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reason sb.:
1. observation, remark, account or explanation of something LLL. V. i. 2 “your r-s at dinner,” AYL. I. iii. 6, R3 IV. iv. 362 “Your r-s are too shallow,” H8 V. i. 50 “those fell mischiefs Our r-s laid before him,” Cor. V. iii. 158; talk, discourse Meas. I. ii. 196 “ and discourse,” Sonn. cli. 8 “flesh stays no further ”
2. cause, ground; phr. “reason” and “great reason”= there is good reason (for it) Wiv. II. ii. 16 “, you rogue, ,” LLL. V. ii. 28, John V. ii. 130 “and too he should,” R3 V. iii. 186 “Great reason why,” Tit. II. iii. 81.
3. reasonableness; chiefly in phr. “in (all) , good , 'tis but ,” MND. V. i. 261, Wint. IV. iii. [iv.] 420, 3H6 III. iii. 147, Oth. III. iii. 64 “in our common ,” Cym. IV. ii. 131 “in all safe reason.”
4. reasonable speech or behaviour Wiv. I. i. 218 “I shall do that that is ,” Ado V. i. 41 “thou speak'st ,” Mer.V. I. i. 116, AYL. II. vii. 100.
5. what is reasonable, reasonable amount Ado V. iv. 74 “no more than ,” Mer.V. III. v. 45.
6. “do ,” do justice, make satisfaction Tp. III. ii. 131, Tit. I. i. 279 “To do myself this and this right.”
7. “have ,” be right Gent. II. iv. 157, Ven. 612 “You have no reason to withhold me so.”
8. (with negative) possibility of action Gent. II. iv. 213 “There is no but” . . ., Shr. II. i. 401 “I see no reason but” . . .
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