Doc. 114.-battle at Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn: fought April 6-7, 1862.
General Grant's official report.
headquarters Dist. Western Tennessee, Pittsburgh, April Zzz, 1862.
To Capt. N. H. McLean, A. A. G., Department of Mississippi, St. Louis:
Captain: It becomes my duty again to report another battle fought between two great armies, one contending for the maintenance of the best government ever devised, and the other for its destruction.
It is pleasant to record the success of the army contending for the former principle.
On Sunday morning our pickets were attacked and driven in by the enemy.
Immediately the five divisions stationed at this place were drawn up in line of battle to meet them.
The battle soon waxed warm on the left and centre, varying at times to all parts of the line.
There was the most continuous firing of musketry and artillery ever heard on this continent, kept up until nightfall.
The enemy having forced the centre line to fall back nearly half-way from their camps to the landing, at a late hour in the afternoon a desperate effort was made by the enemy to turn our left and get possession of the landing, transports, etc.
This point was guarded by the gunboats Tyler and Lexington, Capts.
Gwin and Shirk, commanding, with four twenty-four-pounder Parrott guns, and a battery of rifled guns.
As there is a deep and impassable ravine for artillery or cavalry, and very difficult for infantry at this point, no troops were stationed here except the necessary artillerists and a small infantry force for their support.
Just at this moment the advance of Major-Gen. Buell's column and a part of the division of Gen. Nelson arrived, the two generals named both being present.
An advance was immediately made upon the point of attack, and the enemy was soon driven back.
In this repulse, much is due to the presence of the gunboats Tyler and Lexington, and their able commanders, Capts. Gwin and Shirk.
During the night the divisions under Generals Crittenden and McCook arrived.
Gen. Lew. Wallace, at Camp Landing, six miles below, was ordered, at an early hour in the morning, to hold his division in readiness to move in any direction it might be ordered.
At eleven o'clock, the order was delivered to move it up to Pittsburgh, but owing to its being led by a circuitous route, did not arrive in time to take part in Sunday's action.
During the night all was quiet, and, feeling that a great moral advantage would be gained by becoming the attacking party, an advance was ordered as soon as day dawned.
The result was the gradual repulse of the enemy at all points of the line, from nine until probably five o'clock in the afternoon, when it became evident the enemy was retreating.
Before the close of the action the advance of Gen. T. J. Wood's division arrived in time to take part in the action.
My force was too much fatigued, from two days hard fighting and exposure in the open air to a drenching rain during the intervening night, to pursue immediately.
Night closed in cloudy and with a heavy rain, making the roads impracticable for artillery by the next morning.
Gen. Sherman, however, followed the enemy, finding that the main part of the army had retreated in good order.
Hospitals with the enemy's wounded were found all along the road as far as pursuit was made.
Dead bodies of the enemy and many graves were also found.
I inclose herewith a report of Gen. Sherman, which will explain more fully the result of the pursuit, and of the part taken by each separate command.
I cannot take special notice in this report, but will do so more fully when the reports of the division commanders are handed in.
General Buell, commanding in the field with a distinct army long under his command, and which did such efficient service, commanded by himself in person on the field, will be much better able to notice those of his command who particularly distinguished themselves, than I possibly can.
I feel it a duty, however, to a gallant and able officer, Brigadier-Gen. W. T. Sherman, to make special mention.
He not only was with his command
during the entire two days of the action, but displayed great judgment and skill in the management of his men; although severely wounded in the hand on the first day, his place was never vacant.
He was again wounded, and had three horses killed under him. In making this mention of a gallant officer no disparagement is intended to other division commanders or major-generals, Jno. A. McClernand, and Lewis Wallace, and Brigadier-Generals Hurlbut, Prentiss, and W. H. L. Wallace, all of whom maintained their places with credit to themselves and the cause.
Gen. Prentiss was taken prisoner on the first day's action, and Gen. W. H. L. Wallace was severely, and probably mortally wounded.
His Assistant Adjutant-General, Capt. Wm. McMichael, is missing, and was probably taken prisoner.
My personal staff are all deserving of particular mention, they having been engaged during the entire two days in carrying orders to every part of the field.
It consists of Colonel J. D. Webster, Chief of Staff; Lieut.-Col. J. B. McPherson, Chief of Engineers, assisted by Lieuts. W. L. B. Jenny and Wm. Kossac; Capt. J. A. Rawlings, Assistant Adjutant-General; W. S. Hilger, W. R. Rawley, and C. B. Lagon, Aids-de-Camp; Col. G. Pride, Volunteer Aid, and Captain J. P. Hawkins, Chief Commissary, who accompanied me upon the field.
The medical department, under direction of Surgeon Hewitt, Medical Director, showed great energy in providing for the wounded and in getting them from the field, regardless of danger.
Col. Webster was placed in special charge of all the artillery, and was constantly upon the field.
He displayed, as always heretofore, both skill and bravery.
At least in one instance he was the means of placing an entire regiment in position of doing most valuable service, and where it would not have been but for his exertions.
Lieut.-Col. McPherson, attached to my staff as Chief of Engineers, deserves more than a passing notice for his activity and courage.
All the grounds beyond our camps for miles have been reconnoitred by him, and the plans carefully prepared under his supervision give the most accurate information of the nature of the approaches to our lines.
During the two days battle he was constantly in the saddle leading the troops as they arrived to points where their services were required.
During the engagement he had one horse shot under him.
The country will have to mourn the loss of many brave men who fell at the battle of Pittsburgh, or Shiloh more properly.
The exact loss in killed and wounded will be known in a day or two.
At present I can only give it approximately at one thousand five hundred killed and three thousand five hundred wounded.
The loss of artillery was great, many pieces being disabled by the enemy's shots, and some losing all their horses and many men. There were probably not less than two hundred horses killed.
The loss of the enemy in killed and left upon the field was greater than ours.
In the wounded an estimate cannot be made, as many of them must have been sent to Corinth and other points.
The enemy suffered terribly from demoralization and desertion.
A flag of truce was sent in to-day from Gen. Beauregard.
I inclose herewith a copy of the correspondence.
I am respectfully,
Your obedient servant, To Capt. N. H. McLean, A. A. G., Department of Mississippi, St. Louis:
U. S. Grant, Major-General Commanding.
Correspondence between Generals Beauregard and Grant.
headquarters Department of Mississippi, Monterey, April 8, 1862.
sir: At the close of the conflict of yesterday my forces being exhausted by the extraordinary length of the time during which they were engaged with yours, on that and the preceding day, and it being apparent that you had received and were still receiving, reinforcements, I felt it my duty to withdraw my troops from the immediate scene of the conflict.
Under these circumstances, in accordance with the usages of war, I shall transmit this under a flag of truce, to ask permission to send a mounted party to the battle-field of Shiloh, for the purpose of giving decent interment to my dead.
Certain gentlemen wishing to avail themselves of this opportunity to remove the remains of their sons and friends, I must request for them the privilege of accompanying the burial-party; and in this connection I deem it proper to say I am asking what I have extended to your own countrymen under similar circumstances.
Respectfully, General, your obedient servant, P. G. T. Beauregard, General Commanding. To Major-General U. S. Grant, Major-General Commanding U. S. Forces Pittsburgh Landing.
Headquarters army in field, Pittsburgh, April 9.
To General P. G. T. Beauregard, Commanding Confederate Army on Mississippi, Monterey, Tenn.:
Your despatch of yesterday is just received.
Owing to the warmth of the weather I deemed it advisable to have all the dead of both parties buried immediately.
Heavy details were made for this purpose, and it is now accomplished.
There cannot, therefore, be any necessity of admitting within our lines the parties you desired to send on the grounds asked.
I shall always be glad to extend any courtesy consistent with duty, and especially so when dictated by humanity.
I am, General, respectfully, your obedient servant, To General P. G. T. Beauregard, Commanding Confederate Army on Mississippi, Monterey, Tenn.:
U. S. Grant, Major-General Commanding.
Report of Major-General Lew. Wallace.
headquarters Third division U. S. Forces, District of West-Tennessee, Pittsburgh Landing, April 12, 1862.
Capt. John A. Rawlins, A. A. General:
sir: Sunday morning, sixth inst., my brigades, three in number, were encamped, the First at
Crump's Landing, the Second, two miles from that Landing, and the Third, at Capt. John A. Rawlins, A. A. General: