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Worcester County (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
n disconnected topics, like old Billy's negro, chokes me! Excuse this expression of my solicitude and affection. Against such forebodings, Mr. Garrison had not merely the conviction, but the evidence, that the anti-slavery sentiment fostered by the Liberator would compare favorably in point of vitality with that derived from periodicals not open to the reproach of irrelevancy. On August 30, 1838, Mrs. Chapman wrote to him: Wendell Phillips told me, after his excursion through Ms. Worcester County, that the Emancipator left men asleep as to the forwarding of the work, and that he could get no assistance in his labors but from Liberator men. Still, Mrs. Chapman and her sisters, whose exertions at this time may be said to have been indispensable to Mr. Ms. May 25, 1838, W. L. G. to G. W. Benson. Garrison's pecuniary maintenance, knew better than any one else the possible damage to the Liberator from becoming practically the organ of the Non-Resistance Society. Hence the followin
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 4
city when the building is burnt by a mob. At the New England Convention in Boston, his views as to the equalit3, 1844), Emerson, in a discourse criticising the New England Reformers, held up an ideal which was like nothind with a coat of tar-and-feathers. How was it in New England as the truth began to affect the consciences of tare less prevalent here than they were in distant New England ( History of Pennsylvania Hall, p. 71). When she1840. Thanks to his prompt action on May 24, the New England Anti-Slavery Convention met without disturbance aon St. Clair, instructing them to memorialize the New England ecclesiastical bodies to bear their testimony aga3 from Rhode Island, about a dozen from the other New England States, and three from Pennsylvania. They showeday afternoon, we formed a society, calling it the New England Non-resistance Society, and electing Effingham L.labor more faithfully for the purification of the New England churches. Our abolitionists have generally been
New York State (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
passage regards the material outlook of the Liberator for the coming year. It was prefaced by a fresh allusion to the disadvantage of competition with the Emancipator, sustained by the Parent Society, and the Friend of Man, sustained by the New York State Society, and consequently afforded at a lower rate: Though not yet sufficient to cover all expenses, the Lib. 7.203. circulation of the Liberator is, we believe, as extensive as that of any other anti-slavery journal in this country; . Garrison, who Lib. 8.137. reproduced them in the Liberator, and their doctrine was embodied in the twenty-one resolutions on political action presently adopted, after a whole day's discussion, Lib. 8.155, 158. at the great meeting of the New York State Anti-Slavery Society at Utica in September. These were from Goodell's own pen (Lib. 8.158; Goodell's Slavery and Anti-Slavery, p. 469). In New York city, the Emancipator published approvingly the forms of political anti-slavery pledges be
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ation of marriage, and the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes —and offered to prove it from his writings. Mr. Dickey even went so far as to call him a Hicksite Quaker—no Lib. 8.46. anti-climax in Cresson's orthodox connection, and quite the equivalent of calling a man an infidel. This latter form had now become the favorite one in the mouths of those clergymen who were seeking to make it a pretext Lib. 8.169. for driving Mr. Garrison from the management of the cause. Such an one, in Vermont, in the early summer, had denounced him from the pulpit as a Sabbathbreaker, an enemy to the Christian religion, a disturber of the peace of society, a violator of all law, both human and divine. Language like this, which might well have been reserved for arch-criminals, could not fail to inculcate a lamentably false idea of Mr. Garrison's moral character among the public at large, and even to disquiet distant friends. In the present instance the following private vindication seemed calle
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
from Bordentown to Philadelphia, our friends obtained leave of the captain to hold a discussion in the cabin on slavery. Several slaveholders were on board. Alvan Stewart had not spoken more than a minute or two before they began to shout, Down with him! Hustle him out! Throw him overboard! This induced the captain to break up the meeting, but our friends carried on the discussion in private parties until they arrived in the city. When I came on, I was introduced to a slaveholder of Alabama, who shook me by the hand with great courtesy. I took a severe cold by the way, and am very hoarse at present. . . . I have received no letter from you since the one you sent by Mary, but shall expect one to-night, on the arrival of Mrs. Maria W. Chapman. Chapman, or by the next mail. My heart yearns to be with you and the dear babes, for, although I am happy here, I am always happier at home, by your own dear side, with my darling children in my arms. The wedding between Theodore
Weymouth (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
fever induced by the fatigue of her Philadelphia experience, informs Mr. Garrison that H. C. Wright has recently been at Weymouth, much to the discomfiture of Mr. Perkins. He delivered seven lectures there, the people hearing him gladly. We all hopociety. Hence the following letter, which had the desired effect: Miss Anne Warren Weston to W. L. Garrison. Weymouth, Nov. 11, 1838. Ms. I feel as though the interest I take both in the cause of peace and that of abolition, will be a wish to have the cause introduced into the Liberator, would be anxious to take a paper wholly devoted to it. I think in Weymouth twelve or fifteen subscribers might be obtained, and I presume that wherever Mr. Wright lectures he might obtain a largeforward my views. P. S. The above was written on Sunday evening. Since then Messrs. Phelps and St. Clair have been at Weymouth, and A. A. Phelps, A. St. Clair. their incidental remarks have served to increase my fear that the Liberator will be se
Worcester (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
, five-sixths of the ministers of Franklin County, of all denominations, united in Lib. 8.91. a declaration against slavery and in favor of immediate emancipation; and in the same spirit, but more weightily, a clerical convention assembled at Worcester delivered Lib. 8.33. itself, under the inspiration and leadership of the Rev. George Allen. Side by side with this moral and religious quickening, the political measures already employed by the abolitionists not only were maintained, but asersigned, legal voters in the city of New York, will not vote for any man as Representative to Congress who is not in favor of the immediate abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, etc. At the impressive Young Men's Convention held at Worcester, Lib. 8.159, 161, 162. Mass., in October, with Goodell, Beriah Green, and H. B. Stanton in attendance, nineteen resolutions on political action were reported from the business committee, whose chairman was Wendell Phillips, Mr. Garrison being
Bristol (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 4
ng open the doors with their axes. They then Ibid., p. 140. set fire to this huge building, and in the course of an hour it Lib. 8.82. was a solid mass of flame. The bells of the city were rung, and several engines rallied; but no water was permitted to be History of Penn. Hall, pp. 150, 168, 170, 187. thrown upon the building. The light of the fire must have been seen a great distance. At midnight, by the advice of friends, I left the city with a friend in a carriage, and rode to Bristol, a distance of twenty miles, where I took the steamboat next morning for home. From the Needles's, whose mob-threatened home he quitted, on the night of the burning of the hall, with the parting benediction, Peace be with you, Mr. Garrison took refuge, by invitation, at the friendly house of Morris L. Hallowell, No. 240 North Sixth St., where the Junior Anti-Slavery Society had gathered to meet Henry C. Wright. About two o'clock the next morning (May 18) a covered carriage was driven
South River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
tate sovereignty without a parallel; even Calhoun (in the case of the Vermont anti-Texas resolutions) not Lib. 8.13. being prepared to exclude such privileged communications. And while silence was thus imposed on States as upon individuals, in regard to vital and fundamental political questions, because slavery was involved in them, Senator Preston, the colleague of Calhoun, was winning the applause of his section by declaring in his seat, that if an abolitionist come within the borders of South Lib. 8.11. Carolina, and we can catch him, we will try him, and, notwithstanding all the interference of all the governments of the earth, including this Federal Government, we will hang him. This lawless and savage threat was heard without remonstrance by the senators from Lib. 8.159, 161. Massachusetts—Daniel Webster and John Davis. It remained for a Northern doughface, Charles G. Atherton, of New Hampshire, to offer the fourth gag-rule, Lib. 8.202. devised by a pro-slavery caucus
Charles Follen (search for this): chapter 4
the cause can be promoted only in their way; their views of social reform extend far beyond the grossest form of servitude as it exists at the South ( Life of Chas. Follen, p. 430). Almost in the same words, but after an interval of seven years (March 3, 1844), Emerson, in a discourse criticising the New England Reformers, heaccording to the gospel of Christ. He made a very able argument, and was replied to by a Rev. Mr. Powers, of Scituate, but in a feeble manner. In the evening, Dr. Follen made a long and Chas. Follen. ingenious speech against the resolution, and contended that a man had a right to defend himself by violence. Bro. Wright spoke iChas. Follen. ingenious speech against the resolution, and contended that a man had a right to defend himself by violence. Bro. Wright spoke in reply, and was catechised, while upon the stand, pretty freely. He answered all objections very readily. Several others also addressed the meeting, very briefly, which was then adjourned. The discussion was continued with great animation the Lib. 8.154. Sept. 19, 1838. Ezra S. Gannett. next forenoon. Rev. Mr. Gannett made
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