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lanters paying the cost of their transportation; and so well did these young women conduct themselves that the price of a wife rose from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco. After this there was very little discontent, and the settlements increased rapidly. The next year the London Company granted their Colony a written constitution, and a local Government was formed. So things went on prosperously until the reign of King James was over; then came Charles I, Cromwell, Charles II, and finally the Georges. And through all the years — through many difficulties — the settlements in Virginia continued to grow in wealth and importance. With the number of emigrants increased the amount of tobacco raised in the Virginia Colony, and it soon became necessary to form towns for the purpose of concentrating trade for facilitating the exportation of tobacco, and for the promotion of commerce. In selecting locations for these towns none seemed to offer better a
Wingfield (search for this): article 1
From Norfolk. [our own Correspondent.] Norfolk, Jan. 18. "On the 16th of May, " says that adventurous traveller Captain John Smith, "on the 16th of May, 1607, they fixed upon a peninsula on the North side of James River about fifty miles from its mouth, and then in the possession of the Paspaheghs. This was pronounced a very fit place for a very great city; but there was some contention about it between Captain Gosnold and Wingfield even after the provisions were landed. Here they commenced the settlement of Jamestown, which was, as it proved, the small beginning of our now great and prosperous Confederacy." Hence the city of Jamestown. The subsequent struggles of the new colony, its growth, the exploits of its founders, Smith, Gosnold, Newport, Ratcliff, Martin, and others, have become as familiar as household words through the pages of history. For the next century the record of the Colony was one of many difficulties, but of gradual growth. The two ensuing summers we
in the possession of the Paspaheghs. This was pronounced a very fit place for a very great city; but there was some contention about it between Captain Gosnold and Wingfield even after the provisions were landed. Here they commenced the settlement of Jamestown, which was, as it proved, the small beginning of our now great and prosperous Confederacy." Hence the city of Jamestown. The subsequent struggles of the new colony, its growth, the exploits of its founders, Smith, Gosnold, Newport, Ratcliff, Martin, and others, have become as familiar as household words through the pages of history. For the next century the record of the Colony was one of many difficulties, but of gradual growth. The two ensuing summers were spent by Smith and his companions, in exploring the numerous rivers, bays, inlets, and creeks surrounding the country by Jamestown, and in conquering them by arms, or winning them by treaty with the Indian owners. Slowly as time progressed the Colonial wilds of Virginia
Wade Hampton (search for this): article 1
, and some ship-yards were burned. Five miles below the city of Norfolk is Crany Island, lying at the entrance of the harbor, three miles from Hampton Roads.--During the last war with England this was the scene of a battle. On the 22d of June, 1813, a large fleet made an attack upon it, with a force of about 4,000 men, but met with a serious defeat. The loss to the enemy was two hundred, while the Virginians did not lose a man. The fortifications on this island were erected by Maj. Gen. Wade Hampton, then in command of this district. One more event of interest, and I have done. In the year 1856, the city of Norfolk was the scene of a serious and fatal epidemic that has been appropriately denominated "the great pestilence in Virginia." The yellow fever swept through the town until it was more than decimated. The tale of horrors that terrible disease unfolded, beggars the power of words to describe. It has, however, been made the subject of an interesting book from the pen
Thackeray (search for this): article 1
acres of land for the town of Norfolk. Extraordinary inducements were offered to lawyers, bricklayers, artizans, and mechanics, to take up their residence within the fifty acres; and they were exempted from arrest, and their property was not liable to seizure for debt. Owing to the healthfulness of the location, the fine harbor, its facilities for trade, the place increased gradually towards the dimensions of a town. September 15th, 1736, by a royal charter from George II, (about whom Mr. Thackeray tells so many pleasant stories,) it was formed into a borough; and that is how the city of Norfolk came about. From 1736, the date of its chapter, to 1770, the town of Norfolk grew rapidly. Its fine location and its excellent harbor gave an importance few other towns possessed.--Trade from all parts of the State flowed into its streets, and avenues were opened to commerce with the world. At one time there was but a single rival in the colony, and that, Dumfries, a Scotch settlement
William S. Forrest (search for this): article 1
en in command of this district. One more event of interest, and I have done. In the year 1856, the city of Norfolk was the scene of a serious and fatal epidemic that has been appropriately denominated "the great pestilence in Virginia." The yellow fever swept through the town until it was more than decimated. The tale of horrors that terrible disease unfolded, beggars the power of words to describe. It has, however, been made the subject of an interesting book from the pen of Mr. William S. Forrest, entitled, "The Great Pestilence in Virginia." Norfolk is now a city of much importance, it is situated upon the Elizabeth river, as it widens out to the sea, eight miles from Hampton Roads, and thirty-five from the ocean. It has somewhere in the vicinity of fifteen thousand inhabitants, exclusive of the soldiers stationed near. The harbor is large, safe, easy of access, and defended by Craney Island, Sewell's Point, Fort Calhoun, and Fort Monroe. I turn from the la
J. G. Martin (search for this): article 1
ssession of the Paspaheghs. This was pronounced a very fit place for a very great city; but there was some contention about it between Captain Gosnold and Wingfield even after the provisions were landed. Here they commenced the settlement of Jamestown, which was, as it proved, the small beginning of our now great and prosperous Confederacy." Hence the city of Jamestown. The subsequent struggles of the new colony, its growth, the exploits of its founders, Smith, Gosnold, Newport, Ratcliff, Martin, and others, have become as familiar as household words through the pages of history. For the next century the record of the Colony was one of many difficulties, but of gradual growth. The two ensuing summers were spent by Smith and his companions, in exploring the numerous rivers, bays, inlets, and creeks surrounding the country by Jamestown, and in conquering them by arms, or winning them by treaty with the Indian owners. Slowly as time progressed the Colonial wilds of Virginia became i
xed upon a peninsula on the North side of James River about fifty miles from its mouth, and then in the possession of the Paspaheghs. This was pronounced a very fit place for a very great city; but there was some contention about it between Captain Gosnold and Wingfield even after the provisions were landed. Here they commenced the settlement of Jamestown, which was, as it proved, the small beginning of our now great and prosperous Confederacy." Hence the city of Jamestown. The subsequent struggles of the new colony, its growth, the exploits of its founders, Smith, Gosnold, Newport, Ratcliff, Martin, and others, have become as familiar as household words through the pages of history. For the next century the record of the Colony was one of many difficulties, but of gradual growth. The two ensuing summers were spent by Smith and his companions, in exploring the numerous rivers, bays, inlets, and creeks surrounding the country by Jamestown, and in conquering them by arms, or winni
John Smith (search for this): article 1
Norfolk. [our own Correspondent.] Norfolk, Jan. 18. "On the 16th of May, " says that adventurous traveller Captain John Smith, "on the 16th of May, 1607, they fixed upon a peninsula on the North side of James River about fifty miles from itsacy." Hence the city of Jamestown. The subsequent struggles of the new colony, its growth, the exploits of its founders, Smith, Gosnold, Newport, Ratcliff, Martin, and others, have become as familiar as household words through the pages of history.tury the record of the Colony was one of many difficulties, but of gradual growth. The two ensuing summers were spent by Smith and his companions, in exploring the numerous rivers, bays, inlets, and creeks surrounding the country by Jamestown, and of commerce. In selecting locations for these towns none seemed to offer better advantages than a district called by Capt. Smith, Nansamund, situated on the Elizabeth river, and on the 8th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hund
mes, and owing to high winds the conflagration spread until nineteenths of the city was destroyed. Several times after the British fleet came into Hampton Roads, and two or three times Portsmouth, immediately across the river, was occupied. That town also suffered severely during the war and was frequently used as places of rendezvous, as Annapolis and Old Point are used by the Yankees. On the 18th of April, 1781, a large body of British troops, under Maj. Gen. Phillips and Brig Gen. Arnold, embarked at Portsmouth on an expedition for the purpose of destroying some American stores. A body of light infantry was sent up the Chickahominy ten or twelve miles, where several armed ships, sundry warehouses, and some ship-yards were burned. Five miles below the city of Norfolk is Crany Island, lying at the entrance of the harbor, three miles from Hampton Roads.--During the last war with England this was the scene of a battle. On the 22d of June, 1813, a large fleet made an attac
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