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Berkeley County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
They had passed into eternity unconscious of the shaft that sent them there! Wednesday, July 2.--The severe struggle of Tuesday, had given the main body of McClellan's army ample time to reach the much coveted positions in the neighborhood of Berkeley and Westover, on the James River, where, availing themselves of the strong natural defences of the place, and under cover of their gunboats, they were relieved from the apprehensions of an immediate attack. In this situation of affairs, a descrthe very best on James River; and the stream for miles up and down, being broad and deep, affords both excellent sea-room and anchorage for his gunboats and transports. But this is by no means the only advantage of the position. On the west of Berkeley are innumerable impassable ravines, running from near the Charles City road, on the north, to James River, making a successful attack from that quarter next to impossible. Within a quarter of a mile of where these ravines begin, Herring Run C
Turkey Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
posted in the centre, so that, to use the language of Col. Sweitzer: We'll clothe this hill in sheets of flame before they take it. It was a magnificent spectacle. You see, friends, how desperate was the hour. The roar of combat grew tremendous as the afternoon wore away. There was no time then nor afterwards to ascertain dispositions of particular organizations. They were thrown together wherever emergency demanded. White Oak bridge, the Quaker road, Charles City road, the banks of Turkey Creek, were enveloped in smoke and flame; iron and lead crashed through forests and men like a destroying pestilence. A masked battery which had opened from the swamp under Malvern Hill, begun to prove inconvenient to Porter. It ploughed and crashed through some of our wagons, and disturbed groups of officers in the splendid groves of Malvern mansion. The gunboat Galena, anchored on the opposite side of Turkey Island, and the Aroostook, cruising at the head of the island, opened their ports
Meadow Bridge (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
powerful corps of the enemy, consisting of Gen. A. P. Hill's, D. H. Hill's, Longstreet's, and Anderson's divisions--then supposed to be Jackson's force--under command of Major-General Robert E. Lee, crossed the river at Mechanicsville bridge, Meadow bridge, and at Atlee's, and between one and two o'clock attacked our flank. Two regiments of Meade's brigade (McCall's division) were in reserve, and one on picket-duty. They did not at any time fully engage the enemy. General Reynolds's brigade at the point where it is crossed by the Brook turnpike; Gen. Branch, who was on the south bank, then crossed the river and wheeled to the right, down its northern bank. Proceeding in that direction, Gen. Branch, in like manner, uncovered, at Meadow bridge, the front of Major-Gen. A. P. Hill, who immediately crossed. The three columns now proceeded en echelon--Gen. Jackson in advance, and on the extreme left, Brig.-Gen. Branch (who was now merged with Gen. A. P. Hill) in the centre, and Gen. A
Whiteoak Creek (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
battle, that we could not shake the opinion from our minds that a night-fight was going on. Five minutes elapsed, I suppose, before the ragged crown of a black cloud in the distance reared itself above the forests, and dispelled the gloomy deception. Morning beamed upon us again brilliantly but hotly. We thanked Heaven that it had not rained. The enemy had not yet appeared in our front. Sumner had brought off his splendid command, Franklin was posted strongly on the south bank of White Oak Creek; Heintzelman was on his left; Keyes's corps was moving swiftly to James River, down the Charles City and Quaker road; Porter and part of Sumner's corps were following rapidly. Moving to the rear to learn the fate of friends, the history of yesterday's bitter conflict was sketched for me in the haggard features of the weary men who had fallen exhausted into their forest bivouac. Brave old Sumner's face bore traces of the excoriating fire of battle, but his features were radiant with
Cincinnati (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
est, not many could find wherewith to appease hunger, and mind as well as body was afflicted. Both were jaded and reduced. Losses we were obliged to estimate. Official reports there were none. Of material, Fitz-John Porter's command lost twenty pieces of artillery, and the arms, with accoutrements, which belonged to men who were lost. Of dead, wounded and missing, there were seven thousand or upwards. Col. Edmund Pendleton, of a Louisiana regiment, (Col. Pendleton formerly resided in Cincinnati,) who was captured on Monday, (June thirtieth,) assured me that on that day the rebels captured four thousand five hundred prisoners. Our dead he estimated, from examination of the field, at three hundred. Of the wounded there is no account. It is reported that the rebel loss is still more awful. It is claimed that the battle was badly managed. This is no time for criticism; besides, the data is not absolutely reliable. It is certain we were beaten in strategy and in grand tactics.
Drewry's Bluff (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
key Bend, and our reserve artillery was powerfully posted on Malvern Hill, a magnificent bluff covering Hardin's Landing, where our gunboats were cruising. Here was a glorious prospect. Though our gallant fellows were bravely holding the fierce enemy at bay to cover the swiftly escaping trains, it was clear our troubles were not ended. We had again deceived the enemy by going to Turkey Bend. He had imagined we were marching to New-Market, destined to a point on Cliff Bottom road, near Fort Darling. It was not far away, and the enemy was massing his troops upon us on the left and on our new front; for when we arrived at Malvern Hill, the wings of the army as organized were reversed, Keyes taking the right, Porter's corps the left, as we faced Richmond. Our line now described a great arc, and there was fighting around three fourths of the perimeter. General McClellan, who had already communicated with the gunboats, returned from the front to Malvern Hills, which were made his ba
Beaver Dam Creek, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
So the work was pressed, while the people clamored that it was slow. The right wing, consisting of McCall's, Morell's, and Sykes's divisions, less than twenty-five thousand strong, was well posted on the left bank of the Chickahominy, from Beaver Dam Creek to a point below New-Bridge. Several military bridges formed the avenues of communication between the two portions of the army separated by the river. The centre, consisting of Smith's, Sedgwick's, and Richardson's divisions, stretched in Mechanicsville battle was the second act, which you will now read: Battle of Mechanicsville. When I closed my last communication, (twenty-sixth June,) a fierce battle was raging on the left bank of the Chickahominy, on the east side of Beaver Dam Creek. Our extreme right wing, consisting of McCall's Pennsylvania reserves, eight thousand five hundred strong, with five batteries, were strongly intrenched there in admirable position for defence. Information, leading General McClellan to exp
Westover (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
.--The severe struggle of Tuesday, had given the main body of McClellan's army ample time to reach the much coveted positions in the neighborhood of Berkeley and Westover, on the James River, where, availing themselves of the strong natural defences of the place, and under cover of their gunboats, they were relieved from the apprebegin, Herring Run Creek crosses the Charles City road, and running in a south-easterly direction, skirts, on the north and east, the plantations of Berkeley and Westover, and empties into James River at the extreme eastern boundary of the latter. The whole course of this creek is one impassable morass, while along its northern ae north and east by Herring Creek and the heights of Evelinton, the enemy's position presents but one pregnable point <*>the piece of level country north-west of Westover, and from a quarter to a half mile in width, lying between the head of the ravines and the point where Herring Creek crosses the Charles City road. But it requi
White Oak Swamp (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
rably south of the Williamsburgh stage-road, on the borders of White Oak swamp. The whole line was protected by strong breastworks and redout struck almost due south from the Williamsburgh road, through White Oak swamp to the Charles City road, into which it debouched about eight ith slight exception, it had the advantage of coursing through White Oak swamp, upon which we might rely in some degree for protection of ourded. Keyes's line, which was on the extreme left resting upon White Oak Swamp, was prolonged, and our artillery and transportation trains wethe woods in parallel lines on both sides of the trains, while White Oak swamp fortunately protected our flanks from cavalry. We were gettinion before sunset unless the enemy should attack. Battle at White Oak swamp. At about ten o'clock, Gen. McClellan pushed to the river, . Next day they marched again. That night they kept watch in White Oak swamp. And Monday they marched again. The fiery sun had parched th
Baker's Mills (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
rm, and A. P. Hill in the same direction, on the left of Longstreet. At this point they came upon the enemy, strongly posted upon high and advantageous ground. The line of battle formed was as follows: Longstreet on the right, resting on the Chickahominy swamp; A. P. Hill on his left; then Whiting, then Ewell, then Jackson, (the two latter under Jackson's command,) then D. H. Hill on the left of the line, the line extending in the form of a crescent beyond New Cold Harbor, south toward Baker's Mills. At about twelve o'clock M., the batteries of D. H. Hill, consisting of Hardaway's, Carter's, Bondurant's, Rhett's, Peyton's and Clarke's, under command of Majors Pierson and Jones, were massed on our left. Capt. Bondurant advanced to the front, and took position near the powerful batteries of the enemy's artillery. But it was soon found impossible to hold the position. He was overpowered and silenced. Other batteries soon, however, came forward successively to the front of the in
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