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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Eustis, James Biddle, 1834-1899 (search)
Eustis, James Biddle, 1834-1899 Diplomatist; born in New Orleans, La., Aug. 27, 1834; was educated in Brookline, Mass., and in the Harvard Law School; was admitted to the bar in 1856, and practised in New Orleans till the beginning of the Civil War, when he entered the Confederate army; served as judge-advocate on the staff of General Magruder till 1862, and then on the staff of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. When the war closed he entered the State legislature, where he served in each House. In 1876 he was elected to the United States Senate to fill a vacancy, and after the expiration of the term took a trip through Europe. Returning to the United States, he was made Professor of Civil Law in the University of Louisiana. In 1884 he was again elected to the United States Senate, and became a member of the James Biddle Eustis. committee on foreign relations. He was appointed minister to France in March, 1893, and had charge of the negotiations which finally secured the release of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grand remonstrance, the. (search)
were most likely to prosper and succeed. 79. After the Parliament ended the 5th of May, 1640, this party grew so bold as to counsel the King to supply himself out of his subjects' estates by his own power, at his own will, without their consent. 80. The very next day some members of both Houses had their studies and cabinets, yea, their pockets searched: another of them not long after was committed close prisoner for not delivering some petitions which he received by authority of that House. 81. And if harsher courses were intended (as was reported) it is very probable that the sickness of the Earl of Strafford, and the tumultuous rising in Southwark and about Lambeth were the causes that such violent intentions were not brought to execution. 82. A false and scandalous Declaration against the House of Commons was published in His Majesty's name, which yet wrought little effect with the people, but only to manifest the impudence of those who were authors of it. 83. A fo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Imperialism. (search)
t places in the Union. So we see that a majority of about two-thirds (and that may have been in fact less than a majority of the whole people) assumed to speak and act for all. The people of the United States have all along acted on that plan. We have gone even further than that. We have in some cases expressly authorized minorities to determine the gravest matters. The Constitution provides that a majority of each (House of Congress) shall constitute a quorum to do business ; and each House may determine the rules of its proceedings. The Senate now consists of ninety members; forty-six is a majority, constituting a quorum. Of this forty-six, twenty-four form a majority, and although it is less than one-third of the whole body, may pass any measure that is not required by the Constitution to receive a majority or a two-thirds vote— a treaty, for example. And it is the same in the House of Representatives. And, although a majority of the electoral vote is required to choose
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Johnson, Andrew 1808- (search)
conclusion stated in the said article, that the respondent, by reason of the allegations therein contained, was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office. In reference to the statement made by General Emory, that this respondent had approved of said act of Congress containing the section referred to, the respondent admits that his formal approval was given to said act, but accompanied the same by the following message, addressed and sent with the act to the House of Representatives, in which House the said act originated, and from which it came to respondent: To the House of Representatives, The act entitled An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending June 30, 1868, and for other purposes, contains provisions to which I must call attention. These provisions are contained in the second section, which, in certain cases, virtually deprives the President of his constitutional functions as commander-in-chief of the army, and in the sixth section, w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kentucky, (search)
legraphed to Polk to withdraw his troops; President Davis privately telegraphed to him to hold on, saying, The end justifies the means. So Columbus was held and fortified by the Confederates. General Grant, then in command of the district at Cairo, took military possession of Paducah, in northern Kentucky, with National troops, and the neutrality of Kentucky was no longer respected. The seizure of Columbus opened the way for the infliction upon the people of that First (permanent) State-House, Frankfort, Ky. Kentucky River, from high Bridge. State of the horrors of war. All Kentucky, for 100 miles south of the Ohio River, was made a military department, with Gen. Robert Anderson, the hero of Fort Sumter, for its commander. Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, was in command of the Confederate Western Department, which included southern and western Kentucky, then held by the Confederates, and the State of Tennessee, with his headquarters at Nashville. Under the shadow of his powe
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts, (search)
n the opposition to the Stamp Act and other schemes of the British Parliament for taxing the English-American colonists, Massachusetts took a leading part. Recent acts of Parliament for taxing the Americans caused the Massachusetts The State-House, Boston, Mass. Assembly, in January, 1768, to send to the King a petition which combined, temperately, the spirit of liberty and of loyalty. In it was set forth a brief history of the colony of Massachusetts; the franchise guaranteed by their chent to rescind theirs. Let Britons rescind these measures, or they are lost forever. The House refused to rescind by a vote of 92 to 17. In a letter to the governor notifying him of their non-compliance, the Assembly said, If the votes of this House are to be controlled by the directions of a minister, we have left us but a vain semblance of liberty. The governor proceeded to dissolve the Assembly; but before that was accomplished they had prepared a series of accusations against him and a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Montgomery, Richard 1736- (search)
city by storm. In that effort he was slain by grapeshot from a masked battery, Dec. 31, 1775. His death was regarded as a great public calamity, and on the floor of the British Parliament he was eulogized by Burke, Chatham, and Barre. Even Lord North spoke of him as brave, humane, and generous; but added, still he was only a brave, humane, and generous rebel; curse on his virtues, they've undone his Montgomery's monument. country. To this remark Fox retorted: The term rebel is no certain mark of disgrace. All the great assertors of liberty, the saviors of their country, the benefactors of mankind in all ages, have been called rebels. We owe the constitution which enables us to sit in this House to a rebellion. Montgomery was buried at Quebec. In 1818 his remains were removed to the city of New York, at the expense of the State, and they were deposited near the monument which the United States government had erected to his memory in the front of St. Paul's Church, New York.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morrill, Justin Smith 1810- (search)
printed bill was many times on the table of every Senator, and I now have all of them here before me in large type. It was considered at much length by the appropriate committees of both Houses of Congress: and the debates at different times upon the bill in the Senate filed sixty-six columns of the Globe, and in the House seventy-eight columns of the Globe. No argus-eyed debater objected by ally amendment to the discontinuance of the silver dollar. In substance the bill twice passed each House, and was finally agreed upon and reported by a very able and trustworthy committee of conference, where Mr. Sherman, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Bayard appeared on the part of the Senate. . . . The gold standard, it may confidently be asserted, is practically far cheaper than that of silver. I do not insist upon having the gold standard, but if we are to have but one, I think that the best. The expense of maintaining a metallic currency is, of course, greater than that of paper; but it must be b
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Netherland. (search)
, to solicit a Seal of New Netherland. charter for the region in America which the discoveries of Henry Hudson had revealed to the world. That was in 1614 They sent twelve high and mighty lords, among them the noble John of Barneveld. The deputies spread a map before them, told them of the adventures of their agents in the region of the Hudson River, the heavy expenses they had incurred, and the risks they ran without some legal power to act in defence. Their prayer was heard, State-House in New York. and a charter, bearing date Oct. 11, 1614, was granted, in which the country was named New Netherland. This was before the incorporation of the Dutch West India Company. In 1623, New Netherland was made a province or county of Holland, and the States-General granted it the armorial distinction of a count. The seal of New Netherland bore as a device a shield with the figure of a beaver in the centre of it, surmounted by the coronet of a count, and encircled by the words, Sigil
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York City (search)
bly to repudiate the act concocted by this combination. It closed with a summons of the inhabitants to the Fields the next day, Monday, Dec. 17. The people were harangued by young John Lamb, an active Son of Liberty, a prosperous merchant, and vigorous writer. Swayed by his eloquence and logic, the meeting, by unanimous vote, condemned the obnoxious action of the Assembly. They embodied their sentiments in a communication to the Assembly borne by several leading Sons of Liberty. In that House, where the leaven of Toryism was then working, the handbill was pronounced an infamous and scandalous libel, and a reward was offered for the author. The frightened printer of the handbill gave the name of Alexander McDougall (afterwards General McDougall). He was indicted for libel, and imprisoned fourteen weeks, when he gave bail. He was arraigned, and for the nature of his answer to the indictment (months afterwards ) was again imprisoned, and treated by the patriots as a martyr. In
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