hooker's corps of three divisions, whipped in a square fight by three brigades and the artillery that bore the brunt. Alexander P. Stewart was a genius of battle on the 25th, and Patrick Cleburne the hero on the 27th. General Johnston, about ten days later, took position in the mountainous country about Marietta, and on June 19th the line was occupied on Kenesaw mountain. On the day before, Gen. Lucius E. Polk, of Helena, who had risen from a lieutenant of Cleburne's company to be one of the army's best brigade commanders, was wounded by a cannon ball, which shattered his leg and rendered him incapable of further active service. When he had partially recovered, however, he sought and obtained positions of utility to the army, which he held until the close of the war. His brigade was consolidated
Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
Chapter 12: Arkansas brigades east of the Mississippi battle of Shiloh Richmond and Perryville Murfreesboro Iuka and Corinth Vicksburg and Port Hudson Chickamauga Missionary Ridge Ringgold Gap the Atlanta campaign Franklin and the death of Cleburne. General Albert Sidney Johnston, on the 10th of Septemberebert's brigade, Capt. Francis McNally's battery was unattached, the batteries of Capts; J. A. Owens and J. C. Thrall were with General Ruggles' command. At Port Hudson, La., was the Arkansas brigade of Gen. W. N. R. Beall, composed of the Eleventh regiment, Col. John L. Logan; Twelfth, Col. T. J. Reid, Jr.; Fourteenth, Col. F. Pl Dockery commanded the brigade, which was surrendered with Pemberton's army, July 4, 1863. The fate of Green's brigade was soon shared by Beall's brigade at Port Hudson, which was surrendered on July 8th. The loss of the brigade during the siege, up to June 1st, was 68 killed and 194 wounded. On June 26th, 30 men of the Sixtee
Rocky Face (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
ed in that battle, losing out of 400 engaged, 167 killed and wounded. Here Lieut.-Col. James T. Smith, commanding Second rifles, and Lieut.-Col. Eli Hufstedler, commanding the Twenty-fifth, were killed; and Lieut.-Col. M. G. Galloway, commanding First rifles, and Col. H. G. Bunn, commanding Fourth regiment, were severely wounded. The siege of Atlanta ended in the last days of August and first of September by Sherman extending his flanking line far to the right, as he had done before at Rocky Face and Kenesaw, and Hood was compelled to fight at Jonesboro. In this battle, General Hardee was in chief command, General Cleburne commanded Hardee's corps, and Gen. S. D. Lee, Hood's old corps. Hardee attacked Howard's two corps at Jonesboro, August 31st, and a bloody conflict ensued which lasted several hours and only ended at dark. That night Thomas came up and had now five corps, leaving only one with Sherman to watch Atlanta. The Confederates spent the night taking position and thro
Hopkinsville, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
f the department of the West, which included the States of Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, the western part of Mississippi, and Indian Territory. On taking command he immediately occupied Bowling Green, Ky., with 5,000 men, under Brig.-Gen. S. B. Buckner, as a defensive countercheck to the enlistment and intrusion of Federal forces in the State. General Polk was at Columbus, and at Cumberland ford, Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer had taken position with 4,000 men. Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Hopkinsville were garrisoned by small bodies of Confederates. The general position of Bowling Green, Johnston wrote, was good and commanding. There is no position equally as defensive as Bowling Green, nor line of defense as good as the Barren river. So it cannot be abandoned without exposing Tennessee and giving vastly the vantage ground to the enemy. Brig.-Gen. W. J. Hardee, having crossed the Mississippi with his Arkansas command, arrived at Bowling Green, October 11th, and in a few days was se
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
at Savannah, Tenn., on the 13th; Bell began his march from Nashville on the 1st, and Sherman disembarked troops at Pittsburg landing on the 16th and made a reconnoissance to Monterey, nearly half way to Corinth. The organization of the army of tstored, he proceeded to Savannah on the Tennessee, and permitted Gen. W. T. Sherman to take command of the force at Pittsburg landing. Buell's army was ordered to move on to Savannah. Grant expected to make Pittsburg landing a mere starting point Pittsburg landing a mere starting point for Corinth. But General Johnston observed that the enemy had violated a rule of the military art in throwing an inferior force on the enemy's coast without making his position secure by defenses or means of retreat, and he determined to attack, paan's-brigade engaged the enemy with great vigor in the edge of a wood, and drove him rapidly back over the field toward Pittsburg, while Gladden's brigade dashed upon the encampment of a division under the command of General Prentiss. At the same t
Fort Henry (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
commissary; Captain Chambliss, chief of ordinance; dol. St. John R. Liddell, aide; Col. Hardin Perkins, aide. In November, Colonel Cleburne was ordered by General Hardee with his regiment, the First Arkansas State (or Fifteenth Arkansas Confederate), a squadron of Terry's Texas Rangers, and one piece of Shoup's artillery, against a Federal force at Jamestown, which retired on his approach, abandoning some supplies. He was soon afterward promoted to brigadier-general. The fall of Forts Henry and Donelson on the ad and 14th of February, 1862, was a lamentable disaster which changed the situation in Kentucky. Grant's possession of the Tennessee river cut off Columbus and separated Bowling Green from Nashville. It became necessary for the entire Confederate army in Kentucky to fall back to another line to protect Memphis. Before the fall of Donelson, every preparation for the retreat from Bowling Green was quietly made; all ordnance and army stores were quietly moved southwar
Big Creek Gap (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
infantry, First Riflemen dismounted (Colonel Harper), Second Riflemen (Colonel Williamson), Fourth battalion infantry, Turnbull's battalion infantry, and Humphreys' battery, in General Churchill's brigade. In command of the army of the Mississippi, Bragg advanced from Tupelo to Chattanooga in July. May 9th, Maj.-Gen. E. Kirby Smith was assigned to the district of East Tennessee. In August, reinforced by McCown's division, sent early in July, General Smith moved into Kentucky through Big Creek gap, and meeting with no serious resistance moved across to Cumberland ford, where he gave his barefooted soldiers a rest of two or three days, feeding them with roasting ears and beef without salt, but promising to regale them better when they reached the bluegrass country. Brig.-Gen. T. J. Churchill commanded the Third division (McCown's) of Smith's army, with one brigade under Col. T. H. McCray—Thirty-first Arkansas (sharpshooters), and several Texas regiments—and Churchill's brigade, un
Richmond, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
s joined by a division under Colonel Cleburne, including the brigades of Preston Smith and B. J. Hill, the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Arkansas in the latter (Cleburne's) brigade. Moving through Barboursville, Smith proceeded directly against Richmond, Ky. From Big Hill, on August 30, 1862, General Cleburne moved forward at daylight and found the enemy drawn up to meet him in a commanding position at Mount Zion church, six miles from Richmond. Cleburne at once commenced the action, and Churchild rifles with saber bayonets, and all the men improved the opportunity to supply themselves with stores, shoes, hats and clothing of all kinds. Colonel McNair was promoted to brigadier-general for gallantry and bravery on the battlefield of Richmond, Ky. The Arkansas troops all shared the honors as they had the dangers of the battle, and now becoming better equipped were ready for the field again. Gen. Kirby Smith moved on Lexington, September 1st, with three divisions, Cleburne's, Churchi
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