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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 12, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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Crutchfield (search for this): article 1
City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of this body was held at 5 o'clock yesterday. Present — Messrs, Grattan, Griffin, Denoon, Hill, Burr, Haskins, Glazebrook, Crutchfield, Stokes, Scott, and Epps. The ordinance to amend the ordinance to provide for weighing long forage and other articles, was reported, and on motion of Mr. Hill the rules being suspended, it passed. The ordinance to amend the 26th section of the ordinance concerning markets was also passed. By list of colored interments, near Shockoe Hill burying ground for the quarter ending July 31st, 1862, it appears that 125 males, 63 females, and I still-born child were burled. By a similar list of interments of white persons in the Shockoe Hill burying ground for the same period, it appears that 450 males, 112 females, and 6 still- born children were buried during that period. Totals 568. The Council adopted the suggestion of the Finance Committee to invest $33,700 of C. S. notes held by the city i
July 1st, 1862 AD (search for this): article 1
pay it out there. The committee to whom was referred the petition of John P. Tyler and others, asking the Council to increase their salaries, and also with authority to consider and report on the subject of a general increase of the salaries of the various officers of the city of Richmond, beg leave to report the following resolution. Resolved, That the salaries of the following officers be and the same are hereby increased as follows, said increase to be allowed from the 1st day of July, 1862. for six months: Pres't salary.Inc. per an Mayor of the city$3,000-- Judge of the Hustings Court3,000-- City Attorney1,500-- Auditor1,800$200 His 1st Clerk1,200200 His 2d Clerk1,000200 Chamberlain and Clerk of Council.2,000250 His Clerk1,200200 Do. as Clerk of Fire Brigade250200 Messenger of the Council80050 City Assessor1,500100 City Engineer2,000200 His Assistant's compensation paid by Commissioners of Streets not to exceed $3 per day. Overseer of City Han
City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of this body was held at 5 o'clock yesterday. Present — Messrs, Grattan, Griffin, Denoon, Hill, Burr, Haskins, Glazebrook, Crutchfield, Stokes, Scott, and Epps. The ordinance to amend the ordinance to provide for weighing long forage and other articles, was reported, and on motion of Mr. Hill the rules being suspended, it passed. The ordinance to amend the 26th section of the ordinance concerning markets was also passed. By list of colored interments, near Shockoe Hill burying ground for the quarter ending July 31st, 1862, it appears that 125 males, 63 females, and I still-born child were burled. By a similar list of interments of white persons in the Shockoe Hill burying ground for the same period, it appears that 450 males, 112 females, and 6 still- born children were buried during that period. Totals 568. The Council adopted the suggestion of the Finance Committee to invest $33,700 of C. S. notes held by the city i
W. M. Elliott (search for this): article 1
Brigade Engineer to Steam Engine600200 Fire Brigade, Foreman400150 Fire Brigade, Ostier400150 Adopted. It appearing to the Council that the battalion for the defence of this city authorized by the Secretary of War to be raised by Major W. M. Elliott, has been raised, and mustered into the service of the Confederate States: Therefore, Resolved, That the sum of $20 per month be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to each non- commissioned officer and private of the said battalion the 3d day of June last, and the Auditor is hereby authorized to issue his warrant for the same, upon the monthly pay-rolls of the several companies composing said battalion, certified by the respective commanders thereof, and approved by Major W. M. Elliott. Adopted. Resolved, That the Committee on Police be authorized to make such arrangements as will enable the police officers to remove the dead bodies of animals beyond the limits of the city. Adopted. On motion, the Council
City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of this body was held at 5 o'clock yesterday. Present — Messrs, Grattan, Griffin, Denoon, Hill, Burr, Haskins, Glazebrook, Crutchfield, Stokes, Scott, and Epps. The ordinance to amend the ordinance to provide for weighing long forage and other articles, was reported, and on motion of Mr. Hill the rules being suspended, it passed. The ordinance to amend the 26th section of the ordinance concerning markets was also passed. By list of colored interments, near Shockoe Hill burying ground for the quarter ending July 31st, 1862, it appears that 125 males, 63 females, and I still-born child were burled. By a similar list of interments of white persons in the Shockoe Hill burying ground for the same period, it appears that 450 males, 112 females, and 6 still- born children were buried during that period. Totals 568. The Council adopted the suggestion of the Finance Committee to invest $33,700 of C. S. notes held by the city in
City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of this body was held at 5 o'clock yesterday. Present — Messrs, Grattan, Griffin, Denoon, Hill, Burr, Haskins, Glazebrook, Crutchfield, Stokes, Scott, and Epps. The ordinance to amend the ordinance to provide for weighing long forage and other articles, was reported, and on motion of Mr. Hill the rules being suspended, it passed. The ordinance to amend the 26th section of the ordinance concerning markets was also passed. By list of colored interments, near Shockoe Hill burying ground for the quarter ending July 31st, 1862, it appears that 125 males, 63 females, and I still-born child were burled. By a similar list of interments of white persons in the Shockoe Hill burying ground for the same period, it appears that 450 males, 112 females, and 6 still- born children were buried during that period. Totals 568. The Council adopted the suggestion of the Finance Committee to invest $33,700 of C. S. notes held by the city i
Glazebrook (search for this): article 1
City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of this body was held at 5 o'clock yesterday. Present — Messrs, Grattan, Griffin, Denoon, Hill, Burr, Haskins, Glazebrook, Crutchfield, Stokes, Scott, and Epps. The ordinance to amend the ordinance to provide for weighing long forage and other articles, was reported, and on motion of Mr. Hill the rules being suspended, it passed. The ordinance to amend the 26th section of the ordinance concerning markets was also passed. By list of colored interments, near Shockoe Hill burying ground for the quarter ending July 31st, 1862, it appears that 125 males, 63 females, and I still-born child were burled. By a similar list of interments of white persons in the Shockoe Hill burying ground for the same period, it appears that 450 males, 112 females, and 6 still- born children were buried during that period. Totals 568. The Council adopted the suggestion of the Finance Committee to invest $33,700 of C. S. notes held by the city in
March, 6 AD (search for this): article 1
e Brigade, Ostier400150 Adopted. It appearing to the Council that the battalion for the defence of this city authorized by the Secretary of War to be raised by Major W. M. Elliott, has been raised, and mustered into the service of the Confederate States: Therefore, Resolved, That the sum of $20 per month be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to each non- commissioned officer and private of the said battalion, according to the terms of the resolution of this Council of the 3d day of June last, and the Auditor is hereby authorized to issue his warrant for the same, upon the monthly pay-rolls of the several companies composing said battalion, certified by the respective commanders thereof, and approved by Major W. M. Elliott. Adopted. Resolved, That the Committee on Police be authorized to make such arrangements as will enable the police officers to remove the dead bodies of animals beyond the limits of the city. Adopted. On motion, the Council adjourned.
John P. Tyler (search for this): article 1
ven to the Chamberlain and his clerk for extra labor. Adopted. Resolved, on motion of Mr. Scott, That $500 be given to the President of the Council for the same reason. The banks formerly used by the city as places of deposit for corporation funds having again commenced business, it was resolved to repeat the ordinance passed the 14th of May authorizing the Chamberlain to retain the money in his office and pay it out there. The committee to whom was referred the petition of John P. Tyler and others, asking the Council to increase their salaries, and also with authority to consider and report on the subject of a general increase of the salaries of the various officers of the city of Richmond, beg leave to report the following resolution. Resolved, That the salaries of the following officers be and the same are hereby increased as follows, said increase to be allowed from the 1st day of July, 1862. for six months: Pres't salary.Inc. per an Mayor of the ci
City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of this body was held at 5 o'clock yesterday. Present — Messrs, Grattan, Griffin, Denoon, Hill, Burr, Haskins, Glazebrook, Crutchfield, Stokes, Scott, and Epps. The ordinance to amend the ordinance to provide for weighing long forage and other articles, was reported, and on motion of Mr. Hill the rules being suspended, it passed. The ordinance to amend the 26th section of the ordinance concerning markets was also passed. By list of colored interments, near Shockoe Hill burying ground for the quarter ending July 31st, 1862, it appears that 125 males, 63 females, and I still-born child were burled. By a similar list of interments of white persons in the Shockoe Hill burying ground for the same period, it appears that 450 males, 112 females, and 6 still- born children were buried during that period. Totals 568. The Council adopted the suggestion of the Finance Committee to invest $33,700 of C. S. notes held by the city in
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