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d equal advantages apparent to yourself with those which he perceives, both for China and America. I avail myself of this opportunity to say how closely your countrymen have watched your career in England, and how much admiration has been extorted by the sagacity and skill with which you have met and overcome peculiar obstacles. With great respect and regard, My dear Sir, I am Yours very sincerely, Adam Badeau, Brvt. Brig.—Gen'l, and A. D.C. No. Nine. General Grant to General Buell. This letter is its own explanation. headquarters armies of the United States, Washington, D. C., Dec. 29th, 1865. General,—Your letter of the 27th inst., calling my attention to a letter which you wrote me in August last, is received. The letter referred to reached my office in my absence from the city, and was placed in a private desk and never came to my attention until it was handed to me by a staff-officer on the cars whilst on my way to New York city early in November
to censure Tories or to praise Liberals, not even those working-men, or Mr. Bright, who deserve so much and have always had my heart. Forster made this unworthy criticism at the same time he said that I complained of the upper classes, and then another taking up the statement of Forster, said that my indictment was against Belgravia, —when I indicted nobody but the British Government. Had the speech been read generally such absurdities could not have found a market. The honest sense of John Bull would have been indignant at the misrepresentation. Mr. Motley knows, you know, everybody who knows the least of me, how my soul has clung to John Bright for years and how it has throbbed in unison with him. To him and partners I give honor and praise perpetually. Little did I think, when without any seeking, I found myself obliged to state the case of my country, that any English Liberal would complain, because I did not embody praise of some of his friends. The case was too grave,
Emory Upton (search for this): chapter 51
directs me to write to you and say that Dr. Wm. Martin, Professor of International Law in the Imperial College of China, has inquired of him whether Brevet Major-General Emory Upton, an officer of the American army, would be a suitable person to instruct the Chinese army in our tactics. General Grant has recommended General UptoGeneral Upton very warmly and highly, and desires me to write to you on the matter. General Upton is the author of the system of tactics now in use in our army; he is a young man, not more than thirty years old, who made a distinguished reputation for ability and energy during the late war; and General Grant, though he would willingly recommeGeneral Upton is the author of the system of tactics now in use in our army; he is a young man, not more than thirty years old, who made a distinguished reputation for ability and energy during the late war; and General Grant, though he would willingly recommend other young officers of equal merit and distinction, would give higher recommendations to none than to him, and sees a peculiar fitness in him for this peculiar position. He also is favorably impressed with the plan in itself, and trusts that you may find equal advantages apparent to yourself with those which he perceives, both
W. T. Sherman (search for this): chapter 51
for his library, and asked General Grant to write something in it to attest his opinion of its merits; and this letter is the inscription it contains. New York City, Dec. 22, 1881. J. H. work, Esq.,—This book was revised by me, chapter by chapter, as it was being prepared for the publishers. It was submitted for a similar review also to Generals Porter and Babcock, two of the staff colleagues of the author. In addition to this, all those chapters treating of events in which Generals Sherman and Sheridan held detached commands were submitted to those officers. The author had access to the Government and captured and purchased archives. He also read and consulted all that was published on both sides, before and during the time he was writing this book, with the view of getting the truth. So far as I am capable of judging, this is a true history of the events of which it treats. The opinions expressed of men are the author's own, and for which no one else is responsible.
Winfield S. Hancock (search for this): chapter 51
n Hasson's dispatch of the 21st instant, my order dated August 17, 1867, is hereby modified so as to assign Major-General Winfield S. Hancock to the command of the Fifth Military District, created by the Act of Congress passed March 2, 1867, and of and Texas. On being relieved from the command of the Department of the Missouri by Major-General P. H. Sheridan, Major-General Hancock will proceed directly to New Orleans, Louisiana, and assuming the command to which he is hereby assigned will, wnd to the officer next in rank to himself, and proceeding without delay to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, will relieve Major-General Hancock of the command of the Department of the Missouri. Major-General George H. Thomas will, until further orders, rular itself, were forwarded with my recommendation for the suspension of General Thomas' order. Before substituting General Hancock or any one else for General Thomas to command the 5th Military District, his objections, if he makes any, should be
r side of the water not very favorable to the restoration of cordial feeling towards this country, and by which probably the language of your Government is in some degree influenced. I had thought of writing to you in the autumn in consequence of some expressions as to this country in a note to your book, and I am now the more wishful to do so in consequence of what I have learnt from that article. I have been a good deal occupied since I read it till I came down into the country for our Easter holiday. I write to you from here, having some leisure, that I might put before so fair and impartial a mind as yours one or two considerations which I venture to think ought to weigh against the feeling indicated in the article. The two principal matters which are stated to weigh against us in the mind of the citizens of the United States are (1.) The supposed feeling of England in favor of the Confederate States. (2.) The action of our Government in two instances. 1. The early recogn
hnson. headquarters armies of the United States, Washington, D. C., Aug. 28, 1867. His Excellency, A. Johnson, President of the United States: Sir,—I have the honor very respectfully to request permission to withdraw my letter of the 26th inst. Very Respectfully, Your Obt. Servt, U. S. Grant, Sec'y of War, Ad Int. No. Three. President Johnson to General Grant. Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C., Aug. 28, 1867. Sir,—I have received your communication of this date, and in compliance with your request, return herewith your letter of the 26th instant. Very Respectfully, and Truly Yours, Andrew Johnson. General U. S. Grant, Secretary of War, ad interim. No. Four. Edwin Booth to General Grant. This is the letter referred to in Chapter XIII, on Grant in the Cabinet. Barnum's Hotel, Baltimore, Sept. 11th, 1867. Genl. U. S. Grant, Sir,—Having once received a promise from Mr. Stanton that the family of John Wilkes Booth should be permitt<
January 20th (search for this): chapter 51
e Government, but did not relinquish his appointment to the United States; his son remaining in Washington as acting Charge d'affaires. Upon the election of General Grant to the Presidency the elder Rangabe sent his congratulations from Athens, and they were presented by his son. The following letter is the acknowledgment of Grant. headquarters Army of the United States, Washington, D. C., Feb'y 15, 1869. my dear Sir,—Your esteemed and flattering congratulatory letter of the 20th of January, accompanied by an equally complimentary note from your son, is received. I sincerely hope that my country may continue to deserve the high stand among the nations of the earth which you ascribe to it, and be regarded as the friend of those struggling for freedom and self-government, the world over. For myself I can only strive to deserve the confidence which so great a nation has bestowed on me. Thanking you for the kind expressions contained in your letter, and hoping for your
November 27th, 1868 AD (search for this): chapter 51
l Grant to Mr. Blest-Gana, Chilian Minister to the United States. Mr. Blest-Gana had been the Chilian Minister at Washington nearly a year when Grant was elected President, and he wrote at once to offer his congratulations. I have elsewhere told of the respect Grant always showed for the representatives of the various American republics, and the more than amicable relations he strove to maintain with them all, both in their personal and official capacities. Washington, D. C., Nov. 27th, 1868. Sr. D. A. Blest-Gana, Minister, etc. dear Sir,—Your esteemed congratulatory letter is rec'd. Please accept my thanks for the kind expressions it contains both towards me personally and to the government of the United States. The tendency of the world at this time seems to be towards free government. May it go on until all are as free as we are, and as prosperous. I hope the day is not far distant when Republican Governments, especially those on this continent, will be in suc
April 21st (search for this): chapter 51
to B, but said nothing about the contents of the chapter under review. In fact wrote my letter before reading it. It is all right except I would like to see Burnside let off a little easier. Yours, U. S. G. No. Fourteen. The Comte de Paris to General Badeau. This letter was written after I had forwarded the letter of General Grant given in chapter LI, page 498. Chateau d'eu, Seine Inferieure, May 11th, 1878. My dear General,—I thank you very much for your letter of April 21st, and for the most valuable information which you have given me. I had, of course, the greatest doubts about the accuracy of General Pemberton's statement, as it was so much at variance with your own account; but coming from such high authority I could not put it aside without mentioning it to you. I am very grateful to General Grant for the trouble he took to answer himself, and to give such a detailed account of what happened between him and General Pemberton. I regret very much not
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