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μηδὲν ὑποστειλάμενον, ‘without any reservations.’ The metaphor is originally a nautical one, ὑποστέλλεσθαι τὰ ἱστία, ‘to furl the sails.’ It is noticeable that the metaphors used by a nation are generally taken from their characteristic pursuits: in the Attic writers they are usually nautical, gymnastic, or legal.

ἐκείνως . . . εἰ, ‘(in the following way) . . . if’; cp. § 11 ἐκεῖθεν and note.

ἐτυράννευσεν, ‘came to the throne’; the so-called ‘ingressive’ aorist.

μεγάλα λέγειν, ‘to exaggerate’; cp. § 48 μείζω λέγειν.

ἐκ παντὸς τρόπου, ‘recklessly,’ lit. ‘by any means (I can)’, similarly used in N. C. 31; πᾶς from meaning ‘every’ often comes to mean ‘any’, cp. πανοῦργος, ‘a scoundrel,’ lit. ‘one who will do everything’ so ‘anything’.

οὕτω: qualifies qrase/ws, its position is probably due to a desire to avoid the hiatus which would be caused if it immediately preceded θρασέως.

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    • Isocrates, Nicocles or the Cyprians, 31
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