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May 25th, 1838 AD (search for this): chapter 4
me in concocting something of the kind; so that when we come together at the time of the Convention, we shall be tolerably well prepared for the emergency. Please not to neglect this. On August 30, 1838, Mrs. Chapman, recovered from Ms. May 25, 1838, W. L. G. to G. W. Benson. the almost fatal attack of fever induced by the fatigue of her Philadelphia experience, informs Mr. Garrison that H. C. Wright has recently been at Weymouth, much to the discomfiture of Mr. Perkins. He delivered sevr left men asleep as to the forwarding of the work, and that he could get no assistance in his labors but from Liberator men. Still, Mrs. Chapman and her sisters, whose exertions at this time may be said to have been indispensable to Mr. Ms. May 25, 1838, W. L. G. to G. W. Benson. Garrison's pecuniary maintenance, knew better than any one else the possible damage to the Liberator from becoming practically the organ of the Non-Resistance Society. Hence the following letter, which had the desir
May 24th, 1838 AD (search for this): chapter 4
e ensuing week. On May 25, Mr. Garrison writes to G. W. Benson: The spirit of mobocracy, like the pestilence, is contagious; and Boston is once more ready to re-enact the riotous scenes of 1835. The Marlboroa Chapel, having just been completed, and standing in relation to our cause just as did Pennsylvania Hall, is an object of pro-slavery malevolence. Ever since my return, threats have been given out that the Chapel should share the fate of the Hall. Last evening was the time May 24, 1838. for its dedication; and, so threatening was the aspect of things, four companies of light infantry were ordered to be in Lib. 8.87, 91. readiness, each being provided with 100 ball cartridges, to rush to the scene of riot on the tolling of the bells. The lancers, a powerful body of horsemen, were also in readiness. During the day, placards were posted at the corners of the streets, denouncing the abolitionists, and calling upon the citizens to rally at the Chapel in the evening, in o
May 14th, 1838 AD (search for this): chapter 4
dear babes, for, although I am happy here, I am always happier at home, by your own dear side, with my darling children in my arms. The wedding between Theodore and Angelina will be consummated on Monday evening next. Neither Whittier nor May 14, 1838. any other Quaker can be present to witness the ceremony, pain of excommunication from the Society of Friends. What an absurd and despotic rule! Sarah must be cut off for being Sarah M. Grimke. with Angelina when married! Only think of it! am—to say, that, although Satan has come down in great wrath in the city of brotherly love, knowing that his time is short, yet he has not been permitted to harm a hair of our heads. On Monday last, the Pennsylvania Hall, a very large and May 14, 1838. beautiful building just erected, principally by the abolitionists of Philadelphia, was dedicated to Free Discussion, Virtue, Liberty and Independence, in an eloquent address by David History of Penn. Hall, p. 13. Paul Brown of that city, an
November 2nd, 1838 AD (search for this): chapter 4
nists are not candid enough or clear-minded enough to see this, and many others are so opposed to ultra peace views that they are unwilling to do anything that may, even indirectly, tend to their support. I hope that after the elections and their consequent excitements are over, As an excuse for not attending an anti-slavery convention in Hingham, Mr. Garrison pleaded to Mr. May, in addition to an inflamed and swollen right hand: Another consideration. This number of the Liberator [Nov. 2, 1838] is a very important one, with regard to the approaching election. The replies of the various candidates to the questions propounded to them will be coming in up to the time the paper goes to press, and will need comments. I must try to write something adapted to the crisis, painful as it is for me to hold a pen. To be absent from the office, even an hour, will hardly be allowable under these circumstances (Ms. Oct. 30, 1838). we shall be at leisure to renew our moral efforts with grea
January 26th, 1838 AD (search for this): chapter 4
doubt that this individual acted under an illusion cast about him by his own powerful imagination. His purpose, no doubt, was, like Moses or like Mahomet, to effect a great revolution in civil society, and to be the founder of a new basis of civil and social institutions. Compare Edmund Quincy's tribute to the same individual as one of those rare spirits which Heaven, at distant periods, sends upon the earth on holiest missions. . . . The only righteous in a world perverse (Speech on Jan. 26, 1838, before the Mass. A. S. Society in the Representatives' Hall of the State House; Lib. 8: 21, 22). This was complimentary in comparison with the accusations brought against Mr. Garrison by Cresson's brother-in-law and fellow-colonizationist, the Rev. Mr. Dickey, who publicly accused the editor of the Liberator Lib. 8.27, 46. of Fanny Wrightism—of advocating the equal division of property, the prostration of all law, the abrogation of marriage, and the promiscuous intercourse of the
May 12th, 1838 AD (search for this): chapter 4
iladelphia, to attend the Annual Convention of American Anti-Slavery Women Lib. 8.47, 117. which had been called to meet in Pennsylvania Hall. He himself proceeded thither two days later: W. L. Garrison to his wife. Philadelphia, May 12, 1838. Ms. On Thursday morning, bro. H. C. Wright and myself left for this city, and arrived here at half-past 2 o'clock—J. G. Whittier and Rev. Mr. Root and wife being with us. Instead of going to James Mott, Who had invited him (Ms. Apr. 2the subject of slavery. He is very staid and formal in his movements, and, on sitting down at the conclusion of his discourse, manifested as much care as if he had a score of eggs under him. I went with bro. Wright, this morning, to see him; May 12, 1838. but, anticipating a visit from me, he obviously chose to be absent, and so our call was in vain. He leaves the city to-day. When will England send us another man, like George Thompson, able to stand erect on our slave-cursed soil? Yester
May 19th, 1838 AD (search for this): chapter 4
om the Society of Friends. What an absurd and despotic rule! Sarah must be cut off for being Sarah M. Grimke. with Angelina when married! Only think of it! It is characteristic of the time that the bridal guests at this ceremony were reported in the public prints to have consisted of six whites and six blacks (Lib. 8.91)! A succinct account of the stirring events of the following week is contained in the following letter: W. L. Garrison to Mrs. George Benson. Boston, May 19, 1838. Ms. Dearly beloved mother: After an absence from home of nearly three weeks, I arrived here this morning, in much better condition, as to my health and spirits, than when I left. A kind Providence had taken care of my cherished wife and children. George has certainly grown taller, and little Willie looks finely. We have had great doings in Philadelphia, during the present week, which will make that city memorable. Some account will reach you, by the newspapers, before the arrival
March 3rd, 1844 AD (search for this): chapter 4
al love. Compare Pollen's letter to Channing, Jan. 12, 1837, commending the Grimkes, who devote themselves entirely to the great work of universal emancipation. . . . They are free from the prejudices of those abolitionists who think that the cause can be promoted only in their way; their views of social reform extend far beyond the grossest form of servitude as it exists at the South ( Life of Chas. Follen, p. 430). Almost in the same words, but after an interval of seven years (March 3, 1844), Emerson, in a discourse criticising the New England Reformers, held up an ideal which was like nothing so much as Mr. Garrison's Perfectionism: The criticism and attack on institutions which we have witnessed has made one thing plain, that society gains nothing whilst a man, not himself renovated, attempts to renovate things around him: he has become tediously good in some particular, but negligent or narrow in the rest; and hypocrisy and vanity are often the disgusting result. It
May 16th, 1838 AD (search for this): chapter 4
f the slave. It remains to observe that Noyes's anti-government notions, though accepted by Mr. Garrison, had a very different origin and development. For the secret history of New Haven Perfectionism, see Noyes's Witness (Ithaca, N. Y., May 16, 1838). The latter connected them with his views of Peace (already derived from the New Testament), in a way which Noyes never did or cared to do. The logical extension of the doctrine of non-resistance must have come, in a mind like Mr. Garrison's, of men and women occupied the hall several times, and had large and interesting meetings. Temperance addresses were also delivered, and the Philadelphia Lyceum held its mild literary exercises in the Hall. On Wednesday evening, the public May 16, 1838. were informed that Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Maria W. Chapman of Boston, and Angelina E. Grimke Weld would address the people in that hall. There was an immense audience on the History of Penn. Hall, p. 117. occasion—some drawn there for deeds o
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