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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
nd guide troops in battle to positions they had previously reconnoitred. Scott soon drew to him from this branch of the service Totten, J. L. Smith, R. E. Lee, Beauregard, McClellan, Foster, Tower, Stevens, G. W. Smith, and others, and at once placed Captain Lee on his personal staff. This officer, when Scott was assembling the the Mexican army, said he did not believe a goat could have come from that direction. In his final report Scott thus speaks: The reconnoissance, begun by Lieutenant Beauregard, was continued by Captain Lee, of the engineers, and a road made along one of the slopes over chasms-out of the enemy's view though reached by his fire — wked, fought, and bled side by side on the burning sands of old Mexico, imagine that in less than two decades McDowell would be training his guns on Johnston and Beauregard at first Manassas, while McClellan, Pope, Burnside, Hooker, Meade, and Grant would each in turn test the prowess of Lee; nor did their old commander, Scott, dre
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 4: War. (search)
er 26th. Robert Anderson was a Kentuckian, and a West Point graduate of the class of 1827, whose sympathies at the beginning of the war were rather on the side of the South. He continued to occupy with his little force this island fort, while Beauregard, who had resigned from the United States Army and was already commissioned by the seceding States, was building hostile batteries on every side. A crisis in this harbor was fast approaching. The Government of the United States decided to make an attempt to throw men and provisions into the fort, and when this became known, orders were issued from Montgomery for Beauregard to open his batteries. In the gray of the morning at half-past 4 on a certain Friday, April 12, 1861, a single shot fired from the Confederate batteries at Fort Johnson announced that the bombardment of a fort over whose grim walls floated the Stars and Stripes was about to begin. The report of the bursting of this shell startled the country from center to circum
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 5: invasion of Virginia. (search)
important stations. For Manassas, General P. G. T. Beauregard was selected. This officer, having Johnston the victorious army could march on Beauregard at Manassas, re-enforced by the troops arount a junction of Johnston's army with that of Beauregard's at Manassas. General Sanford, who commandf infantry. The Federal commander estimated Beauregard's force at twenty thousand, and a statement cessantly, leaving no stone unturned to give Beauregard a sufficient force to cope successfully withes, and the threatened commands of Johnston, Beauregard, Huger, Garnett, etc. Where I shall go I do away, behind a small stream called Bull Run, Beauregard waited the arrival of McDowell. The two arme's Ford, on the Potomac, where Johnston and Beauregard could have crossed, is about forty-five milet there at the earliest possible moment, and Beauregard started in that direction in person with thean to plot for the Presidential succession. Beauregard was one of those named for office, and he wr[5 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 6: the campaign in West Virginia. (search)
turnpike crossed. The Confederate authorities-having been informed of the advance of the Federal General Cox in the Kanawha Valley and that there would probably be two armies operating in northwest Virginia, and also being disappointed in what had been accomplished in that section-determined to send out there an officer of high rank and reputation. Mr. Davis offered the command of that department, therefore, to General Joseph E. Johnston first, as there was no necessity for Johnston and Beauregard both to remain at Manassas. General Johnston declined the offer, because he thought the most important battles would be fought between Washington and Richmond. It was then determined that General Lee should assume command in person of that department, for his duties of organizing and assigning troops to the different sections had nearly terminated. The Secretary of War and the adjutant general, under the direction of the President, were the proper persons to direct army movements now. G
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
rolled up the various positions selected to keep the Southern troops from destroying his army were well selected and ably defended. The Federal commander got unduly excited over what he supposed was the great preponderance of the Southerners in numbers, as well as over the re-enforcements which they were supposed to be receiving. On the night Stonewall Jackson encamped at Ashland McClellan told the Secretary of War by telegraph that he had received information from various sources that Beauregard and his troops had arrived in Richmond; and a half hour later he telegraphed Casey in command of his depot supplies at the White House that it was said Jackson is coming from Fredericksburg with the intention of attacking the right flank soon. Six and a half hours later, on the morning of the 26th, at three o'clock, he informed Mr. Stanton that his impression was confirmed that Jackson would soon attack our right rear, and added if he had another good division he would laugh at Jackson.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 13: campaign in Virginia.-Bristol Station.-mine Run.-Wilderness. (search)
ed his troops at the water edge of the Bull Run fords as Beauregard did at the first Manassas, but upon commanding positionsent force to delay and give notice of the crossing. Had Beauregard done this, he would not have had his left turned, for thjust as he was about to achieve fame, he was attacked by Beauregard on the morning of the 16th, and driven within his fortified lines, in front of which Beauregard threw up works stretching from river to river. He was caged, so far as any further advance from that point could be made, for Beauregard had locked him up and put the key in his pocket, or, as General Barnadopted the phrase in his report-he was in a bottle which Beauregard had corked, and with a small force could hold the cork in place. Beauregard had been brought from the Southern Department, and his command consisted of detachments from South Carohousand troops on May 15th at New Market, the day before Beauregard beat Butler, in which he was greatly assisted by a batta
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 14: siege of Petersburg. (search)
f Petersburg before Leewho had drawn most of Beauregard's force to him on the north side-could preveded, had attacked when he arrived before it. Beauregard was in peril. He had re-enforced Lee, but Letersburg was still in danger. Fortunately, Beauregard's engineering skill, as well as that of his t 6 P. M. the predetermined great attack, as Beauregard called it, was made by the Second Corps and effectives — were present, while on that day Beauregard had been re-enforced by Kershaw's and Field'neral Lee rode up and was warmly welcomed by Beauregard, who had been anxiously hoping to see him fo He had been very slow in giving credence to Beauregard's telegrams about Grant's movements, and eveell he did, for the remarkable resistance of Beauregard's troops alone saved the city from capture oersburg. The admirably selected new line of Beauregard was strengthened, and maintained until the eonfederate cavalry was there and reported to Beauregard the occupation of the railroad by infantry, [8 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
372. Army of Virginia, 175. Assault on Fort Stedman, 371. Austin, Stephen F., mentioned, 31. Averell, General William W., mentioned, 241, 242, 340, 341. Babcock, Colonel, of Grant's staff, mentioned, 392, 393. Ball, Mary, mentioned, x. Banks Ford, Va., 244. Banks, General Nathaniel P., mentioned, 109, 143, 180. Barksdale's brigade, 224; killed at Gettysburg, 302. Barlow, General, wounded at Gettysburg, 302. Bayard, General George D., mentioned, 228. Beauregard, General P. G. T., mentioned, 48, 87, 107, 108, 110, III, 132, 137, 346; notice of, 100; promoted, 133, 134; at Petersburg, 360; sent against Sherman, 369. Beaver Dam Creek, 158, 160, 168. Beckwith, General, Amos, 103. Benedict, Colonel G. G., letter to, 299. Benjamin, Judah P., 324. Benton, Thomas H., 52. Berkeley, Sir, William, mentioned, 3, 4. Birney, General James G., mentioned, 247. Black Hawk, mentioned, 48. Blackburn's Ford, Va., 189. Blair, Francis P., mentioned, 85.
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, March to Jalapa-battle of Cerro Gordo-Perote-Puebla-Scott and Taylor (search)
was defended at every turn by artillery. On either side were deep chasms or mountain walls. A direct attack along the road was an impossibility. A flank movement seemed equally impossible. After the arrival of the commanding-general upon the scene, reconnaissances were sent out to find, or to make, a road by which the rear of the enemy's works might be reached without a front attack. These reconnaissances were made under the supervision of Captain Robert E. Lee, assisted by Lieutenants P. G. T. Beauregard, Isaac I. Stevens, Z. B. Tower, G. W. Smith, George B. McClellan, and J. G. Foster, of the corps of engineers, all officers who attained rank and fame, on one side or the other, in the great conflict for the preservation of the unity of the nation. The reconnaissance was completed, and the labor of cutting out and making roads by the flank of the enemy was effected by the 17th of the month. This was accomplished without the knowledge of Santa Anna or his army, and over ground
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Struck by a bullet-precipitate retreat of the Confederates--intrenchments at Shiloh--General Buell-General Johnston--remarks on Shiloh (search)
ntil the 6th. The distance his army had to march was less than twenty miles. Beauregard, his second in command, was opposed to the attack for two reasons: first, he ld necessarily be intrenched. Johnston not only listened to the objection of Beauregard to an attack, but held a council of war on the subject on the morning of the f his friends. He did prove that as a general he was over-estimated. General Beauregard was next in rank to Johnston and succeeded to the command, which he retai of the 6th was 33,000 men. Lew. Wallace brought 5,000 more after nightfall. Beauregard reported the enemy's strength at 40,955. According to the custom of enumerat08 wounded and 2,885 missing. Of these, 2,103 were in the Army of the Ohio. Beauregard reported a total loss of 10,699, of whom 1,728 were killed, 8,012 wounded andorted, and 4,000 was the estimate of the burial parties for the whole field. Beauregard reports the Confederate force on the 6th at over 40,000, and their total loss
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