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reason vb. (1 cf. REASON sb. 1)
1. to hold discussion, carry on conversation, discourse, talk LLL. I. i. 94 “How well he's read, to against reading!,” Mer.V. II. viii. 27 “I r-'d with a Frenchman yesterday, Who told me” . . ., H5 III. vii. 38 “my horse . . . 'Tis a subject for a sovereign to on,” R3 IV. iv. 536 “while we here,” Rom. III. i. 57 “Or coldly of your grievances.”
2. to question, discuss (“what, whether” . . .) 1H4 II. iii. 109, R3 I. iv. 93.
3. to discuss or argue (a matter) Cor. V. iii. 176, Lr. I. ii. 117, II. iv. 267 “reason not the need.”
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