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Stone Bridge (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
Johnston and myself transferred our headquarters to a central position about half a mile in rear of Mitchell's Ford, whence we might watch the course of events. Previously, as early as 5:30, the Federalists in front of Evans's position — Stone Bridge — had opened with a large 30-pounder Parrot rifle gun, and thirty minutes later, with a moderate, apparently tentative fire from a battery of rifle pieces, directed first in front at Evans's, and then in the direction of Cocke'l position, but s and Bartow's brigades, now united, as had arrived — some 2,800 muskets — had also been sent forward to the support of the position of the Stone Bridge. The enemy beginning his detour from the turnpike, at a point nearly half-way between Stone Bridge and Centreville, had pursued a tortuous, narrow trace of a rarely used road, through a dense wood, the greater part of his way, until near the Sudley Road. A division under Colonel Hunter, of the Federal regular army, of two strong brigades,
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): article 8
. road Among the troops thus engaged, were the Federal regular infantry. At the same time, Kemper's battery, passing northward by the S. B. road, took position on the open space — under orders of Colonel Kershaw--near where an enemy's battery had been captured, was opened with effective results upon the Federal right, then the mark also of Kershaw and Cash's regiments. Preston's 28th regiment, of Cocke's brigade, had by that time entered the same body of oaks, and encountered some Michigan troops, capturing their brigade commander Col. Wilcox. Another important accession to our forces had also occurred about the same time, 3 o'clock P. M., Brigadier General E. K. Smith, with some 1,700 infantry of Elzey's brigade, of the army of the Shenandoah, and Beckham's battery, came upon the field, from Camp Pickens, Manassas, where they had arrived by railroad at noon, Directed person by Gen. Johnston to the left, then so much endangered, on reaching a position in rear of the oak
Allisonia (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 8
near Longstreet's left, its left extending in the direction of Cocke's right. It was organized as at the end of the 18th of July, with Jackson's brigade, as before said, as a support. Cocke's brigade, increased by seven companies of the 8th, Hunton's, three companies of the 49th, Smith's Virginia regiments, two companies of cavalry, and a battery under Rogers of four 6-pounders, occupied the line in front and rear of Bull Run, extending from the direction of Bonham's left, and guarding Island, Ball's and Lewis's Fords, to the right of Evans's demi- brigade, near the Stone Bridge, also under Gen. Cocke's command. The latter held the Stone Bridge, and its left covered a farm ford about one mile above the bridge. Stuart's cavalry, some 300 men of the army of the Shenandoah, guarded the level ground extending in rear from Bonham's left to Cocke's right. Two companies of Radford's Cavalry were held in reserve a short distance in rear of Mitchell's Ford, his left extendi
Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 8
m's right, at Mitchell's Ford, and was supported by Jackson's brigade, consisting of Colonels James L. Presson's organized as at the end of the 18th of July, with Jackson's brigade, as before said, as a support. Cocke near. In the meantime, about 7 o'clock A. M., Jackson's brigade, with Imboden's, and five pieces of Walto disabled piece on the ground, retired until he met Jackson's brigade, while Richardson joined the main body ofrell's.) which I ordered him to post on the left of Jackson's line, in the edge of the belt of pines bordering vans's commands, in the centre by four regiments of Jackson's brigade, with Imboden's four six- pounders, Waltoatteries, were thrown so close to the 33d regiment, Jackson's brigade, that that regiment, springing forward, suncommon resolution and vigor, and at the same time Jackson's brigade pierced the enemy's centre with the detere 27th Virginia regiment, (Lieut. Col. Echolls,) of Jackson's brigade. This part of the day was rich with deed
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 8
s, approaching reinforcements modifying my plan of operations, so far as to determine on attacking the enemy at Centreville as soon as I should hear of the near approach of the two reinforcing columns, I sent one of my Aids, Col. Chisholm, of South Carolina, to meet and communicate my plans to Gen. Johnston, and my wish that one portion of his force should march by the way of Aldie, and take the enemy on his right flank and in reverse at Centreville. Difficulties, however, of an insuperable cha and gallantly charged to the front with the colors of the Fourth Alabama regiment by his side, all the field officers of the regiment having been previously disabled. Shortly afterwards I placed S. R. Gist, Adjutant and Inspector-General of South Carolina, a volunteer Aide-de-camp of General Bee, in command of this regiment, and who led it again to the front as became its previous behavior, and remained with it for the rest of the day. As soon as we had thus rallied and disposed out force
dge of a pine thicket, in rear of and equidistant from McLean's and Blackburn's Fords, ready to support either position, I had also placed all of Bee's and Bartow's brigades that had arrived — namely, two companies of the 11th Mississippi, Lieut. Col. Liddell; the 2d Mississippi, Col. Falkner, and the Alabama, with the 7th and 8th Georgia regiments, (Colonels Gartrell and Lieut. Col. Gardner,) in all 2,732 bayonets. Bonham's brigade, as before held Mitchell's Ford, its right near Longstree and Leftwich, of Latham's battery, posted as before mentioned. At this time, confronting the enemy, we had still but Evans's eleven companies and two guns — Bee's and Bartow's four regiments, the two companies 11th Mississippi, under Lieut. Col. Liddell, and the six pieces under Imboden and Richardson. The enemy had two divisions of four strong brigades, including seventeen companies of regular infantry, cavalry and artillery, four companies of marines, and twenty pieces of artillery. A
James L. Presson (search for this): article 8
igfall. D. R. Jones's brigade — from Ewell's left, in front of McLean's Ford, and along the stream to Longstreet's position. It was unchanged in organization, and was supported by Early's brigade, also unchanged, placed behind a thicket of young pines, a short distance in the rear of McLean's Ford. Longstreet's brigade held its former ground at Blackburn's Ford, from Jones's left to Bonham's right, at Mitchell's Ford, and was supported by Jackson's brigade, consisting of Colonels James L. Presson's 4th, Harper's 5th, Allen's 2d, the 27th, Lieut. Col. Echoll's, and the 33d, Cumming's Virginia regiments, 2,611 strong, which were posted behind the skirting of pines, to the rear of Blackburn's and Mitchell's Ford, and in rear of this support, was also Barksdale's 13th regiment Mississippi volunteers, which had lately arrived from Lynchburg. Along the edge of a pine thicket, in rear of and equidistant from McLean's and Blackburn's Fords, ready to support either position, I
ned our right. Heavy losses had now been sustained on our side, both in numbers and in the personal worth of the slain. The 8th Georgia regiment had suffered heavily, being exposed as it took and maintained its position, to a fire from the enemy, already posted within a hundred yards of their front and right, sheltered by fences and other cover. It was at this time that Lieut. Col. Gardner was severely wounded, as also several other valuable officers; the Adjutant of the regiment, Lieut. Branch; was killed, and the horse of the regretted Bartow was shot under him. The 4th Alabama also suffered severely from the deadly fire of the thousands of muskets which they so dauntlessly affronted under the immediate leadership of Bee himself. Its brave Colonel, E. J. Jones, was dangerously wounded, and many gallant officers fell, slain or horse of combat. Now, however, with the surging mass of over fourteen thousand Federal Infantry, pressing on their front; and under the incessant
ch at a moment's notice. At that hour the following was the disposition of our forces: Ewell's brigade, constituted as on the 18th of July remained in position at Union Mills Ford, its lefthort distance to the rear — that is, at and near Camp Wigfall. D. R. Jones's brigade — from Ewell's left, in front of McLean's Ford, and along the stream to Longstreet's position. It was unchany approved them, and the orders for their immediate execution were at once issued. Brigadier-General Ewell was directed to begin the movement, to be followed and supported successively by Generar by our right wing. At 10 ½ A. M., however, this expectation was dissipated, from Brigadier-General Ewell informing me, to my profound disappointment, that my orders for his advance had miscarrKemper's four six pounders, were also called for, and with the sanction of General Johnston, Generals Ewell, Jones, (D. R.,) Longstreet, and Bonham, were directed to make a demonstration to their seve
erists, with but thirteen pieces of artillery, and two companies (Carter's and Hoge's) of Stuart.'s cavalry. The enemy's force, now bearing hotly and confidently down on our position, regiment after regiment of the best equipped men that ever took the field — according to their own official history of the day — was formed of Colonels Hunter's and Heintzleman's divisions, Colonels Sherman's and Keye's brigades of Tyler's division, and of the formidable batteries of Ricketts, Griffin, and Arnold regulars, and Second Rhode Island, and two Dahlgren howitzers — a force of over 20,000 infantry, seven companies of regular cavalry, and twenty-four pieces of improved artillery. At the same time perilous, heavy reserves of infantry and artillery hung in the distance around the Stone Bridge, Mitchell's, Blackburn's, and Union Mills Fords, visible ready to fall upon us at any moment; and I was also assured of the existence of other heavy corps at and around Centreville and elsewhere, within <
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