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Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.52
ect road to the elevated and cleared lands (Malvern Hill) on the north bank of Turkey Creek, there te were misled up the The Parsonage, near Malvern Hill. This house was in the rear of the Confeenant Frank W. Hess. On the west side of Malvern Hill, overlooking Warren, were some thirty-six gng into position on the right of Jackson at Malvern Hill.--Editors. The Union batteries, as indicnch's brigade of Sumner's corps, arrived at Malvern Hill on the morning of July 1st. During the day withdrew part of his corps to the slope of Malvern Hill, to the right of the Malvern house, which dd Gove had been killed at Gaines's Mill; Malvern Hill, from the direction of Turkey Island Bridgea sketch made soon after the War: view from Malvern Hill, looking toward the James. From a photograof General Heintzelman on the River side of Malvern Hill. II.-Turkey Bridge, under Malvern Hill. FMalvern Hill. From War-time sketches. every prospect, if not direct promise, of large reinforcements for a renewal[4 more...]
Twymans Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.52
Grove, the battles of Beaver Dam Creek and Gaines's Mill, the engagements at Golding's and Garnett'rest. The brigade had suffered greatly at Gaines's Mill, and was not expected to perform much morehe attack in force along our whole line at Gaines's Mill, now intervened, until, at about 5:30 o'clregard of life, equal to that displayed at Gaines's Mill, with a determination to capture our army,ich had suffered much in the rough work at Gaines's Mill. The Confederate charge was sudden and helooked for a moment as if the disasters of Gaines's Mill might be repeated. But only for a moment.ck and Mc-Lane and Gove had been killed at Gaines's Mill; Malvern Hill, from the direction of Tuack, and therefore posted batteries, as at Gaines's Mill, to secure against the disaster of a breakured by the mishap of a cavalry blunder at Gaines's Mill, it had at Malvern, with the brave and galion and Cooke's cavalry engaged with us at Gaines's Mill, nor of Couch's division and the brigades [3 more...]
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.52
other draft on his forces, was hesitating to respond, when Heintzelman, ever prompt and generous, sprang to his feet and exclaimed: By Jove! if Porter asks for help, I know he needs it and I will send it. The immediate result was the sending of Meagher by Sumner and Sickles by Heintzelman. This was the second time that Sumner had selected and sent me Meagher's gallant Irish brigade, and each time it rendered invaluable service. I had served under General Heintzelman up to the capture of Yorktown, and I ever appreciated his act as the prompting of a thoughtful, generous, and chivalrous nature.--F. J. P. The spasmodic, though sometimes formidable attacks of our antagonists, at different points along our whole front, up to about 4 o'clock, were presumably demonstrations or feelers, to ascertain our strength, preparatory to their engaging in more serious work. An ominous silence, similar to that which had preceded the attack in force along our whole line at Gaines's Mill, now inte
Harrison's Landing (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.52
The result of the movement was that on the 2d of July our army was safely established at Harrison's Landing, on the James, in accordance with General McClellan's design. The present narrative will m to withdraw, and to direct Generals Sumner and Heintzelman to move at specified hours to Harrison's Landing and General Couch to rejoin his corps, which was then under way to the same point. The of the enemy. General Fitz John Porter's headquarters in the Westover mansion, camp at Harrison's Landing, July, 1862. from a War-time sketch. It was something fearful and sad to contemplate;icable mode of taking Richmond, to remain on the James, and Supplying the hungry Army at Harrison's Landing. From a War-time sketch. Berkeley, Harrison's Landing, as seen from McClellan's headquHarrison's Landing, as seen from McClellan's headquarters tents. From a War-time sketch. This house was the birthplace of General (afterward President) William Henry Harrison. During the month of July, 1862, it was used as a hospital and signal s
Butterfield (Oregon, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.52
Franklin's corps, and French's brigade of Sumner's corps, arrived at Malvern Hill on the morning of July 1st. During the day Franklin's columns were in line of battle on the right of Sumner.--Editors. They did not expect to be seriously engaged, but were ready to resist attack and to give assistance to the center and left, if circumstances should require it. At an early hour in the day Sumner kindly sent me Caldwell's brigade, as he thought I might need help. This brigade I placed near Butterfield, who was directed to send it forward wherever it should be needed or called for. He sent it to Couch at an opportune moment early in the day. General McClellan, accompanied by his staff, visited our lines at an early hour, and approved my measures and those of General Couch, or changed them where it was deemed advisable. Though he left me in charge of that part of the field occupied by Couch, I at no time undertook to control that general, or even indicated a desire to do so, but with
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 7.52
, Harrison's Landing, as seen from McClellan's headquarters tents. From a War-time sketch. This house was the birthplace of General (afterward President) William Henry Harrison. During the month of July, 1862, it was used as a hospital and signal station. renew the contest from the south bank, for which he had commenced operations. It was publicly announced that Halleck would assume command and take the field. Pope had reason to believe that he would eventually supersede McClellan, and McDowell had been so satisfied of his future supremacy that he confided to a friend that he would be at the highest round of the ladder.--F. J. P. During this period he omitted nothing which would insure the removal of the army without loss of men and material. The withdrawal of the army changed the issue from the capture of Richmond to the security of Washington, transferred to the Federals the anxiety of the Confederates for their capital, and sounded an alarm throughout the Northern States.
Quaker (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.52
the fight. The road is the Church road (known also as the Quaker road), and the view is from near C. W. Smith's, which was the east. The lane, in the lower picture, leads to the Quaker road and was the line of Griffin's guns. McQuade's repulsw's house, occupied the right of the line extending to the Quaker road. To his left front, facing west, was the 14th New Yoight, under cover of a narrow strip of woods, skirting the Quaker road, were the brigades of Martindale and Butterfield, whiook its place, extending Morell's line to the right of the Quaker road. The greater part of the supply trains of the army a to Richmond (via Darbytown road) was known locally as the Quaker road. Union generals and, with few exceptions, Confederate generals, mean that highway whenever they mention the Quaker road. An unused road nearly two miles farther west, communicad and Charles City (River) road, was sometimes called the Quaker road. General Magruder supposed he was to take the latt
Turkey Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.52
k Swamp; the battle of Glendale (or Charles City cross-roads); the action of Turkey Creek, and the battle of Malvern Hill. Each was a success to our army, the engaget road to the elevated and cleared lands (Malvern Hill) on the north bank of Turkey Creek, there to select and hold a position behind which the army and all its trainhad passed over the route and professed to know it, my command did not reach Turkey Creek, which was only five miles distant, until 9 A. M. on the 30th. In fact, we g our steps. Our new field of battle embraced Malvern Hill, just north of Turkey Creek and Crew's Hill, about one mile farther north. Both hills have given name t supply trains of the army and of the reserve artillery passed safely beyond Turkey Creek through the commands thus posted, the movement only ceasing about 4 o'clock ddle-ground. The bridge is to the left on this road. The winding stream is Turkey Creek. In the middle distance is the position of the three gun-boats which shelle
Alanson M. Randol (search for this): chapter 7.52
orders. Passing through their own batteries as they advanced, they lost the benefit of their fire, as they did also when returning after being repulsed and pursued by the enemy's reserves. Disregard of these principles at this time caused heavy losses of men, and led to the demoralization at a critical moment of one good volunteer battery and the capture, through no fault of its commander, of one of the best batteries of the regular army [see p. 402]. This battery was commanded by Lieutenant A. M. Randol, a brave and accomplished artillery officer of the regular army. This division had other-wise suffered heavily. At Gaines's Mill it had lost, by captu re, one of the ablest generals, John F. Reynolds, with other gallant and efficient officers and men, captured, killed, or wounded. Its misfortunes culminated in the capture at New Market cross-roads of McCall, the wounding of General George G. Meade, his able assistant, and the loss of many excellent subordinates. Fortunately the
Henry W. Kingsbury (search for this): chapter 7.52
artillery officer. These batteries as located on Tuesday, the day of the battle, were those of Edwards, Livingston, Kingsbury, Ames, part of Weeden's under Water-man, part of Allen's under Hyde, and Bramhall's. Other batteries as they arrived weeserve artillery; 8 and 11, first and second positions of Waterman's (Weeden's); 9--9, Edwards's, Livingston's, Ames's, Kingsbury's, and Hyde's; 10, Snow's, Frank's, and Hyde's; 11, Kingsbury's and Seeley's. On the Union side the chief variationsKingsbury's and Seeley's. On the Union side the chief variations from these positions were the advance of a part of Butterfield's brigade, between Griffin and Couch, and the transfer of batteries from Morell to Couch. During the afternoon Sickles's brigade took the place of Caldwell's, which had come up to Coucction was raging, Waterman's three guns, with two of the same type under Lieutenant Phillips of Massachusetts, relieved Kingsbury and Hazlitt's regular batteries of Parrotts on Couch's right. The service here was admirable. Waterman with only half
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