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1).—Bond. Francis Bowman was a Pct. committeeman, 1748, and Pct. assessor, 1748. Thaddeus—the father of Solomon—and Sybil Wilson, both Lexington, m. 8 Feb. 1753. The name is Woolson—see Bond. Thaddeus—brother of Solomon (1)—had s. Thaddeus, b. 24 June, bap. 6 July, 1766. 3. Ebenezer had Ebenezer, b. 22, bap. 29 Oct. 1752, d. 16 Feb. 1754—s. of the Widow Bowman—a. 16 mos. Ebenezer the f. d. 21 Mar. 1753, a. 33. (See Bond's Wat. 88.) Elizabeth (wid.) —prob. of Ebenezer (3)—m. Thomas Adams,ar-Riet Maria of W. Camb. m. John Parker of Brighton, 6 May, 1813, Leonard, Esq., d. 1 July, 1840, a. 60. (See Bond's Wat., 261.) Greenleaf, Sarah A., and Joseph B. Mott, m. 1 Jan. 1836. Greenough, Ann, dau. of Thomas, Jr., of Boston, b. 24 June, bap. 1 July, 1764. Samuel, d. 29 Mar. 1803, a. 13. Greenwood, Bela, and Hannah Moore, m. 30 Apr. 1826. Griggs, Elizabeth Boylston, dau. of Nathaniel, bap. 29 June, 1794. H Hackelton, Mary, and Benjamin Butterfield,
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the editor (search)
t to Aldie, and thence to Upperville. Stahel's division of cavalry, from the defences of Washington, moved from Fairfax Court-house, via Centreville and Gainesville, to Buckland Mills. June 22. The cavalry corps and Barnes' (First) division of the Fifth corps returned from Upperville to Aldie. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Buckland Mills, via New Baltimore, to Warrenton. June 23. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Warrenton, via Gainesville, to Fairfax Count-house. June 24. Newton's (Third) division, Sixth corps, moved from Germantown to Centreville, and the Eleventh corps from Cowhorn Ford, or Trappe Rock, on Goose Creek, to the south bank of the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Fairfax Court-house to near Dranesville. June 25. The First corps marched from Guilford Station, Va., to Barnesville, Md.; the Third corps, from Gum Springs, Va., to the north side of the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry and the mouth of the Monocac
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the Third winter. (search)
Federals did not succeed in reaching a vessel that their adversaries were building on the Roanoke River, the light draught of which placed it beyond the range of the former's guns: public rumor had represented it as being an ironclad formidably .armed. There was truth in the rumor, and we shall see the vessel in the ensuing year at work under the name of the Albemarle. We shall leave the North Atlantic squadron, which has lost one vessel only, the Sumter—foundered accidentally on the 24th of June—to pass on to the squadron blockading Charleston, and of which Admiral Dahlgren, arrived on the 4th, has just taken the command on the 6th of July. Henceforth it shall not have to fight alone against the formidable works which defend the approaches to Charleston. The Washington Government, taught by experience, has decided to undertake a regular siege of that place, in which the land and sea forces shall render mutual assistance. It has understood that, despite their precious qualities
les River, and five years later the Indian village and church of Natick were formed by him. After his death the church ceased to flourish, grew weaker and weaker by reason of the death of some of its members, and the treacherous persecution of others, until in 1716, threescore and ten years after the commencement of his labors, there was no church, and but few Indians were resident there. From 1637 to 1675, the Indians gave little or no trouble to the Massachusetts settlers; but on the 24th of June of the latter year they opened the terrible King Philip's war by attacking the town of Swanzey. August 22, 1675, the first attack was made upon Lancaster, in which William Flagg, probably the son of Thomas Flagg Thomas Flagg was the proprietor in 1644 of two lots, one being 20 acres in the 1st Great Dividend, next to the Beaver Brook Plowlands. He was eight times chosen one of the Selectmen of the town previous to and including 1687. He lost his left eye by a gunshot accident. Proba
preached and prayed, and gained universal applause. When warrants arrived from England for their apprehension, they 1661 fled across the country to New Haven, where it was esteemed a crime against God to bewray the wanderer or give up the outcast. Yet such diligent search was made for them, that they never were in security. For a time they removed in secrecy from house to house: sometimes concealed themselves in a mill, sometimes in clefts of the rocks by the seaside; and for weeks to- June 24 to Aug 19. gether, and even for months, they dwelt in a cave in the forest. Great rewards were offered for their apprehension; Indians as well as English were urged to scour the woods in quest of their hiding-place, as men hunt for the holes of foxes. When the zeal of the search was nearly over, they retired to a little village on the Sound; till at last they escaped by night to an appointed place of refuge in Hadley, and the solitudes of the most beautiful valley of New England gave shel
been compelled to surrender his English arms, and pay an onerous tribute, was summoned to submit to an 1674. examination, and could not escape suspicion. The wrath of his tribe was roused, and the informer was murdered. The murderers in their turn were identified, seized, tried by a jury, of which one half were 1675. June. Indians, and, on conviction, were hanged. The young men of the tribe panted for revenge; without delay eight or nine of the English were slain in or about Swansey; June 24. and the alarm of war spread through the colonies. Thus was Philip hurried into his rebellion; and he is reported to have wept Callender's Century Sermon. as he heard that a white man's blood had been shed. The authorities on King Phillip's war are, Present State of N. E., and four other Tracts, first published in 1675 and 1676, and now, in 1833 and 1836, reprinted by S. G. Drake; Increase Mather's Hist. of Troubles with the Indians; Hubbard's Indian Wars; Church's Hist. of King
ical evidence, and must be taken as paramount authority on the purposes of the Grand Rebellion in Virginia. The late expenditures of public money had not June 5-24. been accounted for. Compare Culpepper, in Chalmers, 356. High debates arose on the wrongs of the indigent, who were oppressed by taxes alike unequal and exorbitrgesses and council in transmitting to England warm commendations of the zeal, loyalty, and patriotism of Bacon, and the ameliorating legisla- Chap. XIV.} 1676. June 24, O. S. tion of the assembly was ratified. That better legislation was completed, according to the new style of computation, on the fourth day of July, Hening, ii. 363. June twenty-fourth, old style; that is, July 4, 1676. 1676, just one hundred years, to a day, before the congress of the United States, adopting the declaration which had been framed by a statesman of Virginia, who, like Bacon, was popularly inclined, began a new era in the history of man. The eighteenth century in Virgi
added to the security of property. In a few days, 1664 Sept 24 Fort Orange, now named Albany, from the Scottish title of the duke of York, quietly surrendered; and the league with the Five Nations was renewed. Early in October, Oct 1 the Dutch and Swedes on the Delaware capitulated; and for the first time the whole Atlantic coast of the old thirteen states was in possession of England. Our country had obtained geographical unity. The dismemberment of New Netherland ensued on June 23, 24 its surrender. The duke of York had already, two months before the conquest, assigned to Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, both proprietaries of Carolina, the land between the Hudson and the Delaware. In honor of Carteret, the territory, with nearly the same bounds as at present, except on the north, received the name of New Jersey. If to fix boundaries and grant the soil, could constitute a state, the duke of York gave political existence to a commonwealth. Its moral character was mo
responsibility of the tragedy, far from attaching to the people of the colony, rests with the very few, hardly five or six, in whose hands the transition state of the government left, for a season, unlimited influence. Into the interior of the colony the delusion did not spread Chap XIX.} at all. The house of representatives, which assembled in 1692. June 8 to July 2. June, was busy with its griefs at the abridgment of the old colonial liberties. Increase Mather, the agent, June 9. June 24. was heard in his own defence; and, at last, Bond, the speaker, in the name of the house, tardily and languidly thanked him for his faithful and unwearied exertions. No recompense was voted. I seek not yours, but you, said Increase Mather; I am willing Some Few Remarks, 1702, p. 20. to wait for recompense in another world; and the general court, after prolonging the validity of the old laws, adjourned to October. July 2. But Phipps and his council had not looked to the general court
liam, which Oglethorpe had constructed at the southern extremity of Cumberland Island, defended the entrance successfully, till, fighting his way through Spanish vessels, which endeavored to intercept him, the general himself reinforced it. Then, promptly returning to St. Simon's, having no aid from Carolina; with less than a thousand men, by his vigilant activity, Chap. XXIV.} trusting in Providence, he prepared for defence. We are resolved not to suffer defeat—such was his cheer- 1742 June 24. Nachricht vom Einfall der Spanier in Georgien, <*> Urlsperger II. 1254. ing message to Savannah;—we will rather die, like Leonidas and his Spartans, if we can but protect Carolina and the rest of the Americans from desolation. And, going on board one of the little vessels that chanced to be at hand, he called on the seamen to stand by their liberties and country. For myself, he added, I am prepared for all dangers. I know Smith's letter, in Spalding, 276. the enemy are far more numero
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