Doc. 168.-occupation of East-Tennessee.
General Burnside's report.1
headquarters Department of the Ohio, near Loudon bridge, Tenn., September 9.
Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief:
I have the honor to inform you that our forces now occupy Knoxville, Kingston, and other important points.
General Hartsuff's corps, after the concentration, of which I notified you, moved forward.
General Carter's cavalry division of that corps preceded the corps in three columns--one under command of General Shackelford, on Loudon Bridge; one under Colonel Bird, on Kingston; and one under Colonel Foster, on Knoxville.
The last-named places were taken without material opposition; but at Loudon the enemy was strongly posted.
After a brisk skirmish they were driven back by Shackelford's command.
They fired the bridge before they retreated, and it is now in ruins.
Colonel Bird captured at Kingston a steamboat in process of construction, but nearly finished.
Colonel Foster captured at Knoxville two locomotives and a number of cars.
And a very considerable amount of army stores was captured by different brigades of Carter's division.
Great praise is due to the troops of the command for their patience, endurance, and courage during the movement.
Hartsuff's corps, which has been in advance, has proved itself to be one of the best in the service.
I am thankful to report that we suffered no loss from the hands of the enemy, except a few wounded.
I have the honor to be, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief:
A. E. Burnside, Major-General.