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How Doctor Faustus made his iourney thorough the principal and most famous lands in the world. Chap. 22.

DOctor Faustus hauing ouer-runne1 fifteen yeers of his appointed time, he tooke vpon him a iourney, with ful pretencec to see the whole world: and calling his spirit Mephostophiles vnto him, he sayd: thou knowest that thou art bound vnto me vpon conditions, to performe and fulfill my desire in all thengs, wherfore my pretence is to visite the whole face of the earth visible & inuisible when it pleaseth me: wherfore, I enioyne and command thee to the same. Whereupon Mephostophiles answered, I am ready my Lord at thy command & foorthwith the Spirit changed himselfe into the likenes of a flying horse, saying, Faustus sit vp, I am ready. Doctor Faustus loftily sate vpon him, & forward they went: Faustus came thorough many a land & Prouince; as Pannonia2, Austria, Germania, Bohemia, Slesia, Saxony, Missene3, During4, Francklandt5, Shawblandt6, Beyerlandt7, Stiria, Ca rinthia, Poland, Litaw,8 Liefland,9 Prussia, Denmarke, Muscouia, Tartaria, Turkie, Persia, Cathai, Alexandria, Bar baria, Ginnie, Peru, the strayghts of Magelanes, India, all about the frozen Zone, and Terra Incognita,10 Noua Hispaniola,11 the Isles of Terzera,12 Mederi,13 S. Michaels, 14 the Canaries, and the Tenorrifocie,15 into Spaine, the Mayne Land,16 Portugall, Italie, Campania, the Kingdome of Naples, the Isles of Sicilia, Malta, Maioria,17 Minoriac18 to the Knights of the Rhodes, Candie, or Creete, Ciprus, Corinth, Switzerland, France, Freesland, Westphalia, Zeland, Holland, Brabant, and all the 17. Prouinces in Netherland, England, Scotland, Ireland, all America, and Island,19 the out Isles of Scotland, the Orchades, Norway, the Bishoprick of Breame,20 and so home agayne: all these Kingdomes, Prouinces and Countries he passed in 25. dayes, in which time he saw very little that delighted his minde: wherefore he tooke a little rest at home, and burning in desirec to see more at large, and to beholde the secrets of each kingdome, he set forward again on his iourney vpon his swift horse Mephostophiles, and came to Treir,21 for that he chiefly desired to see this towne, and the monuments thereof; but there he saw not many wonders, except one fayre Pallace that belonged vnto the Bishop, and also a mighty large Castle that was built of bricke, with three walles and three great trenches, so strong, that it was impossible for any princes power to win it; then he saw a Church, wherein was buried Simeon, and the Bishop Popo: their Tombes are of most sumptuous large Marble stone, closed and ioyned together with great bars of yron: from whence he departed to Paris, where hee liked well the Academie; and what place or Kingdome soeuer fell in his minde, the same he visited. He came from Paris to Mentz,22 where the riuer of Mayne fals into the Rhine; notwithstanding he taried not long there, but went to Campania in the Kingdome of Neapolis, in which he saw an innumerable23 sort of Cloysters, Nunneries, and Churches, great and high houses of stone, the streetes fayre and large, and straight foorth from one end of the towne to the other as a line, and al the pauement of the Citie was of brick, and the more it rayned in the towne, the fayrer the streetes were ; there saw he the Tombe of Virgil; & the high way that bee cutte through that mighty hill of stone in one night, the whole length of an English mile: then he saw the number of Gallies, and Argozies that lay there at the Citie head, the Windmil that stood in the water, the Castle in the water, and the houses aboue the water where vnder the Gallies might ride most safely from raine or winde; then he saw the Castle on the hil ouer the towne, and many monuments within: also the hil called Vesuvius, whereon groweth all the Greekish wine, and most pleasant sweet Oliues. From thence he came to Venice, whereas he wondered not a little to see a Citie so famously built standing in the Sea: where, through euery streete the water ranne in such largenes, that great Ships and Barks might passe from one streete to another, hauing yet a way on both sides the water, whereon men and horse might passe; he maruailed also howe it was possible for so much victual to be found in the towne and so good cheape, considering that for a whole league off nothing grew neere the same. He wondred not a little at the fayrenes of Saint Markes place, and the sumptuous Church standing therein called Saint Markes; how all the pauement was set with coloured stones, and all the Roode or loft24 of the Church double gilded ouer. Leauing this, he came to Padoa, beholding the maner of their Academie, which is called the mother or nurse of Christendome, there he heard the Doctors, and saw the most monuments in the towne, entred his name into the Vniuersitie of the Germane nation, and wrote himselfe Doctor Faustus the vnsatiable Speculator: then saw he the worthiest monument in the world for a Church, named S. Anthonies Cloyster, which for the pinacles thereof, and the contriuing of the Church, hath not the like in Christendome. This towne is fenced about with three mighty walles of stone and earth, betwixt the which runneth goodly ditches of water: twise euery 24. houres passeth boates betwixt Padoa and Venice with passengers, as they doe here betwixt London and Grauesend, and euen so far they differ in distance: Faustus beheld likewise the Counsaile house & the Castle with no small wonder. Well, forward he went to Rome, which lay, & doth yet lie, on the riuer Tybris, the which deuideth the Citie in two parts: ouer the riuer are foure great stone bridges, and vpon the one bridge called Ponte S. Angelo is the castle of S. Angelo, wherein are so many great cast peeces as there are dayes in a yeare, & such Pieces that will shoote seuen bullets off with one fire, to this Castle commeth a priuie vault from the Church and Pallace of Saint Peter, through the which the Pope (if any danger be) passeth from his Pallace to the Castle for safegard; the Citie hath eleuen gates, and a hill called Vaticinium,25 whereon S. Peters Church is built: in that Church the holie Fathers will heare no confession, without the penitent bring mony in his hand. Adioyning to this Church, is the Campo Santo26, the which Carolus Magnus27 built, where euery day thirteen Pilgrims haue their dinners serued of the best: that is to say, Christ and his twelue Apostles. Hard by this he visited the Church yard of S. Peters, where he saw the Pyramide28 that Iulius Cæsar29 brought out of Africa; it stood in Faustus his time leaning against the Church wall of Saint Peters, but now Papa Sixtus hath erected it30 in the middle of S. Peters Church yard; it is 24. fathom long and at the lower end sixe fathom foure square, and so forth smaller vpwards, on the top is a Crucifixe of beaten golde, the stone standeth on foure Lyons of brasse. Then he visited the seuen Churches of Rome, that were S. Peters, S. Pauls, S. Sebastians, S. Iohn Lateran, S. Laurence, S. Mary Magdalen, and S. Marie maiora: then went he without the towne, where he saw the conduits of water that runne leuell through hill and dale, bringing water into the town fifteen Italian miles off: other monuments he saw, too many to recite, but amongst the rest he was desirous to see the Popes Pallace, and his maner of seruice at his table, wherefore he and his Spirit made themselues inuisible, and came into the Popes Court, and priuie chamber where he was, there saw he many seruants attendant on his holmes, with many a flattering Syco~ phant carrying of his meate, and there hee marked the Pope and the manner of his seruice, which hee seeing to bee so vnmeasurable and sumptuous; fie (quoth Faustus) why had not the Diuel made a Pope of me? Faustus saw notwithstanding in that place those that were like to himselfe, proud, stout, wilfull, gluttons, drunkards, whoremongers, breakers of wedlocke, and followers of all manner of vngodly exercises: wherefore he said to his Spirit, I thought that I had been alone a hogge, or porke of the diuels, but he must beare with me yet a little longer, for these hogs of Rome are already fatned, and fitted to make his roste-meate, the Diuel might doe well nowe to spit them all and hane them to the fire, and let31 him summon the Nunnes to turne the spits: for as none must confesse the Nunne but the Frier, so none should turne the rosting Frier but the Nunne. Thus continued Faustus three dayes in the Popes Pallace, and yet had no lust to his meate, but stood still in the Popes chamber, and saw euery thing whatsoeuer it was: on a time the Pope would haue a feast prepared for the Cardinall of Pauia, and for his first welcome the Cardinall was bidden to dinner: and as he sate at meate, the Pope would euer be blessing and crossing ouer his mouth; Faustus could suffer it no longer, but vp with his fist and smote the Pope on the face, and withall he laughed that the whole house might heare him, yet none of them sawe him nor knew where he was: the Pope perswaded his company that it was a damned soule, commanding a Masse presently to be said for his de liuerie out of Purgatory, which was done: the Pope sate still at meate, but when the latter messe came in to the Popes boord, Doctor Faustus laid hands thereon saying; this is mine: & so he took both dish & meate & fled vnto the Capital or Campadolia,32 calling his spirit vnto him and said: come let vs be merry, for thou must fetch me some wine, & the cup that the Pope drinkes of, & here vpon monte caual33 will wee make good cheare in spight of the Pope & al his fat abbie lubbers. His spirit hearing this, departed towards the Popes chamber, where he found the yet sitting and quaffing: wherefore he tooke from before the Pope the fairest peece of plate or drinking goblet, & a flaggon of wine, & brought it to Faustus; but when the Pope and the rest of his crue perceiued they were robbed, and knew not after what sort, they perswaded themselues that it was the damned soule that before had vexed the Pope so, & that smote him on the face, wherefore he sent commandement through al the whole Citie of Rome, that they should say Masse in euery Church, and ring al the bels for to lay the walking Spirit, & to curse him with Bel, Booke, and Candle, that so inuisiblie had misused the Popes holinesse, with the Cardinall of Pauia, and the rest of their company: but Faustus notwithstanding made good cheare with yt which he had beguiled ye pope of, and in the middest of the order of Saint Barnards bare footed Friers, as they were going on Procession through the market place, called Campa de fiore, he let fall his plate dishes and cup, and withall for a farwell he made such a thunder-clap and a storme of raine, as though Heauen and earth should haue met together, and so he left Rome, and came to Millain in Italie, neere the Alpes or borders of Switzerland, where hee praysed much to his Spirit the pleasantnesse of the place, the Citie being founded in so braue a plaine, by the which ranne most pleasant riuers on euery side of the same, hauing besides within the compasse or circuit of seuen miles, seuen small Seas: he sawe also therein many fayre Pallaces & goodly buildings, the Dukes Pallace, and the mighty strong Castle, which is in maner halfe the bignes of the towne. Moreouer, it liked him well to see the Hospitall of Saint Maryes, with diuers other things. He did nothing there worthy of memorie, but hee departed backe agayne towards Bolognia, and from thence to Florence, where hee was well pleased to see the pleas[a]nt walke of Merchants, the goodly vaults of the citie, for that almost the whole City is vaulted, & the houses themselues are built outwardly, in such sort that the people may go vnder them as vnder a vault: then hee perused the sumptuous Church in the Dukes Castle called Nostra Donna, our Ladies Church, in which he saw many monuments, as a Marble doore most huge to looke vpon: the gate of the Castle was Bell mettall, wherein are grauen the holy Patriarkes, with Christ and his twelue Apostles, and diuers other histories out of the olde and new Testament. Then went he to Sena, where he highly praysed the church and Hospital of Santa Maria formosa, with the goodly buildings,34 and especially the fayrenesse and greatnesse of the Citie, and beautifull women. Then came he to Lyons in France, where hee marked the scituation of the Citie, which lay betweene two hilles, inuironed with two waters: one worthy monument in the citie pleased him wel, that was the great Church with the Image therm; he comended ye Citie highly for the great resort that it had vnto it of strangers. From thence he went to Cullin,35 which lieth vpon the Riuer of Rhine, wherein he saw one of the auncientest monuments of the worlde, the which was the Tombe of the three Kings that came by the Angel of God, & their knowledge they had in the starre, to worship Christ: which when Faustus saw, he spake in this manner. Ah, alas good men how haue you erred and lost your way, you should haue gone to Palestina and Bethelem in Judea, how came you hither': or belike after your death you were throwne into Mare Mediterraneum about Tripolis in Syria; and so you fleeted,36 out of the Straights of Giblaterra into the Ocean Sea, and so into the bay of Portugal; & not finding any rest you were driuen alongst the coast of Galicia, Biskay, and France, and into the narrow Seas, then from thence into Mare Germanicum, and so I think taken vp abotit the towne of Dort in Holland, you were brought to Cullin to bee buried: or else I think you came more easily with a whirle-wind ouer the Alpes, and being throwne into the Riuer of Rhine, it conuayed you to this place, where you are kept as a monument? There sawe he the Church of S. Vrsula, where remaines a monument of the 1000. Virgins: it pleased him also to see the beauty of the women. Not farre from Cullin lyeth the towne of Ach,37 where he saw the gorgeous Temple that the Emperour Carolus quartus built of Marble stone for a remembrance of him, to the end that all his successors should there be crowned. From Cullin and Ach, he went to Genf,38 a Citie in Sauoy, lying neere Switzerland: it is a towne of great trafficke, the Lorde thereof is a Bishop, whose Wine-celler Faustus, and his Spirit visited for the loue of his good wine. From thence he went to Strasburg, where he beheld the fayrest steeple that euer he had seene in his life before, for on each side therof he might see through it, euen from the couering of the Minister to the top of the Pinacle, and it is named one of the wonders of the worlde: wherefore he demaunded why it was called Strasburg: his Spirit answered, because it hath so many high wayes comming to it on euery side, for Stras in Dutch is a high way, and hereof came the name, yea (sayd Mephostophiles) the Church which thou so wonderest at, hath more reuenues belonging to it, then the twelue Dukes of Slesia are worth, for there pertaine vnto this Church 55. Townes, and 463. Villages besides many houses in the Towne. From hence went Faustus to Basile in Switzerland, whereas the Riuer of Rhine runneth thorough the towne, parting the same as the Riuer of Thames doth London: in this towne of Basile he saw many rich Monuments, the towne walled with brick, and round about without it goeth a great trench: no Church pleased him but the Iesuites Church, which was so sumptuouslie builded, and beset full of Alabaster pillers. Faustus demanded of his Spirite, how it tooke the name of Basyl: his Spirite made answere and saide, that before this Citie was founded, there vsed a Basiliscus, a kinde of Serpent, this Serpent killed as many men, women, and children, as it tooke a sight of: but there was a Knight that made himselfe a couer of Christall to come ouer his head, and so downe to the ground, and being first couered with a blacke cloth, ouer that he put the Christall, and so boidlie went to see the Basiliscus, and finding the place where he haunted, he expected his coming, euen before the mouth of her caue: where standing a while, the Basylike came forth, who, when shee sawe her owne venemous shadowe in the Christall, shee split in a thousand peeces; wherefore the Knight was richlie rewarded of the Emperour: after the which the Knight founded this Towne vpon the place where he had slaine the Serpent, and gaue it the name of Basyl, in remembrance of his deede.

From Basyl Faustus went to Costuitz39 in Sweitz, at the head of the Rhine, where is a most sumptuous Bridge, that goeth ouer the Rhine, euen from the gates of the Towne vnto the other side of the streame: at the head of the Riuer of Rhine, is a small Sea, called of the Switzers the black Sea, twentie thousand paces long, and fiftie hundred paces broad. The towne Costuitz tooke the name of this, the Emperour gaue it to a Clowne for expounding of his riddle, wherefore the Clowne named the Towne Costuitz, that is in English, cost nothing. From Costuitz hee came to Vlme, where hee sawe the sumptuous Towne-house built by two and fiftie of the ancient Senators of the Citie, it tooke the name of Vlma, for that the whole land thereabout are full of Elmes: but Faustus minding to depart from thence, his Spirite saide vnto him: Faustus thinke on the towne as thou wilt, it hath three Dukedomes belonging to it, the which they haue bought with readie mon [i] e. From Vlme, he came to Wartzburg40 the chiefest towne in Frankelandt, wherein the Bishop altogether keepeth his Court, through the which Towne passeth the Riuer of Mayne that runnes into the Rhine: thereabout groweth strong and pleasant wine, the which Faustus wel prooued. The Castle standeth on a hill on the North side of the Towne, at the foote whereof runneth the Riuer: this Towne is full of beggerlie Fryers, Nunnes, Priestes, and lesuites: for there are flue sortes of begging Friers, besides three Cloysters of Nunnes. At the foote of the Castle stands a Church, in the which there is an Alter, where are ingrauen all the foure Elements, and all the orders and degrees in Heauen, that any man of vnderstanding whosoeuer that hath a sight thereof, will say that it is the artificiallest thing that euer he beheld. From thence he went to Norenberg, whither as he went by the waie, his Spirite enformed him that the Towne was named of Claudius Tiberius the Sonne of Nero the Tyrant. In the Towne are two famous Cathedrall Churches, the one called Saint Sabolt, the other Saint Laurence; in which Church hangeth al the reliques of Carolus Magnus, that is his cloake, his hose and doublet, his sworde and Crowne, his Scepter, and his Apple. It hath a very gorgious gilden Conduit41 in the market of Saint Laurence, in which Conduit, is the speare that thrust our Sauiour into the side, and a peece of the holy Crosse; the wall is called the fayre wall of Norenberg, and hath 528. streates, 160. wells, foure great, and two small clockes, sixe great gates, and two small doores, eleuen stone bridges, twelue small hills, ten appoynted market places, thirteene common hothouses,42 ten Churches, within the Towne are thirtie wheeles of water-mills; it hath 132. tall ships,43 two mightie Towne walls of hewen stone and earth, with very deepe trenches. The walls haue 180. Towers about them, and foure faire platformes, ten Apothecaries, ten Doctors of the common lawe, foureteene Doctors of Phisicke. From Norenberg, hee went to Auspurg, where at the breake of the day, he demaunded of his Spirit wherevpon the Towne tooke his name: this Towne (saith he) hath had many names, when it was first built, it was called Vindelica: secondly, it was called Zizaria, the yron bridge: lastly by the Emperour Octauius Augustus, it was called Augusta, and by corruption of language the Germanes haue named it Auspurgi Now for because that Faustus had been there before, he departed without visiting their monuments to Rauenspurg, where his Spirite certified him that the Citie had had seuen names, the first Tyberia, the second Qadratis, the third Hyaspalis, the fourth Reginopolis, the flift Imbripolis, the sixt Ratisbona, lastly Rauenspurg. The scituation of the Citie pleased Faustus well, also the strong and sumptuous buildings: by the walls thereof runneth the Riuer of Danubia, in Dutch called Donow, into the which not farre from the compasse of the Citie, falleth nerehand threescore other small Riuers and fresh waters. Faustus also liked the sumptuous stone bridge ouer the samec water, with the Church standing thereon, the which was founded 1115. the name whereof, is called S. Remedian: in this towne Faustus went into the celler of an Inholder, and let out all the Wine and Beere that was in his Celler. After the which feat he returned vnto Mentz44 in Bauaria, a right prince-ly Towne, the Towne appeared as if it were newe, with great streates therein, both of breadth and length: from Mentz to Saltzburg, where the Bishop is alwaies resident: here sawe he all the commodities that were possible to be seene, for at the hill he sawe the forme of Abel45 made in Christall, an huge thing to looke vpon, that euery yeare groweth bigger and bigger, by reason of the freezing colde. From hence, hee went to Vienna, in Austria: this towne is of so great antiquitie, that it is not possible to finde the like in this towne (said the Spirite) is more Wine then water, for all vnder the towne are wells, the which are filled euery yeare with wine, and all the water that they haue, runneth by the towne, that is the Riuer Danubia. From hence, hee went vnto Prage, the chiefe Citie in Bohemia, this is deuided into three partes, that is, olde Prage, new Prage, and little Prage. Little Prage is the place where the Emperours Court is placed vpon an exceeding high mountaine: there is a Castle, wherein are two fayre Churches, in the one he found a monument, which might well haue been a mirror to himselfe, and that was the Sepulchre of a notable Coniurer, which by his Magick had so inchanted his Sepulchre, that who so euer set foote thereon, should be sure neuer to dye in their beds. From the Castell he came downe, and went ouer the Bridge. This Bridge hath twentie and foure Arches. In the middle of this Bridge stands a very fayre monument, being a Crosse builded of stone, and most artificially carued. From thence, he came into the olde Prage, the which is separated from the new Prage, with an exceeding deepe ditch, and round about inclosed with a wall of Bricke.46 Vnto this is adioyning the lewes Towne, wherein are thirteene thousand men, women, and Children, all lewes. There he viewed the Colledge and the Garden, where all manner of sauage Beasts are kept; and from thence, he fet47 a compasse rounde about the three townes, whereat he wondred greatly, to see so mighty a Citie to stand all within the walles. From Prage, hee flewe into the ayre and bethought himselfe what hee might doe, or which way to take, so hee looked round about and beholde, he had espied a passing faire City which lay not farre from Prage, about some foure & twentie miles, and that was Breslaw in Sclesia; into which when he was entred, it seemed to him that hee had been in Paradise, so neate and deane was the streates, and so sumptuous was their buildings. In this Citie he sawe not many wonders, except the Brasen Virgin that standeth on a Bridge ouer the water, & vnder ye which standeth a mil like a powder mil, which Virgin is made to do executio vpon those disobedient town-borne children yt be so wilde, yt their parents canot bridle them; which when any such are found with some hainous offence, turning to the shame of their parents and kindred, they are brought to kisse this Virgin, which openeth her armes, the person then to bee executed, kisseth her, then doth she close her armes together with such violence, that she crusheth out the breath of the person, breaketh his bulke, and so dieth: but being dead, she openeth her armes againe, and letteth the partie fall into the Mil, where he is stamped in smal morsels, which the water carrieth away, so that not any parte of him is found againe. From Breslaw he went toward Cracouia, in the Kingdome of Polonia, where he beheld the Academie, the which pleased him wonderful well. In this Citie the King most commonly holdeth his Court at a Castel, in which Castell are many famous monuments. There is a most sumptuous Church in the same, in which standeth a siluer alter gilded, and set with rich stones, and ouer it is a conueiance full of all maner siluer ornaments belonging to the Masse. In the Church hangeth the iawe bones of an huge Dragon that kept the Rocke before the Castel was edified thereon. It is full of all maner munition, and hath alwaies victual for three yeare to serue 2000. men. Through the towne runneth a riuer called the Vistula or Wissel, where ouer is a faire woodden bridge. This water deuideth the towne and Casmere, in this Casmere dwelleth the Iewes being a small walled towne by themselues, to the number of 25000. men, women, and Children. Within one mile of the towne there is a salte mine, where they finde stones of pure salte of a 1000. pound, or 900. pound, or more in waight, and that in great quantitie. This salte is as black as the Newcastle coales when it comes out of the mines, but being beaten to powder, it is as white as snowe. The like they haue foure mile from thence, at a towne called Buchnia. From thence, Faustus went to Sandetz, the Captaine thereof was called Don Spiket Jordan, in this towne are many monuments as the tombe or sepulchre of Christ, in as ample maner as that is at Ierusalem) at the proper costs of a Gentleman that went thrice to Ierusalem from that place, and returned againe. Not far from that towne is a new towne, wherein is a Nunrie of the order of Saint Dioclesian, into which order may none come, except they be Gentlewomen, and well formed and faire to looke vpon, the which pleased Faustus well: but hauing a desire to trauaile farther, and to see more wonders, mounting vp towards the East, ouer many lands and prouinces, as into Hungaria, Transiluania, Shede, Ingratz,48 Sardinia, and so into Constantinople, where the Turkish Emperor kept his Court. This Citie was surnamed by Constantine the founder thereof, being builded of very faire stone. In the same the great Turke hath three faire Pallaces, the wals are strong, the pinnacles are very huge, and the streetes large: but this liked not Faustus, that one man mightc haue so many wiues as he would. The Sea runneth hard by the Citie, the wall hath eleuen Gates: Faustus abode there a certaine time to see the manner of the Turkish Emperours seruice at his table, where hee saw his royall seruice to bee such, that bee thought if all the Christian Princes should banquet together, and euery one adorne the feast to the vttermost, they were not able to compare with the Turke for his table, and the rest of his Countrey seruice, wherefore it so spighted Faustus, that hee vowed to bee reuenged of him, for his pompe he thought was more fit for himselfe: wherefore as the Turke sate and eate, Faustus shewed him a little apish play: for rounde about the priuie Chamber, he sent foorth flashing flames of fire, in so much, that the whole company forsooke their meate and fled, except onely the great Turke himselfe, him Faustus had charmed in such sorte, that hee could neither rise nor fall, neither could any man pull him vp. With this was the Hall so light, as if the Sunne had shined in the house, then came Faustus in forme of a Pope to the great Turke, saying, all haile Emperour, now art thou honoured that I so worthily appeare vnto thee as thy Mahumet was wont to doe, herevpon he vanished, and forthwith it so thundred, that the whole Pallace shooke: the Turke greatly merueiled what this should bee that so vexed him, and was perswaded by his chiefest counsailers, that it was Mahumet his Prophet, the which had so appeared vnto them, wherevpon the Turke commaunded them to fal downe on their knees, and to giue him thankes for dooing them so great honor, as to shew himselfe vnto them; but the next day Faustus went into the Castell where hee kept his Wiues and Concubines, in the which Castel might no man vpon paine of death come, except those that were appointed by the great Turke to doo them seruice, and they were all gelded, Which when Faustus perceiued, he said to his Spirit Mephostophiles, how likest thou this sport, are not these faire Ladies greatly to be pitied, that thus consume their youth at the pleasure of one onely man? Why (quoth the Spirit) maiest not thou instead of the Emperor, imbrace his fairest Ladies, doe what thy heart desireth herein, and I will aide thee, and what thou wishest, thou shalt haue it performed: wherefore Faustus (being before this counsaile apt enough to put such matters in practize) caused a great fogge to bee round about the Castell, both within and without, and he himselfe appeared amongst the Ladies in all things as they vse to paint their Mahumet, at which sight, the Ladies fell on their knees, and worshipped him, then Faustus tooke the fairest by the hand, and led her into a chamber, where after his maner hee fell to dalliance, and thus he continued a whole day and night: and when hee had delighted himselfe sufficiently with her, hee put her away, and made his spirite bring him another, so likewise hee kept with her 24. houres play, causing his spirit to fetch him most dainty fare, and so bee passed way sixe daies, hauing each day his pleasure of a sundry Lady, and that of the fairest, all which time, the fog was so thick, and so stinking, that they within the house thought they had been in hell, for the time, and they without wondred thereat, in such sort, that they went to their praiers calling on their God Mahumet, and worshipping of his Image. Wherfore the sixt day Faustus exalted himselfe in the ayre, like to a Pope, in the sight of the great Turke and his people, and hee had no sooner departed the Castell, but the fogge vanished away, whence presently the Turke sent for his Wiues and Concubines, demanding of them if they knew the cause why the Castell was beset with a mist so long': they said, that it was the God Mahumet himselfe that caused it, and how he was in the Castell personally full sixe daies, and for more certaintie, he hath lien with sixe of vs these sixe nights one after another. Wherefore the Turke hearing this fell on his knees, and gaue Mahumet thanks, desiring him to forgiue him for being offended with his visiting his Castel and wiues those sixe dayes: but the Turke commanded that those whome Mahumet had laine by, should bee most carefully looked vnto, perswading himselfe (and so did the whole people that knewe of it) that out of their Mahumet should be raised a mighty generation, but first he demaunded of the sixe Ladies if Mahumet had had actuall copulation with them, according as earthly men haue, yea my Lorde quoth one, as if you had been there your selfe, you could not haue mended it, for hee lay with vs starke naked, kissed and colled vs, and so delighted me, yt for my part, I would hee came two or three times a week to serue me in such sort againe. From hence, Faustus went to Alkar, the which before time was called Chairam or Memphis,49 in this Citie the Egiptian Souldane holdeth his Court. From hence the riuer Nilus hath his first head and spring, it is the greatest fresh-water riuer that is in the whole world, and alwaies when the Sunne is in Cancer, it ouerfloweth the whole land of Egypt: then hee returned againe towards the North-east, and to the towne of Ofen50 and Sabatz 51 in Hungaria. This Ofen is the chiefest Citie in Hungaria, and standeth in a fertile soyle, wherein groweth most excellent wine, and not farre from the Towne there is a wel, called Zipzar,52 the water whereof changeth yron into Copper: here are mines of gold and siluer, and all maner of mettall, we Germains call this towne Ofen, but in the Hungarian speech it is Start53 In the towne standeth a very faire Castell, and very well fortified. From hence he went to Austria, and through Slesia into Saxony, vnto the townes of Magdeburg and Liptzig, and Lubeck. Magdeburg is a Bishoprick: in this Citie is one of the pitchers wherein Christ changed the water into wine at Cana in Galile. At Liptzig nothing pleased Faustus so well as the great vessell in the Castell made of wood, the which is bounde about with 24. yron hoopes, and euery hoope waieth 200. pound waight, they must goe vpon a ladder of 30. steps high before they can looke into it: hee saw also the new church-yard, where it is walled, and standeth vpon a faire plaine, the yard is 200. paces long, and round about in the inside of the wall, are goodly places seperated one from each other to see sepulchers in, which in the middle of the yard standeth very sumptuous: therein standeth a pulpit of white worke and golde. From hence hee came to Lubeck and Hamburg, where he made no abode, but away againe to Erfort in Duringen, where he visited the Freskold,54 and from Erfort hee went home to Wittenberg, when he had seene and visited many a strange place, being from home one yeare and a halfe, in which time he wrought more wonders than are here declared.

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