Then to the consul to whom the province of Greece had been decreed, in addition to the army which he was about to receive from M. Acilius, (but they were two legions,) three thousand Roman foot and one hundred horse, and of the Latin confederates five thousand foot and two hundred horse, are added as a reinforcement;
and it was further ordered, that if, when he arrived in his province, he would judge it conducive to the public interest, he should be at liberty to carry over the army into Asia.
To the other consul was decreed an army entirely new; two Roman legions, and of the Latin confederates fifteen thousand foot and six hundred horse.
Quintius Minucius was ordered to remove his forces out of Liguria (for he had written, that the province was completely subdued, and that the whole nation of the Ligurians had surrendered) into the country of the Boians, and to give up the command to Publius Cornelius, proconsul.
The two city legions, enlisted the year before, about to be brought home from the country in which Cornelius had fined the conquered Boians, were assigned to Marcus Tuccius, praetor, together with fifteen thousand foot and six hundred horse, of the Latin confederates, to occupy Apulia and Bruttium.
Orders were given to Aulus Cornelius, a praetor of the preceding year, who occupied Bruttium with an army, that if the consul judged it proper, he should
transport his legions into Aetolia, and give them to Manius Acilius, provided the latter was inclined to remain there; but if Acilius wished to come to Rome, that then Aulus Cornelius should stay in Aetolia with that army.
It was resolved that Caius Atinius Labeo should receive from Marcus Aemilius the province of Sicily, and the army there; and should, if he deemed it proper, enlist in the province itself two thousand foot and one hundred horse, for a reinforcement. Publius Junius Brutus was ordered to raise a new army for Tuscany, consisting of one Roman legion, and ten thousand foot of the allies and Latin nation, and four hundred horse.
Lucius Aemilius, whose province was the sea, was ordered to receive from Marcus Junius, praetor of the former year, twenty
ships of war, with their crews, and himself to enlist one thousand marines and two thousand foot soldiers, with which ships and soldiers he [p. 1658]was to sail to Asia, and receive the command of the fleet from Caius Livius. To the governors of the two Spains and Sardinia, their command is prolonged for a year, and the same armies were decreed them.
Sicily and Sardinia were, this year, assessed in two-tenths of their corn.
All the corn from Sicily was ordered to be carried into Aetolia, to the army there; of that to be collected from Sardinia, one-half to Rome, and the other half into Aetolia, for the same use as the corn from Sicily.
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