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January, 1837 AD (search for this): chapter 3
ster over the slave. The unanimity of these proceedings, and their harmony with the whole course of Mr. Garrison and his associates with reference to a pro-slavery church and ministry, portended nothing of the sectarian conspiracy against the editor of the Liberator which was shortly to interrupt his well-earned summer repose. It would be unjust to say that the signal for this was given by Dr. Channing, for it proceeded from a very different camp. Nevertheless, in the early days of January, 1837, while the fate of the Liberator hung trembling in the balance, that clergyman issued a pamphlet letter to J. G. Birney, written in the previous November on Ante, p. 98. occasion of the destruction of the Philanthropist, in which he virtually singled out the elder paper for condemnation. His language, it is true, was general, and applied to the abolitionists in the main: Their writings have been blemished by a spirit of intolerance, sweeping censure, and rash, injurious judgment. But
t, who was six years Mr. Garrison's junior. In February, 1834, it had landed him in a new experience and new views of the Ibid., p. 615. way of salvation, which took the name of Perfectionism —a doctrine at first socialistic neither in form nor in theory. In the spring of 1837, March 30, by Noyes's own account in the American Socialist, June 12, 1879; but pretty certainly either March 20 or an earlier date. See the date of the letter presently to be quoted, which was received early in April (Lib. 7.123). he called at the Anti-Slavery Office in Boston, and found Garrison, Stanton, Whittier, and other leading abolitionists warmly engaged in a dispute about political matters. I heard them quietly, he continues, and when the meeting Am. Socialist, June 12, 1879. broke up I introduced myself to Garrison. He spoke with interest of the Perfectionist [a monthly paper, published at New Haven by J. H. N. and others]; The first number bears date of Aug. 20, 1834. Probable evidence
pronounced among the elect, And zealous been in word and deed— Most orthodox of proselytes, Strict in observing seasons, days, Church order, ceremonies, rites, Constant at church, to pray and praise— Munificent in all good works, That with the gospel may be blest All heathen tribes, Jews, Greeks and Turks— Yet still a stranger be to rest. For what is rest? 'Tis not to be Half saint, half sinner, day by day; Half saved, half lost; half bound, half free; Half in the fold, and half astray; One instant, boasting of free grace, The next, God's pardoning mercy doubting! Now sinning, now confessing ‘True Rest,’ under the title of ‘Christian Rest,’ was retained in the collection of Sonnets and other Poems by William Lloyd Garrison, published in Boston by Oliver Johnson, in 1843—a persistence worth remembering in the present discussion. Some verbal alterations were there made, and ‘confessing,’ in the line above, became ‘denouncing,’ sin. sin; Filled with alternate joy an
October 20th (search for this): chapter 3
e observance or neglect of the ordinances to do with the anti-slavery cause? The Spectator had meantime come out openly in favor Lib. 7.169. of a new anti-slavery organization, to include men who kept aloof from the existing one on sectarian grounds— a great proportion of the Orthodox community, declared a correspondent of that paper; adding: Orthodox men cannot be active in that society without having their feelings wounded. These tactics did not disconcert Mr. Garrison. He wrote on October 20 to George W. Benson: Truly, there is but one step from the sublime to the Ms. ridiculous—from pathos to bathos—from what is true to what is false. Hence I descend to the Clerical Appeal. Was ever treachery so signally punished as in the case of the signers of that unfortunate document! What an avalanche of condemnation has fallen upon their heads, grinding them to powder! What expressions of regard for the liberator and its editor have been extorted by their conduct! But the c<
met by some of our brethren. If not, the paper cannot be sustained after the first of January next. I feel somewhat at a loss to know what to do—whether to go into all the principles of holy reform, and make the abolition cause subordinate, or whether still to persevere in the one beaten track as hitherto. Circumstances hereafter must determine this matter. At the same date Sarah Grimke, from the hospitable home of Samuel Philbrick, Samuel Philbrick was born at Seabrook, N. H., in 1789. His parents, Joseph and Lois Philbrick, were Quakers; the father, a farmer, being a preacher in that denomination. His schooling was finished at the academy in Sandwich, Mass., and he began his business career in Lynn, after marrying in 1816 Eliza, only daughter of Edward and Abigail Southwick, of Danvers. His sympathy with Mary Newhall's New Light movement led to the sectarian disownment of himself and wife. As already noted (ante, 1.145), he was one of the earliest agents of Lundy's Ge
September 21st, 1837 AD (search for this): chapter 3
Emancipator. You will perceive by the Liberator, that our State Society is to hold a quarterly meeting at Worcester on the 27th inst. I sincerely hope you will be able to attend it; for, doubtless, Woodbury, Fitch, Towne, and their party, will endeavor to rally all their forces, and try to force through the meeting some condemnatory resolutions. I think I shall not attend, but let things take their course, uninfluenced by my presence. Lewis Tappan to W. L. Garrison. New York, Sept. 21, 1837. Ms. my dear friend: Since sending my letter in answer to yours of the 13th, I have read over your remarks again and again, and will add to my letter the following, taking up the topics in your letter in course. 1. You think we approve of the Appeal because we do not openly condemn it. We do not approve it. It is very censurable, in many respects. It is unkind towards you; it is addressed to the public before private remonstrance had been tried; it censures you for acts done by t
September 23rd, 1837 AD (search for this): chapter 3
nd believe me to be, my dear friend, Yours with affection and respect, Lewis Tappan. P. S. I cannot learn that either of the signers of the Appeal has had any correspondence with any member of the Executive Committee. I am sure the Committee is unanimous in thinking the Appeal ill-tempered and injudicious. Be not hasty with the Philanthropist because the signers of the Appeal are not censured with more severity. Wait a little. W. L. Garrison to G. W. Benson Boston, Sept. 23, 1837. Ms. With regard to our meeting at Worcester on Wednesday Sept. 27, 1837. next, I cannot urge upon you to attend it, if it will interfere materially with your business. But the crisis is a momentous one, and perhaps we have never needed a stronger expression of feeling and sentiment from the thorough-going friends of our cause than at the present time. I hope, therefore, that you will contrive, by hook or by crook, to be at Worcester; for the meeting cannot now avoid a discussion
March 8th, 1837 AD (search for this): chapter 3
ball which laid Garrison low, would carry him down also. Stanton spoke nobly and generously. Well, does bro. George ask what was done as well as said? Something that will delight him! It was unanimously voted, that the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society should henceforth assume the responsibility of printing and editing The context seems to show that this was a slip of the pen for publishing. The editorial responsibility rests, as heretofore, with Mr. Garrison (Official circular, March 8, 1837). the Liberator, and that the abolitionism of the Commonwealth should be pledged to sustain it. Our sole reliance is now on the prompt action of auxiliary and other societies (Official circular). The paper, however, is not to be the organ of our Society, nor is anybody to control my pen. This arrangement will relieve friend Knapp and myself of a heavy burden, which has long crushed us to the earth. It is probable that we shall soon enlarge the paper. This enlargement was made wit
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