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Utica (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 151
ove he must have borne to the fair being for whom he had treasured up his boyhood's jewels, for whom he gave up everything of the earth earthy, to rescue a Republic, and then go back after this episode of suffering to inaugurate the life of a citizen farmer on the bleak hills of New York:—if all this could not sustain him, what could?— In former visits to him he had made me his confidant in regard to these matters. He seemed to be haunted with the idea that he would, after all, return to Utica, and once more see those he loved; and yet he also seemed to me like one whose days were numbered, and the surgeon had told me, after repeated counsels with his professional brethren, that it was next to impossible to save his life, and that I must not expect it. All the while I clung to the belief that some vitality of faith, or love, or hope, or patriotism, or divine aid, would still send that boy back to the banks of the Mohawk. I saw another nervous twitch around the temples. I fe
Montreal (Canada) (search for this): chapter 151
advocated a widely different policy,—the one which he first announced at Worcester,—repeated and reiterated in speeches in the Senate,—in his daily conversation, and in his broad correspondence with enlightened men all over Christendom. In England, France, and Germany, his views were widely made known, under the advocacy of the foremost of the Liberals, and their organs in England; by such men as Count Gasparin, and Edouard Laboulaye, of Paris; by Joshua R. Giddings, our Consul-General at Montreal; by Carl Schurz, then Minister to Spain; by William S. Thayer, Consul-General to Egypt; while at home, even such men as Orestes A. Brownson, the most vigorous thinker and writer of the Catholic Church—and, in fact, from all orders and classes of men, the Speech at Worcester had been warmly applauded, and the course he was afterwards taking, most earnestly sanctioned. Xiv. But while this thing was slowly righting itself in the councils of the administration, Mr. Sumner's voice was onc
Halifax (Canada) (search for this): chapter 151
A peremptory demand was made for the liberation of the two Commissioners and their secretaries, and an apology for the aggression which had been committed, with no further delay than seven days; after which, if not complied with, the minister was instructed to leave Washington, with all the members of his legation, taking with him the archives of the legation, and reporting immediately in London. He was also to communicate all information in his power to the British Governors of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Jamaica, Bermuda, and such other of her Majesty's possessions as were within his reach. All this meant war. England saw her opportunity, and she was determined to embrace it. The settlement of the difficulty was fortunately made before these latter instructions to the British Minister were known. But being so positive and peremptory, admitting no possibility of delay, or time for arbitration, announcing the alternatives of instant surrender, with apology, or hostilitie
Oregon (Oregon, United States) (search for this): chapter 151
nexpected and heart-chilling disasters which befell our arms in the early history of the war, had that day happened at Ball's Bluff (October 21, 1861). Our forces had been routed and slaughtered, and the gallant Colonel Baker, who had left the Senate chamber to lead his splendid California Regiment to the war, had fallen, dying instantly, pierced at the same second by nine bullets. This was a national loss. His place in the army, in the Senate, in the hearts of the people of California and Oregon, in the admiration of his companions-in-arms in Mexico, and in the realms of eloquence, would remain vacant. No man living was invested with all these rare and great attributes in so eminent a degree. The apparently well-founded suspicion that he had fallen a victim to the foulest treason, subsequently mingled the intensest indignation with inconsolable grief for his cruel and untimely death. It was late in the evening when the news reached Willard's; but a large crowd was still there,
Trenton Falls (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 151
ast quiet slumber; and yet I knew he would wake once more before he died. I approached his cot again. He was still sleeping, and so tranquilly I felt a little alarmed lest he might never wake, till I touched his pulse and found it still softly beating. I let him sleep, and thought I would sit by his side till the surgeon came.— I took a long, free breath, for I supposed it was all hopelessly over. Then I thought of his strange history:—I knew it well. He was born not far from Trenton Falls,—the youngest son, among several brothers, of one of the brave tillers of that hard soil. He had seen his family grow up nobly and sturdily, under the discipline of a good religion and good government, and with a determination to defend both. When his country's troubles began, his first impulses thus found expression to his brothers:—Let me go; for you are all married; and if I fall, no matter. He went. He had followed the standard of the Republic into every battle-field where the
Liberia (Liberia) (search for this): chapter 151
one hundred thousand dollars for the colonization of slaves who desired to emigrate to Hayti or Liberia. For, as Mr. Lincoln said of himself, I am so far behind the Sumner lighthouse, that I still se of them will be an Act passed the 3d of June, 1862, recognizing the Independence of Hayti and Liberia. Although it seemed to concern but a handful of people, on the distant African coast, founded t Annual Message, had proposed the recognition of the independence and sovereignty of Hayti and Liberia. Of course, it encountered the bitter opposition of every Pro-Slavery Senator, and every haterancipation in the District of Columbia, and the acknowledgment of the Independence of Hayti and Liberia, even your zeal would be satisfied; for you would feel the sincerity of his purpose to do what abolished in the national capital; slavery interdicted in all the national territory; Hayti and Liberia recognized as independent republics in the family of nations; the slave-trade placed under the
Cuba (Cuba) (search for this): chapter 151
But, separation once effected, was not the ultimate design equally clear?— the establishment and consolidation of a colossal meridional empire, stretching from the free States of this Union towards the south, absorbing Mexico and Central America, Cuba, and all the islands of the surrounding archipelago, and appropriating all the South American States east of the Andes? This empire was to rest on African Slavery as its basis, and its wealth and power were to spring from a complete monopoly of a while at least. Slavery is congenial to the tastes of the Spanish and Portuguese nations, and in full harmony with the lower civilization which exists among their mixed American descendants. Besides, they would have readily found an ally in Cuba, which, on fair terms, would gladly have joined this gigantic Power, and, asserting her independence, as all the other Spanish-American states had done, sprung to the alliance to assert her freedom, and save her half a million of slaves. Steppi
Nineveh (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 151
dem, his eternally begotten and well-beloved Son? Read the fate of that chosen people wherever the winds of heaven sweep, and, innumerable although they be, they are among the nations only chaff on the summer threshing-floor. What became of the Egyptian tyrant after he rejected the counsels of the great Hebrew statesman and set himself up against Moses' proclamation of emancipation? Drowning again. What became of Sodom and Gomorrah? Brimstone and fire. What became of Babylon and Nineveh, Tyre and Sidon, and all the great empires and states of antiquity? Any Sunday—school scholar can answer these questions. They did wrong; they persisted in wrong; they insulted God and ground his helpless ones into the dust. They were foretold their fate; they met it, and wound up their history, falling charred corpses into their sepulchres; and future Layards and Champollions have busied themselves in digging away with Birmingham picks and spades, to heave up from the ashes of ages some
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 151
in conveying the mail, and any contractor who shall employ, or permit any other than a free white person to carry, the mail, shall for every such offence, incur a penalty of twenty dollars. This bill was to blacken the statute book no longer. On the 18th of March, 1862, Mr. Sumner asked and obtained the unanimous consent of the Senate to introduce a bill to remove all disqualifications of color, in carrying the mails. It was reported back on the 27th of the month, by Mr. Collamer, of Vermont, Chairman of the Committee on Post-offices, without amendment, and passed. But in the House, it was laid on the table, by a large majority, on motion of Mr. Colfax. It was renewed, however, by Mr. Sumner, in the next Congress, and became a law. The original of the subjoined letter from Senator Sumner, with the italics marked by its author, is among the papers left by the late Count Gurowski. It shows the clear prophetic vision of the writer. Washington, 8 Jan., 1861. my Dear
Russia (Russia) (search for this): chapter 151
fted westward on her now European territories, Russia was submerged by wild, strange, and savage racw, And rule in splendor where they trod, While Russia's children throng to view Her holy cradle, Novhanksgiving from every church-spire in the Russian Empire, while the great Republic of the world stitatesmanship than ours guides the destinies of Russia. It was from such a nation that the earlies lose such a chance for avenging Waterloo? Or Russia for taking Constantinople? Or all despotisms e attempt made upon the life of the Emperor of Russia by an enemy of emancipation. The Congress senrd a copy of this resolution to the Emperor of Russia. Mr. Sumner said: The public prints haattempt was made on the life of the Emperor of Russia, by a person animated against him on account re not pursued by assassins. The Emperor of Russia was born in 1818, and is now forty-eight yearsd the resolution transmitted to the Emperor of Russia, in the iron-clad steamer Miantonomah. Lx. [3 more...]
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