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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 26, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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E. J. Allen (search for this): article 8
s way down to Wil- lard's where he remained almost solitary and alone in the hall in front of the office, to the wonder of the few persons about at that hour, evidently looking for some one to arrive by the train momentarily expected. When the train's passengers for the house did arrive, the mystery of Mr. Seward's so early appearance at the hotel was instantly cleared up; for the tall figure of Abraham Lincoln was seen conspicuous among them! He was accompanied by two friends only, Mr. E. J. Allen, of New York, and Mr. Lammon. Accompanied by Mr. Seward, he immediately retired to parlor No. 6 of the house, which, with the magnificent suite of apartments attached to it, had been quietly engaged for him yesterday, and prepared for his reception this morning. His earlier arrival here than was generally expected was, we have every reason to believe, the result of advices sent him yesterday by telegraph, urging his presence in Washington at the earliest possible moment, as being a
Jim Allen, a free negro, for being caught in an unlawful assembly and running off from the officers after being apprehended, was yesterday brought before the Mayor, and admonished and discharged. The Mayor said there were over two hundred negro slaves going about in this city without homes and engaging in all kinds of mischief, and that the police were to arrest and bring before him all such parties found blocking up the streets.
Distressing casualty. --We learn that a casualty of a peculiarly distressing character occurred in Manchester on Friday last, the victim of which was a little daughter of Mr. Alvis, of that town. It appears that her clothing ignited from the fire-place, when her mother, as she supposed, extinguished it; but presently the screams of the child attracted her attention, and she discovered, to her dismay, that the little one was again in flames. The child fled in fright from the room, thus placing it out of the mother's power to render her any assistance. A person entering the house encountered the little girl at the foot of the steps, and by dashing water upon her subdued the flames. Her injuries, however, were fatal, and she died the same night in great agony.
tswood House. On passing the American Hotel sundry groans were given for Mr. Moore. At the Spotswood House, Col. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, apologized for the absence of Hon. J. Morton. Col. D. said he strongly sympathized with the feeling which had induced the meeting to assemble. Soon the expression of public sentiment, and the direction of public legislation, would have to be shaped by the people. He alluded to Mr. Moore's speech, and symptoms of disapprobation were given. J. T. Anderson, Esq., of Botetourt, followed in a few remarks, expressing devotion to the South, and alluding to the duty of Virginia in this crisis of public affairs.--Mr. Hall, of Wetzel, spoke for a short time in a humorous vein. He said that the editor of the Wheeling Intelligencer, a rank Abolitionist, was then present. He believed that Mr. Clemens, in the Convention, had followed the platform dictated by Campbell, the person referred to. He rated the Black Republicans soundly. Cries was made for
Terrible tragedy. --We have been informed of the outlines of a terrible tragedy which occurred in Sumter county, near Adamsville, on the 13th inst. A man by the name of Andrews, who was until recently a Methodist preacher, killed, on that day, two persons, Messrs. McLellan, and G. M. Condry, and wounded two others, Lang and Clyatt. He was immediately arrested, and hung on the following day.--Fernandina Floridian, 20th.
A. E. Apperson (search for this): article 1
the aggregate rent $180 per annum. And immediately thereafter, say at 5 o'clock P. M., on the premises, a lot at the corner of Venable and McCance streets, fronting on the south side of Venable street 55 feet, running back 53 feet, having thereon a Brick and Framed Tenement, formerly used as a Store and Dwelling. At the same hour and place will be sold a lot containing about two Acres, in Henrico, on the Meadow Bridge road, near the residence of Albert A. Morris, Esq. And another lot near the above, containing about one Acre, on the cross road leading from the Meadow Bridge road to the Mechanicsville Tollgate, and adjoining the Farm of Dr. F. H. Deane. Terms.--For the Slaves, 4 months credit, for approved, endorsed, negotiable paper, interest added. For the Real Estate, one-fourth cash; balance at 4, 8 and 12 months, for negotiable paper, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes for 1861 to be paid by the purchasers. Goddin &Apperson, Auct'rs. fe 21
Commercial. Richmond Markets, Feb. 25, 1861. Apples.--Northern $2.50@3.50; Virginia Pippins $2.50 to $4. Bacon.--Demand moderate. We quote Sides 11½ cents; Shoulders 9½ cts.; plain Hams 12½ cts; Sugar-cured 13@13½ cents. Stock light. Corn.--We quote 60@62½ cts. per bushel. Flour.--There are no sales for shipment. The stock of country is very limited, and sales confined to home consumption. We quote $6.25@6.50 for Superfine; Extra $8.75@7; Family $7.50@7.75. Hay.--$1.10@1.15 per cwt. Molasses.--New Orleans 45 cts.; Cuba Muscovado, in bbls., 33@37½ cts.; in hhds., 25@30 cts.; English Island 37½ cts.; Ochenhousen's 28 cts. Sugars.--New Orleans Sugar we quote 7½@8 cents; Cuba 7½@8½ cents; Porto Rico 8@9½ cents; Loaf 11@11¼ cents; Crushed and Powdered 10¼ cents; Coffee Sugar; A 10 cents; B 9½ cents; Extra C 9¼c. Tobacco.--Sales still limited, at former quotations. We notice the sales of some Luge and common Leaf Luge, $1.75@2.59; Le
William E. Baker (search for this): article 1
Notice. --On the 23d day of January, 1861,was committed to the jail of Caroline county, a negro man named Henry, about 5 feet 7 inches high, a very dark, tawny complexion, and bad countenance. He represents himself as the property of William E. Baker, of King George, and as being hired the present year to the York River Railroad Company, by said Baker's agent, who resides in Richmond city. The agent of the above named Company will do well to come for said boy instantaneously. Apply to EHenry, about 5 feet 7 inches high, a very dark, tawny complexion, and bad countenance. He represents himself as the property of William E. Baker, of King George, and as being hired the present year to the York River Railroad Company, by said Baker's agent, who resides in Richmond city. The agent of the above named Company will do well to come for said boy instantaneously. Apply to E. R. Pullen, Jailor of Caroline County. Bowling Green, Caroline co. Feb. 22d, 1861. fe 25--3t*
Francis J. Barnes (search for this): article 2
Life, fire and Marine Insurance.Richmond fire Association.office, no. 158 Main (N. E. Corner of 11th) St.,Richmond, Va.Chartered 29th March, 1837. This old and reliable Institution, with ample capital, and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure Slaves, Buildings, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. Directors: David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly
y amendment thereof, shall be constituted to give Congress power to legislate to abolish or control, within any State or Territory, the relation of slavery, nor the power to interfere with the slave trade," was offered as an adjustment. The Conference is in session to-night, and strong efforts are being made to come to a conclusion on the subject before adjournment. The most reliable report as to the construction of Lincoln's Cabinet is that Mr. Seward will be Secretary of State; Mr. Bates, or Missouri, Attorney General; Mr. Gilmore, of North Carolina, Secretary of the Navy; C. B. Smith, of Indiana, Secretary of the Interior; Mr. Wells, Postmaster General; Gen. Cameron, of Pennsylvania, Secretary of the Treasury. Several gentlemen are prominently mentioned for Secretary of War. The statement is thus communicated without vouching for its accuracy. Private advices received to-day from Montgomery say that very soon a Commissioner will be appointed by the Southern Confede
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