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Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
t was discovered that it had not been made by Jackson's command. Information was received that Jacand Anderson's divisions--then supposed to be Jackson's force--under command of Major-General Roberext movement was against our centre. Part of Jackson's column, reenforced by a large body from Hilgstreet's and Hill's divisions, and a part of Jackson's column, participated. Probably the most dehe enemy had four divisions employed, besides Jackson's admirable army of thirty thousand to thirtyen Ewell, then Jackson, (the two latter under Jackson's command,) then D. H. Hill on the left of thrced by a section of a Baltimore battery from Jackson's division, with English Blakely guns, openedight and rear. Yes; two or three brigades of Jackson's army have flanked the enemy, and are gettinrge, but the three brigades on the right, and Jackson's three brigades on the left, closed up ranks on the right to Jackson, Whiting, Ewell, and Jackson's own division on the left, (Jackson commandi[1 more...]
Long Bridge (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
eau, and every square yard of it, to the woods. On Tuesday morning D. H. Hill's division, on the right to Jackson, Whiting, Ewell, and Jackson's own division on the left, (Jackson commanding the three latter divisions,) crossed the White Oak bridge, and took u their position in this order on the left of our line, at about three o'clock in the afternoon. D. H. Hill's artillery was sent to the rear to rest. Longstreet, A. P. Hill, Magruder, and Huger, on our right wing, pushed down the Long Bridge road in pursuit, and took position on the left and front of the enemy, under fire of all his artillery on land and water. About four o'clock in the afternoon, the skirmishers of our pursuing column, on emerging from the wood, were met by the fire of the enemy, and fell back to report to the commanding General, Magruder, whose division, embracing the brigades of Howell Cobb, Toombs, Wright, and Armistead, was in the advance. Two batteries of light artillery, Grimes's and the Second Ric
Tunstall (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
eeping down the Pamunkey, probably to capture military stores at White House, to cut off our communications with our water-base, and menace ore issued for the removal or destruction of all public stores at White House. The situation, apparently placid on the surface, developed a tbe deceived into the belief that we designed to fall back to the White House. Preparations were accordingly begun. Porter s command crossedn. Casey was also directed to destroy all public property at the White House that could not be removed, and to transport the sick and woundedo say, that even then, almost eleven o'clock, communication with White House by railroad and telegraph was uninterrupted, but soon after elevas to cut off all communication between McClellan's army and the White House, on the Pamunkey River; he had been driven completely from his n was not less successful on the north side. Dashing down to the White House on the Pamunkey, he succeeded in capturing an immense quantity o
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
learn the whereabouts of the brigade said to have been captured by Heintzelman. Think it a false report, invented to keep up courage — which was not necessary, for the men, jaded as they were, noble fellows, cheered when summoned to battle, and swore to die game. Said I to a rebel officer: Do your men respect Yankee fighters? Yes, sir; they surprise us. Said I: Others have broken and retired; the genuine Yankees of New-England have never faltered on the Chickahominy. It is true; and Massachusetts mourns more dead soldiers, comparatively, than any State's quota in the Army of the Potomac. Tuesday, the first of July, was not a cheerful day. The prospect was not happy. The Prince de Joinville, always gay and active as a lad, and always where there was battle, had gone. The Count de Paris, heir to the Bourbon throne, and the Duke de Chartres, his brother, the two chivalric and devoted aids to Gen. McClellan, on whose courage, fidelity, intelligence, and activity he safely relied
Port Republic (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
he previous day, and the line was ordered to resume its old position. Thursday afternoon the anticipated attack upon our right wing was made, and handsomely repulsed; but it was discovered that it had not been made by Jackson's command. Information was received that Jackson was sweeping down the Pamunkey, probably to capture military stores at White House, to cut off our communications with our water-base, and menace our rear. Orders were given at once to destroy all public property at White House and evacuate that point. Matters began to assume a critical appearance, and danger culminated in the disaster of Friday. It was then fully determined to change the base of operations to James River. It seems to me this was compulsory. The enemy had turned our right, evidently outnumbered us in great disproportion, was too strong in front for us to break through, and was in position to crush us in front and rear — and, perhaps, intended to strike on our left flank. Apparently his army
Ripleys (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
n along the front and left flank of the enemy's position, while from the creek to the battery was covered with abattis. The position was most formidable. The assault was made by Pender's brigade, of A. P. Hill's division, on the right, and by Ripley's brigade on the right in front. Gen. Pender's brigade had been thrown out in advance, in observation on the enemy's left, when Ripley's brigade coming up, Gen. D. H. Hill ordered two of Gen. Ripley's regiments — the Forty-fourth Georgia and theRipley's brigade coming up, Gen. D. H. Hill ordered two of Gen. Ripley's regiments — the Forty-fourth Georgia and the First North-Carolina--to operate on the right with Gen. Pender, while the Forty-eighth Georgia and the Third North-Carolina remained in front. Gen. Lee then ordered the battery to be charged. The attempt was made. They all moved forward to the attack together. They cleared the rifle-pits and gained the creek, within one hundred yards of the battery; but there was still the creek and the abattis to cross. The fire of shot, shell, canister and musketry from the enemy's works was, meanwhile
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
McLaws, consisting of Gens. Kershaw and Semmes's brigades, supported by Gen. Griffith's brigade from Magruder's division. The Federals were found to be strongly intrenched, and as soon as our skirmishers came in view they were opened upon with a furious cannonade from a park of field-pieces. Kemper's battery now went to the front, and for three hours the battle raged hotly, when the discomfited Yankees again resumed their back track. It was during this fight that General Griffith, of Mississippi, one of the heroes of Leesburgh, (where he commanded the Eighteenth Mississippi, on the fall of Colonel Burt,) was killed by the fragment of a shell, which mangled one of his legs. He was the only general officer killed on our side during the whole of that bloody week. Owing to a most unfortunate accident much of our success was marred. Our own troops, being mistaken for the enemy, were fired into by the Twenty-first Mississippi regiment, as was Jenkins's South-Carolina regiment at Man
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
s. Cincinnati Commercial account. James River, Va., Tuesday Evening, July 2, 1862. O frieemplated changing his base of operations to James River — a perilous thing to attempt before; more ermined to change the base of operations to James River. It seems to me this was compulsory. The uched about eight miles from Turkey Bend in James River. The course then lay up the latter road tos left; Keyes's corps was moving swiftly to James River, down the Charles City and Quaker road; Por last struggle to reach our gunboats on the James River. I have been frustrated in all my plans agighborhood of Berkeley and Westover, on the James River, where, availing themselves of the strong ntover landing is, perhaps, the very best on James River; and the stream for miles up and down, beinear the Charles City road, on the north, to James River, making a successful attack from that quart of Berkeley and Westover, and empties into James River at the extreme eastern boundary of the latt[9 more...]
New Kent (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
danger. But other evidences of it were not wanting. By daylight, Friday morning, Gen. McCall had fallen back in the rear of Gaines's Mill, and in front of Woodbury's Bridge, where he was posted, his left joining the right of Butterfield's brigade, resting in the woods and near the swamps of the Chickahominy. Morell was on his right, in the centre, and Gen. Sykes, commanding five thousand regulars and Duryea's Zouaves, held the extreme right — the line occupying crests of hills near the New-Kent road, some distance east by south of Gaines's Mills. A portion of the position was good, but judicious generalship might have found a better, and especially it might have been amended by posting the left flank upon a swamp which was impassable beyond peradventure. Besides, the line was so disposed that it was next to impossible to use our artillery advantageously — the very arm in which we enjoyed undoubted superiority. Nothing definite had yet been heard of the enemy, but it was assumed
New Bridge (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
bank of the Chickahominy, from Beaver Dam Creek to a point below New-Bridge. Several military bridges formed the avenues of communication bee thousand strong, increased by Duryea's Zouaves, was posted near New-Bridge, within supporting distance. Gen. Stoneman had also been sent toion of the extreme left of our line. Their right rested near the New-Bridge road, and their left extended into the woods, joining Martindale'arched heavy columns from their camps in front of Richmond across New-Bridge, to strengthen Jackson still more. Happy delusion! Their firsthe Mechanicsville turnpike; the first finger as the Nine-mile or New-bridge road; the second as the Williamsburgh turnpike, running nearly pad with artillery, near the Chickahominy, about a mile east of the New-Bridge road. About eleven o'clock Moody's battery opened fire upon the Nine-mile road at Seven Pines. The former road connects with the New-Bridge road, which turns off and crosses the Chickahominy. From Seven P
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