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reach vb. (pa. t. and pple. “raught”)
1. to lay hold of with the hand 2H6 II. iii. 43 “This staff of honour raught,” Ant. IV. ix. 30 “The hand of death hath raught him.”
2. to grasp “at” R2 I. iii. 72, 2H6 I. ii. 11, 3H6 I. iv. 68.
3. to extend in quantity or amount “to” LLL. IV. ii. 41 “The moon . . . raught not to five weeks,” 1H4 IV. i. 129 “What may the king's whole battle reach unto?.”
4. to attain “to” R3 I. i. 158 “another . . . close intent . . . which I must reach unto.”
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