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Quaker (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
up the latter road towards Richmond, where it struck a little south-west by the Quaker road which terminated in New Market road, leading from Richmond. The river waseft; Keyes's corps was moving swiftly to James River, down the Charles City and Quaker road; Porter and part of Sumner's corps were following rapidly. Moving to thads. But until eight o'clock in the morning, we had no knowledge of any but the Quaker road to the point at which we now aimed — Hardin's Landing and Malvern Hill, in They were thrown together wherever emergency demanded. White Oak bridge, the Quaker road, Charles City road, the banks of Turkey Creek, were enveloped in smoke ands were not without effect. During the night the enemy retreated again down the Quaker road toward Malvern Hill, about a half-mile within the intersection of the New-Market or River road and the Quaker road. Here he took a strong position on this hill, about two miles and a half from his gunboats on the James River. This closed
Honeygo Run (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
ps, the very best on James River; and the stream for miles up and down, being broad and deep, affords both excellent sea-room and anchorage for his gunboats and transports. But this is by no means the only advantage of the position. On the west of Berkeley are innumerable impassable ravines, running from near the Charles City road, on the north, to James River, making a successful attack from that quarter next to impossible. Within a quarter of a mile of where these ravines begin, Herring Run Creek crosses the Charles City road, and running in a south-easterly direction, skirts, on the north and east, the plantations of Berkeley and Westover, and empties into James River at the extreme eastern boundary of the latter. The whole course of this creek is one impassable morass, while along its northern and eastern banks extend the heights of Evelinton — a long range of hills that overlook the Westover and Berkeley estates, and which offer eligible positions for heavy guns. It will
Malvern Hills (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 78
Cliff Bottom road, near Fort Darling. It was not far away, and the enemy was massing his troops upon us on the left and on our new front; for when we arrived at Malvern Hill, the wings of the army as organized were reversed, Keyes taking the right, Porter's corps the left, as we faced Richmond. Our line now described a great arc, and there was fighting around three fourths of the perimeter. General McClellan, who had already communicated with the gunboats, returned from the front to Malvern Hills, which were made his battle headquarters, and dispositions for a final emergency were made. Fitz-John Porter was marched from the valley under the hill to his post on the western crest of the hill, where he could rake the plains toward Richmond. Our splendid artillery was picturesquely poised in fan shape at salient points, and its supports were disposed in admirable cover in hollows between undulations of the bluff. Powerful concentrating batteries were also posted in the centre, so
Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
it, from Upper Chickahominy to the base of Malvern Hill, is crimsoned with the blood of your brave e river was but a short distance south, and Malvern Hill — a beautiful lofty bluff overlooking the r retired safely to Yorktown, and are now at Malvern Hill.) But our true object must now have become t which we now aimed — Hardin's Landing and Malvern Hill, in Turkey Bend. Sharp reconnoissance, how reserve artillery was powerfully posted on Malvern Hill, a magnificent bluff covering Hardin's Landnd on our new front; for when we arrived at Malvern Hill, the wings of the army as organized were rettery which had opened from the swamp under Malvern Hill, begun to prove inconvenient to Porter. Itdisengaged, the artistic order of battle on Malvern Hill, the wild career of wilder horsemen plunginations, told you that when the army reached Malvern Hill, the river at that point was full of transpretreated again down the Quaker road toward Malvern Hill, about a half-mile within the intersection
Harrison's Landing (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
o arms. The enemy were reported massing their forces. We were preparing to repel them. At noon silence was broken by hostile cannon in the extreme front. As afternoon wore away, the bombardment increased. At five o'clock there was a battle, and the Aroostook was hurling shell into the woods. At about seven o'clock the firing was heavy, but it was confined to a narrow circle. Ayres was driving the enemy from his batteries. Our boat pushed from the landing. At dark we moved from Harrison's Landing, seven miles below. The army had not moved there; the trains had. Soon after we steamed into the channel, the bombardment grew heavier. The gunboats were thundering into the forests. When I left the prospect was cheerless. That night we met reenforcements. Before morning the army was strengthened. Pray God it was made strong enough to go to Richmond. People, you may still rely on Gen. McClellan, until further displays of capacity. His retreat was masterly. He carried all t
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
m to learn the art of war, suddenly, without previous warning, took passage on a gunboat and fluttered softly down the river. Why did they go? Two officers of the English army, who had accompanied Gen. McClellan to study the art of war, and who had intended to remain with the army until Richmond was ours, announced their intention to depart on the first boat. The Paymasters were advised to deposit their treasure on a gunboat. People looked gloomily. Ah! I forgot — correspondents at Fortress Monroe, deducing facts from their infertile imaginations, told you that when the army reached Malvern Hill, the river at that point was full of transports. Monday noon there was not one there, excepting a schooner laden with hay. Tuesday evening several steamers had arrived and a few forage-boats. But reason for yourselves. It was gloomy at headquarters. The troops were intrenching the hill and standing to arms. The enemy were reported massing their forces. We were preparing to repel the
Chickahominy (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
s broad land. Every rood of it, from Upper Chickahominy to the base of Malvern Hill, is crimsoned wng, was well posted on the left bank of the Chickahominy, from Beaver Dam Creek to a point below NewOur line of battle on the right bank of the Chickahominy, as I have informed you, pressed so close tas watching for him on the left bank of the Chickahominy. The road was a narrow funnel for such a me battle was raging on the left bank of the Chickahominy, on the east side of Beaver Dam Creek. Ourd another below it, on the left bank of the Chickahominy, raking his intrenchments and compelling hi train of cars, and soon plunged madly into Chickahominy, a mangled wreck. The match was applied torolled sublimely away off on the borders of Chickahominy. For some moments we feared the enemy had nd, while a strong column was thrown across Chickahominy, at Alexander's bridge, near the railway-crand proceeding down the country between the Chickahominy and Pamunkey rivers, he uncovered the front[1 more...]
West Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
s's Mill was in progress, a fight was raging at Cold Harbor, a short distance to the left, in which the enemy were driven off with great carnage. At this point the gay, dashing, intrepid Gen. Wheat was instantly killed by a ball through the brain. At a later hour of the evening, one of his compatriots, Gen. Hood, of the Texas brigade, dashed into a Yankee camp, and took a thousand prisoners. And so with Jackson and Stuart pushing on toward the Pamunkey to intercept the enemy's retreat to West-Point, should it be attempted, and McClellan with his main body retiring toward the south (or Richmond) side of the Chickahominy before our victorious troops, the second day was brought to an end. All of the enemy's dead and wounded on the previous day, with few exceptions, had been carried off; and they managed also to remove a large number from the field in this running engagement. As they retired, they set fire to immense quantities of their commissary stores, spiked their cannon, destroy
Beaver Creek, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
Mechanicsville intrenchments were ours, and, though with heavy loss, at a smaller sacrifice of life than had been feared, and the enemy had fallen back to Ellyson's Mills, further down the Chickahominy. The result upon Ellyson's Mills. The enemy's battery of sixteen guns was to the right, or south-east of the Mechanicsville road, about a mile and a half distant, and was situated on a rise of ground in the vicinity of Ellyson's Mills, defended by epaulements supported by rifle-pits. Beaver Creek, about twelve feet wide and waist-deep, ran along the front and left flank of the enemy's position, while from the creek to the battery was covered with abattis. The position was most formidable. The assault was made by Pender's brigade, of A. P. Hill's division, on the right, and by Ripley's brigade on the right in front. Gen. Pender's brigade had been thrown out in advance, in observation on the enemy's left, when Ripley's brigade coming up, Gen. D. H. Hill ordered two of Gen. Ripl
Wheeling, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
es; two or three brigades of Jackson's army have flanked the enemy, and are getting in the rear. Now the fighting was bitter and terrific. Worked up to madness, Wilcox, Featherstone and Pryor dash forward at a run, and drive the enemy with irresistible fury; to our left emerge Hood's Texan brigade, Whiting's comes after, and Pender follows. The line is now complete, and forward rings from one end of the line to the other, and the Yankees, over thirty thousand strong, begin to retreat. Wheeling their artillery from the front, the Federals turn part of it to break our left, and save their retreat. The very earth shakes at the roar. Not one piece of ours has yet opened; all has been done with the bullet and bayonet, and onward press our troops through camps upon camps, capturing guns, stores, arms, clothing, etc. Yet, like bloodhounds on the trail, the six brigades sweep every thing before them, presenting an unbroken, solid front, and closing in upon the enemy, keep up an incessa
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